Fear Of The Unknown: Exploring Bizarre Phobias

in fear •  2 years ago  (edited)

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Fear is a natural emotion – it keeps us alert and aware of our surroundings. Unfortunately, some people take it to the extreme, and develop phobias of the most bizarre and unexpected things! From fear of peanut butter to fear of yellow, here are 10 phobias that will shock you.

Fear of the Unknown takes a unique look into these strange phobias, and why people develop them. We'll cover the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth (Arachibutyrophobia), fear of germs (Mysophobia), fear of laughter (Geliophobia), fear of blood (Hemophobia), fear of strangers (Xenophobia), fear of the dark (Nyctophobia), fear of open spaces (Agoraphobia), fear of being laughed at (Rhytiphobia), fear of clowns (Coulrophobia), fear of odd shapes (Trypophobia), fear of the colour yellow (Xanthophobia), and fear of being without your phone (Nomophobia).

Let’s dive into the strange world of bizarre phobias!

Fear Of The Unknown

The fear of the unknown is an inherent anxiety that many of us have experienced throughout our lives. It is the fear of the unknown that often evokes a feeling of apprehension and caution when faced with a novel situation. This fear of the unknown can be particularly pronounced when it comes to bizarre phobias.

Bizarre phobias are extreme fears of specific objects, activities, or situations. These fears are often irrational, and they can manifest themselves in both physical and emotional ways. Some common bizarre phobias include the fear of spiders (arachnophobia), the fear of public speaking (glossophobia), and the fear of heights (acrophobia). Bizarre phobias often go beyond simply being afraid of something, as they can lead to intense anxiety, avoidance behaviors, and even panic attacks.

The fear of the unknown may be particularly intense for those with bizarre phobias. For example, an individual afflicted with arachnophobia may be fearful of unknown spiders that may lurk in dark corners or crevices. Likewise, an individual with glossophobia may be overwhelmed with fear when faced with the prospect of public speaking. In both cases, it is the fear of the unknown that can provide the most intense feelings of fear and anxiety.

For some individuals, the fear of the unknown can be effectively managed by using coping strategies such as deep breathing, visualization, and mindfulness. Other individuals may benefit from professional help, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, to better understand and manage their fear of the unknown. In any case, it is important to recognize that the fear of the unknown can be a normal and healthy reaction in many difficult and novel situations.


otherwise referred to as peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth phobia, is one of the more bizarre phobias to exist. This phobia has origin stories that vary, such as an individual getting a peanut butter sandwich stuck to the roof of their mouth and feeling the sensation of suffocation or the belief that ingesting peanut butter can somehow cause deformation to their face, tongue, throat, and more.

People who suffer from arachibutyrophobia experience an intense fear when they come in contact with peanut butter or anything related to peanut butter. The fear is so intense that they often cannot even bring themselves to be in the same room with peanut butter, let alone consume it. Symptoms of arachibutyrophobia include, but are not limited to, dizziness, nausea, trembling, sweating, and difficulty breathing.

It is important that individuals suffering from arachibutyrophobia find treatments that works best for them. This may include psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and/or medications like antidepressants and anxiolytics. It is important to remember that while arachibutyrophobia is a bizarre condition and can be quite challenging, treatment options are available.


, or the fear of contamination, is a relatively common and often bizarre phobia. It is characterized by a persistent and irrational fear of germs, dirt, and other types of contamination. People who suffer from this phobia might have exaggerated beliefs regarding the risks they face from contact with contaminated objects or surfaces. This phobia can be so severe that it can severely limit a person’s ability to lead a normal life and can interfere with daily activities.

Some of the most common fears associated with mysophobia include a fear of touching door handles, fear of going out in public, fear of getting sick, fear of being contaminated by germs on surfaces, and fear of being exposed to contagions. Other symptoms of mysophobia may include panic attacks, excessive hand-washing, frequent disinfecting of surfaces, avoiding public restrooms, and wearing gloves when touching objects.

In severe cases of mysophobia, people may become obsessed with cleaning and sanitation. They may go to great lengths to keep their home, workplace, and other areas clean of germs and bacteria. They may also spend a significant amount of time washing their hands or using antibacterial wipes. People with mysophobia may also be overly cautious when it comes to food preparation and storage, and may avoid eating at restaurants or ordering take-out.

Mysophobia can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy, which helps people challenge their irrational fears and develop healthier, more adaptive coping strategies. It is also important to take steps to reduce stress and anxiety levels, as these can contribute to the development or intensification of mysophobia.


, or fear of laughter, is one of the most bizarre phobias known to exist. It is believed to have developed as a result of a traumatic event, such as being publicly ridiculed or laughed at. People who suffer from this phobia have an irrational fear of being laughed at, and the mere thought of someone laughing at them can cause them to experience shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, and severe anxiety. They may also experience irrational feelings of shame and embarrassment.

