FEAR is the single most limiting characteristic of our ego (the little voice that runs inside us telling us we cannot do that, can't do this, have to do that). The meaning of fear is that we are not capable of doing or acting a certain way. When we experience the fear, we limit ourselves in many ways.
The message of FEAR is "I am unable to do that." It tells us that we can not go beyond what other people (maybe our parents or spouse) expect of us. In short, we have become afraid to take risks, to be individual and live life to its fullest. We are scared of stepping out into the world and trying to achieve something different.
Why do we let FEAR sabotage our lives? It's really quite simple. The more we try to avoid these fears - the more we are limited by them. This self-defeating behavior is rooted in our beliefs about who we are, our worth as an individual, and our true worth as a human being.
When FEAR sabotage our lives, it takes us back to the one place we want to escape from - the place where we feel very bad about ourselves. FEAR keeps us locked inside, unwilling and unable to move on with our lives. It keeps us stuck in a prison of false beliefs and false practices. We feel trapped and believe that if only we can get rid of the fears that are keeping us stuck, then life will just magically be magical and we will be happy.
But FEAR is part of our personality - so how do we get rid of it? Fortunately, it's fairly easy to get rid of, although it is not easy at all. But, the good news is that the fear can be conquered.
When we know how FEAR works and how it holds us hostage, it becomes possible to break free of its grip. It becomes possible to move on from our fears, whatever they may be and to live our lives in an honest and respectful manner. It is our choice to do this, however, and many of us choose to do it alone. But with some hard work and the assistance of friends and resources, we can work together to win the fight against FEAR - and win the prize that comes with it: freedom. You deserve it.