Sesión completa Patos /Full session Ducks

in featheredfriday •  5 years ago  (edited)

El paseo por el jardín botanico de Madrid fue un verdadero placer. Recorrer un pasillo de tulipanes y encontrate al final una fuente con esta maravillosa pareja de patos

The walk through the botanical garden of Madrid was a real pleasure. Walk a corridor of tulips and finally find a fountain with this wonderful pair of ducks

Parece que mi presencia le agradaba, durante un buen rato nos observamos.
It seems that my presence pleased him, for a long time we watched each other.

Y llegó compañía.
And company arrived.

Allí los dejé y continué mi camino.
I left them there and continued on my way.

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Some very nice pictures of him. I like how closeups of the head and the eye, and how he really did appear to be paying attention to you and wanting his closeup shots to be just right.

I felt him watch me all the time.
Thank you for your comment. Health and joy :)

Lovely mallard shots! Hopeis green head is stunning and you captured him well! Thanks for posting to #featheredfriday!