The opposite of fear is curiosity.

in fear •  last year 


I think that makes more sense than saying it’s love, because love is complex, and full of wonder and fear is dull snd full of repetition.

In saying we are curious, we are saying we are awake to important differences … that we are following what is going on … and not giving into fear and the isolation it causes.

This is how we keep from becoming dead inside … for that is where a loss of curiosity leads us and to simply stop caring … about anything but maintaining our slavery to fear.

That’s where they want you … dead inside. The zombie thing is not a joke; it’s very real. If you look around, you will see examples everywhere… even among your friends or members of your family.

It’s an insidious plot and the only way to not get caught in it is to keep your love strong … and your awareness expansive … your spirit forceful, and then … not to back down on what you believe to be true. It’s not easy, but it’s what keeps you alive.

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