in fearblog •  8 years ago 

Taking a look at the future of many people today, you see them doing great things. On your own right now, you see great potentials in them which could make them millionaires in a short period of time..They possess skills that could fetch them good money, good means of livelihood. But why are they stagnant? Why are they not growing or doing well? Why are they still poor and jobless? FEAR!.

You may know a person who is good in networking, good in web design,possess many skills that even when he sets up a skill acquisition programme, he will excel.This same person may be gifted in writing and has been introduced to steemit. Yet, why hasn't he started posting or blogging or doing anything else from the above skills? FEAR!

Fear of starting up? Fear of making a move? Fear of failing? Fear of uncertainty? All of the above. They fail to realize that fear of failure leads to failure. Besides our worst fears are those that never happen.Fear is just a product of our imagination.

Granted everyone fears.The difference between how successful people entertain fear and the fear entertained by any other person is that successful people work and move past their fears. They think big, go get what they want and be where they want to be. But if you think small of yourself because you are afraid and unsure of your self, you stay small.

Rather that being afraid of starting up something or fear failing, look fear in the face and do that which you think you cannot do. Curiosity they say conquers fear.You really cannot change your life until you change the things you do daily.. An adage in my place says no one watches a dance from a spot except the dancer keeps turning. With the economic situation in our world today, anyone who earns money only one day in a month but spends money everyday of the month will remain poor. so let the youths or unemployed create jobs for themselves, those employed also create other sources of income, residual income. For you steemians steem on but invest in something that will also yield you more income, diverisify, every one, remove fear of failing and harness your potentials.

I have learned a lot from John C Maxwell whom i have never met but i share the same sentiment he expressed in his book, "HOW SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE GROW", he says: "I am such a strong believer in people and in human potentials- not only in others but also myself". If you can believe in yourself and the potentials that is in you and then focus on growth, rather than on your fears, you really can not tell how far you can grow. A free advice for those who fear to make a move is given below


Stop and look fear in the face and build strength, confidence and courage
Create new stories about yourself filled with positive thoughts and remove fear from your mind
Believe in your self that you can do better, that you will excel
Do the things you fear



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Once you conquer your fear boommm u re a millonaire


One of the ways to face your fear is to do the thing you fear.

Sure thing, thanks

Fear is a big hindrance to destiny if not dealt with on time.

Correct man

I agree with you
There are lot of people with great potential of making it but are enwebbed in fear

Yet they say no job, thanks dear

We all have stand and face our fears at every point in time to have a shot at being victorious.

Thats what i preach too, thanks

I really enjoyed ur write up. Though is very easy to read about write up on how to conquer fear, is a different ball game practicing it.

it is true but when we know what is at stake such as caring for your needs and helping others in need also, it is worth the while to face

One of best way to overcome your fear is to actually face it.
If you don't face it and overcome it, but avoid it. You are only postponing the battle day.
Because it is the next huddle in life, that you need to overcome, for you to move to the next level.

You got the point, thanks

Dear you got it.
To me fear is synonymous to poverty

Sure cos fear leads to failure, thanks for stopping by

Fear of uncertainty -the unknown and fear of failure is what plagues many. I know not one successful man on earth who has not been a failure first before being a success. Overcome your fear, welcome failure, it's not the final script and rediscover your self through your failures. Lovely

Thanks edith

Face your fears and build confidence.
Fear is a thief and each time we exhibit the fear syndrome, we tend to wear that label of a thief...
So, lets learn to always deal with our fears and also conquer it.

i apprecaite your stopping by sir, thanks