Those who suffer from geliophobia are often so self-conscious of their fear that they avoid situations where laughter is likely to take place. This can include anything from movies and TV shows to social gatherings, where someone may even be laughing at something completely unrelated to the sufferer. As geliophobia is such an incredibly specific phobia, it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis, meaning that many people living with this fear may be unaware of the disorder.

Geliophobia is considered a social phobia, and is often treated with a combination of psychotherapies and anti-anxiety medications. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is often used to help a person identify and reframe negative thought patterns that may be contributing to their fear. Additionally, practitioners may assign exposure exercises, in which the sufferer is gradually exposed to laughter in a safe environment, in order to build confidence and reduce fear. Medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and benzodiazepines may also be used to reduce anxiety and help the person to cope with their fear.

It is important to note that geliophobia is a very serious and debilitating condition and should not be taken lightly. If you, or someone you know, are living with geliophobia, it is important to seek the help of a qualified mental health practitioner, who can provide a tailored treatment plan to help manage and reduce your fear.


, also commonly known as hematophobia, is one of the most bizarre phobias out there. It is a fear of blood or other bodily fluids and of situations involving the sight of them. People with hemophobia experience a range of physical symptoms when they encounter blood, such as nausea, dizziness, panic attacks, and fainting. It is also linked to an intense fear of needles and injections due to the fear of blood being drawn and spilled.

Hemophobia can be triggered by a number of different things, including visual images of blood, TV shows or movies which portray gruesome violence, needles or medical procedures, or even just the sight of one’s own blood. For example, some people may fear the sight of their own blood when they get their period, leading to extreme discomfort and avoidance of the sight of blood.

The fear of blood is particularly common among young children, who may be afraid of the sight of their own or another person’s blood. It is often due to lack of knowledge, anxiety about potential injury or illness, or even simply a feeling of disgust for the unfamiliar sight of blood. Hemophobia can be particularly prevalent in those with a medical background, such as doctors, nurses, or medical technicians.

People with hemophobia, especially in more severe cases, may find it difficult to perform everyday activities such as going to the doctor or the dentist. They may experience a significant amount of stress, even in seemingly low-threat situations, and may resort to avoidance behavior to cope with the feelings of panic, nausea, and dizziness associated with the sight of blood.

The good news is that hemophobia can be managed with counseling and cognitive-behavioral therapy, which can help people to better understand and cope with the fear of blood. Relaxation techniques and positive visualization can also be useful in alleviating the physical symptoms associated with hemophobia, suchas nausea and dizziness.


is one of the most common and bizarre phobias that people experience. It is an irrational fear of strangers or things from foreign countries. This fear is believed to develop from a combination of various messages from our society, from parents, from friends, and even from the media. Xenophobia can manifest in a variety of ways, from simply avoiding foreign places or people, to a more extreme sense of paranoia and anxiety in the presence of foreign elements.

In some cases, xenophobia can be based on a true fear of something unknown. For instance, if a person has had negative experiences with people from other countries in the past, they may develop a fear of the unknown and avoid foreign places or people. Similarly, individuals who are exposed to a great amount of negative media portrayals of people from other countries may develop feelings of xenophobia.

In other cases, xenophobia can be rooted in prejudice and cultural bias. Often, people may develop xenophobia as a result of their surrounding or upbringing. Their views of the world may be shaped by their family, friends, and society, leading to feelings of distrust and prejudice toward people from different backgrounds or countries.

Xenophobia can be a serious problem, with mental health and social consequences. People who suffer from xenophobia may have difficulty forming relationships and interacting with diverse groups. Furthermore, this fear can cause isolation and loneliness, as well as reducing educational and economic opportunities.

It is important to recognize when someone is suffering from xenophobia and to get them the support and help they need. This can come in the form of education and therapy, both of which can help someone better understand their fear and learn coping strategies for managing it in their day-to-day life. Additionally, it is important to be aware of our own biases and prejudices, and to strive to create an environment of acceptance and understanding.


, also known as Achluophobia, is one of the most bizarre phobias out there. It is the fear of darkness and the unknown that comes with it. Those with Nyctophobia may experience intense anxiety when in dark spaces, or even just anticipating a dark space. This fear can be so debilitating that it can prevent an individual from completing a task or living their normal life.

It is often linked to childhood trauma, such as being locked in a dark closet, or being scared by something in the dark. However, it can also be linked to more broad anxieties such as a fear of the unknown. The dark can be a huge unknown as there may be something lurking within all that blackness that is unknown and, thus, can be frightening.

Nyctophobia is often linked to other phobias such as claustrophobia, the fear of enclosed spaces. This is because, when in the dark, one may try to escape and find the closest enclosed space to hide in, only to become more panicked. In severe cases, Nyctophobia can even lead to a fear of the nighttime.

