How Does Fear Attract Negativity?

in fear •  4 years ago 

The more fear we experience in our life, the more it becomes our default mode. This means that whenever something new comes up, the natural tendency is to be afraid of the unknown. Our lives become about laboring under the constant shadow of fear. A great abundance spirit always wants to throw open the doors of opportunity and joy.

When we encounter fear in any situation, there is only one thing that really matters. It's not how it affects us. It's what we do about it. If we fear losing something, then we stop pursuing it. If we fear failing, then we give up on our dreams. If we fear becoming old, then we live in constant anxiety about looking and feeling old.

But if we look deeply at our fear, we will see that it isn't based on anything real. It's all created in our mind. The fear itself creates the false reality of what could happen if we don't make the choice or follow through on our purpose.

What has happened to the world since the demise of the dinosaurs? Nothing really changed except for the people that were affected. Those who were impacted didn't lose anything. The world became a better place because they taught others how to rise above their fears and develop courage. Those who taught those principles took on the mantle of leadership and influence others to do the same.

That's what's so amazing about this world. When we are at our most vulnerable, the universe offers the most goodness. We just need to turn around and see it for what it really is. Fear is the primary driving force that bring negativity into our lives, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

When we are faced with fear, we must push past it and take action. That action is an investment in ourselves. It requires strength and wisdom to realize that every decision we make brings us closer to who we are. It requires the ability to rise above fear.

That can only happen when we take action. If you have deep fears and have been hiding them, now is the time to face them head on. It won't make you a good leader if you won't even learn to admit your fears. Until you are able to acknowledge your fears, how can you expect others to do so?

There is a saying I like to live by: "The eye of the beholder." We can choose to see the good in everything or we can choose to live in denial. In order to be successful, we must first allow ourselves to view the possibility of failure. Only then will we be able to accept defeat without accepting responsibility.

The most powerful tool we have in our toolbox for changing the world is believed to be our subconscious mind. Whatever thoughts we hold in our minds, those thoughts become reality. What we focus on gets us. What we hide from our friends, we don't always tell them. What we hide from ourselves, we don't even think about.

The way to combat fear and negativity is to keep our focus where it belongs: on ourselves. Until we examine our fears and doubts, we cannot expect to change the negative aspects of our lives. We cannot hope to make our dreams come true if we hide from the truth about who we are. Only by examining our fears, can we understand who we are.

This is not an easy task, but it is worth the work. The more time we spend analyzing our fears, the more insight we will find. We may discover that our fears are actually self-justifying. Our negative reaction to something may actually be a result of our own lack of understanding about what really is happening. We might see that our negative reaction to something is rooted in something deeper, and we can begin to work through those issues.

Once we have identified the source of our fear, then we can take steps to conquer it. The more insight we gain into our fears, the easier it becomes to eliminate them. Fear draws negativity because it keeps us from seeing things clearly. The more we focus on our fears, the more clarity we see in our lives. Once we have defeated fear, then we can live with peace and harmony.

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