Update 26-06-2018
- Fcoin will be listed on coinmarketcap after the Beta. Here are the statistics: https://www.narmb.com/coins/fcoin?locale=en
- Fcoin will release an IOS and Android app asap
- It will take 100 days to reach the 10 billion total supply with this volume
- A new telegram community is active for Korean people: https://t.me/fcoinofficial
- Want to use Coins api? You can now check the development part here: https://developer.fcoin.com
- The Japanese community has started a Telegram group: https://t.me/fcoinfanjapanese
- An interview with Jian Zhang: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uMJWBrVxTOR1eRjo6Lzq5Fa9btVMj2wr/view?usp=drivesdk
More to become.....