The symptoms of Nyctophobia vary from person to person, but the most common ones are trembling, shortness of breath and a feeling of impending danger. However, it can also manifest as avoidance of dark places, a sense of dread when anticipating dark spaces, and difficulty sleeping.

People with Nyctophobia should seek help from a mental health professional. Exposure therapy is a commonly used method to help someone with Nyctophobia overcome their fear. This type of therapy helps people gradually become accustomed to dark environments, building up their tolerance for the dark little by little. People often find that the fear isn't as great as before, or that it is completely gone after treatment.

Nyctophobia is an intense fear of darkness and the unknown that comes withit


is one of the most bizarre phobias, which can have a profound and disabling effect on a person's life. It is a fear of being in places or situations from which it might be difficult or embarrassing to escape or get help in case of an emergency. Agoraphobics, who suffer from this phobia, often experience a sense of panic or dread when confronted with situations like being in crowds, open spaces, being outside, or traveling in a car, bus or train. Those afflicted by this phobia often feel a sense of danger or helplessness and so, in order to avoid the situation, may stay at home or in a familiar environment.

Agoraphobia, which is often linked to Panic Disorder, is a complex psychological issue and can vary greatly in intensity from person to person. It affects more women than men, and typically begins in early adulthood, though there are cases where it has developed in later life.

The primary symptom of Agoraphobia is fear and anxiety when confronted with situations that the individual perceives as dangerous or embarrassing. Other related symptoms include dizziness, sweating, trembling, nausea and chest pain. Those suffering from Agoraphobia often deal with anticipatory anxiety, which is the fear of having a panic attack in the feared environment. In more severe cases, the fear of panic attacks can expand to fear of physical symptoms such as heart palpitations. This fear of physical symptoms can cause the person to become trapped inside their home or an area of safety.

Treatment for Agoraphobia usually involves psychotherapy such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Exposure Therapy, where the individual systematically exposes himself or herself to the feared environment in a structured and safe way, while gradually overcoming the fear. Medications such as anti-anxiety drugs and antidepressants may also be used to help alleviate symptoms, though they should be used with caution.

Agoraphobia is a serious condition, but one that is treatable and can be managed with the help of a qualified mental health professional. With proper help and support, those suffering from Agoraphobia can learn to manage their symptoms and lead a more fulfilling life.


, also known as fear of music, is one of the most bizarre phobias. It is an extreme fear of music, or any sound that resembles music. This fear can also manifest as fear of musical instruments and/or fear of people singing or playing music. Rhytiphobia is often caused by traumatic experiences associated with music, such as a traumatic event in which the person was exposed to music at a loud and overwhelming volume.

The symptoms of Rhytiphobia can be physical, psychological, or both. Physically, the person may experience increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, and shortness of breath. Psychologically, they may feel anxious or panicky, or experience a sense of dread or fear when exposed to even the simplest of melodies or note patterns.

Treatment for Rhytiphobia can include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), in which the person is exposed to music at a controllable volume and taught how to cope with the fear. Other treatments include relaxation techniques and medications, such as antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and benzodiazepines.

It is important to note that Rhytiphobia is not something that can be cured quickly, as it may take some time for someone to get used to the music and to be able to enjoy it without feeling scared or anxious. It is important for someone suffering from Rhytiphobia to find the right treatment approach for them so that they can enjoy music without fear.


, which is derived from the Greek words 'kolon' meaning 'stilt' and 'phobos' meaning 'fear', is one of the most bizarre and unnerving phobias of all. As the name implies, Coulrophobia is an extreme fear of clowns, or people wearing clown costumes. It is a type of specific phobia, which is an irrational fear of a particular object or situation.

Individuals who suffer from coulrophobia may experience feelings of intense fear, dread, and panic when they come into contact with clowns. They may also experience racing heartbeats, shortness of breath, and a tightness in their chest. Some people may even find themselves avoiding clowns and clown-related activities at all costs.

Though the actual cause of coulrophobia is uncertain, it is believed to be a result of a traumatic experience or a fear of the unknown. Children, who often find clowns to be intimidating due to their strange appearance and over-the-top behavior, are particularly susceptible to coulrophobia.

There are various treatment options available for people who suffer from coulrophobia. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most common treatments and can help a person identify and challenge the irrational thoughts associated with their fear. Other treatments, such as hypnotherapy and exposure therapy, can also be used to help an individual manage their fear.

