Conquering Fear: Unveiling the Path to Overcoming Our Deepest Anxieties

in fear •  last year  (edited)


Sometimes fear is necessary and has many positives, but when fear exceeds a certain level it becomes the arch enemy. What are the ways to overcome fear?

Fear is an acquired emotion, meaning that no one is born with fears. It is a healthy feeling until it gets out of control, at which point it must be overcome if we want to succeed in life in general. What are the most important ways to overcome fear?

Ways to overcome fear
How do I get rid of fear? If an individual suffers from fears that he cannot control, he must seek help from a specialist doctor, but there are some ways and means that may help the individual treat fear, including:

¡. Ways to physically overcome fear
How do I get rid of fear? Here are a group of methods that help treat somatic fear, including:

Follow relaxation techniques, such as: deep breathing and yoga.
Follow a healthy diet, as there are many foods that fight fear and anxiety.
Practicing exercise on a regular basis because of its ability to direct an individual’s thinking and keep him away from thinking about fear, as the brain can focus on one action at a time, is one of the ways that helps in overcoming fear.

¡¡. Ways to overcome fear intellectually and behaviorally
As for ways to overcome intellectual and behavioral fear, they include the following:

Write down the things you are grateful for.
Appreciation of self-courage.
Understanding fears, sometimes understanding fears and expressing them gives the individual the strength to overcome them.
Determine if a fear is real. Many fears are irrational fears and fantasies.
Thinking Long-Term: Although thinking long-term about fear may not solve the problems that currently exist, it helps us think more logically.
Education: When anxiety is caused by fear of the unknown, education helps us see based on established information and facts rather than guesswork.
Practice and role-playing, especially if the fear is caused by future objects, situations, or events. For example, if the fear is of speaking in front of an audience, playing the role of the speaker and practicing helps get rid of the fear.

Visualize success. Visualizing the success of a step before taking it makes it easier to achieve. Because mental planning helps the individual follow the previously drawn path.
Knowing the extent of fear is one of the most prominent ways to overcome fear, as sometimes the fear of the problem is greater than the problem itself.

Following in the footsteps of others If your fear is about something that has been achieved before, turning to someone who has achieved it may help you get rid of the fear faster.
Maintain positivity; Because it helps with continuity even after initial failure.
Flexibility: When one method fails, the individual must be flexible enough to try another method.
Repeated exposure therapy, which is based on reducing the extent of fears with the aim of getting used to them, must be carried out under the supervision of a mental health specialist.

Among the most important techniques used in repeated exposure therapy are:
Systematic Desensitization: The individual is gradually exposed to a series of situations that include the source of fear. If the individual is complaining of fear of snakes, the series begins by talking about snakes, then by showing pictures of snakes.
Flooding: It is based on the fact that fear is an acquired and learned emotion, and overcoming fear is only by overcoming it and forgetting it.

Causes of fear

After we have identified the most prominent ways to overcome fear, we must now be aware that there are several factors that cause fear, some of which are complex and result from previous experiences, and
some of which are direct and result immediately after exposure to a circumstance. We mention some of them:

Real environmental risks.
Certain objects and situations, such as: agoraphobia, aviophobia, and arachnophobia.
Fear of the unknown.
Fear of future events.
Delusional fantasies.

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