Though coulrophobia is not as widely discussed as some other phobias, it is a very real condition that can be extremely difficult to cope with. For those who suffer from coulrophobia, understanding their fear and exploring treatment options is key to overcoming it.


is one of the most bizarre phobias and has recently started to gain more attention due to its prevalence in popular culture. Trypophobia, also known as the fear of holes, is a fear of patterns of small holes or clusters of objects. This fear can be triggered by a wide range of stimuli, including pictures of honeycombs, lotus seed heads, sponges, and coral. People who suffer from trypophobia may experience a range of reactions, including a sense of fear, anxiety, revulsion, and disgust. The underlying cause of this fear is still unknown and further research is needed to understand why such a fear exists.

Those who suffer from trypophobia are often embarrassed and unwilling to discuss their fear, making it difficult to diagnose. People with trypophobia may be too fearful to look at certain objects, and they may even go to extreme lengths to avoid them. For example, they may avoid water or food with small holes, and may even go into panic or anxiety attacks if they see images or objects with patterns of small holes.

While it is still unclear why some people are more prone to trypophobia than others, it is believed that the fear may be related to an evolutionary response to objects and images which were associated with danger in the past. For example, certain kinds of plants, such as cacti, may have been seen as dangerous by our ancestors and the sight of their patterned holes may have been associated with fear.

Though the fear of holes is still not widely accepted as a legitimate phobia, many people who suffer from trypophobia have found relief through therapy and exposure therapy. These treatments can help to reduce the fear response associated with physical or visual stimuli, and can help individuals to become more comfortable with the feared objects or images.

Though trypophobia is still not widely recognized as a real phobia, it isimportant to remember that it can still have a significant impact on a person's life. If you or someone you know has trypophobia, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional in order to learn ways to cope with the fear.

Xanthophobia – Fear of the Color Yellow

Xanthophobia, also known as chrysophobia, is a bizarre phobia that manifests as an irrational fear of the color yellow. While the cause of this fear is unknown, some believe it might stem from an unpleasant or traumatic experience that was linked to the color yellow. An intense fear of yellow may lead individuals to avoid certain items, places, and people that are heavily associated with the color.

The fear of the color yellow is most commonly observed in young children and tends to dissipate over time. It is rare for this fear to follow someone into adulthood, however, it can happen.

Some of the symptoms of Xanthophobia might include dizziness, increased heart rate and heavy sweating when faced with something yellow. Sweating, rapid breathing, and nausea are other common symptoms of this phobia. In addition, those suffering from xanthophobia may suffer from a feeling of panic, or intense anxiety when exposed to the color.

One of the most common treatments for this fear is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Through CBT, individuals can learn to identify negative thought patterns and retrain themselves to have a more positive outlook on the color. Prolonged exposure therapy is also another effective method for treating xanthophobia. Through this type of therapy, individuals are gradually exposed to yellow objects and encouraged to face their fears in a safe, supportive environment.

For those suffering from Xanthophobia, understanding that the color yellow is not dangerous and seeking help from a mental health professional is the best way to cope. Seeking professional help can be instrumental in treating the fear and allowing individuals to live a more fulfilling life.

Nomophobia – Fear of Being Without Your Phone

Nomophobia, also known as the fear of being without your phone, is one of the more recently identified bizarre phobias. This fear is particularly relevant in the modern age of smartphones and constant connectivity. If you live in a world where almost your entire life revolves around your device, the thought of losing it, having it taken away, or simply not having access to it can be extremely unsettling.

Though it was first identified in the late 2000s, nomophobia has quickly become one of the most common phobias among modern-day tech users. Those who experience nomophobia will typically become extremely anxious when they find themselves in a situation where they don’t have access to their phones. This can include being without their device for a prolonged period of time, not having a good signal or connection, or being in an area where there is no cell-phone service. This can lead to feelings of panic, confusion and even depression in the worst cases.

In some cases, sufferers of nomophobia may even take extreme measures to avoid being without their phone. This can include constantly carrying a backup battery, being overly protective of their phone, or constantly checking it for notifications. In extreme cases, sufferers may even become agitated or agitated when asked to leave their phone at home, especially when going out in public.

The good news is that, like most phobias, nomophobia can be treated with the right help. A professional therapist or counselor can help a sufferer of nomophobia learn how to manage their fear and better control their emotions when they’re away from their phone. Additionally, reducing technology use can also be useful in treating nomophobia. Taking regular breaks from technology, and giving yourself the space to live without relying on your phone, can be a great way to learn how to better manage the feelings of anxiety that come with nomophobia.


We have explored the world of Phobias, and what it means to live with the fear of the unknown. From the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth, to the fear of being outside, we have come to understand that no matter how bizarre a fear may seem, it can have a real and lasting impact on our lives. We have also seen how advances in technology and society have created new types of phobias, such as Nomophobia or the fear of being without our phone.

In the end, it is important to remember that we are all capable of facing our fears, no matter how strange they may seem. With the courage of facing what lies in the dark, we are bound to discover a world of possibilities and opportunities, and the strength of character we develop in the process will stay with us forever.

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