Its my pleasure to partake with @nelinoeva's nice contest round 46 of #SMAP Show Me A Photo Contest in Feathered Friends Community. This round theme is about 'Blurb' which is combination between burb (a bird that looks impossibly cute) and blurd (a blurry bird picture). I had shot pretty Victoria crowned pigeon bird photos from the zoo of my travelling.
Thanks to @corvidae I have learned some new words referring to birds such as borb and floof. I do not hear this two words before. At the same time this ongoing contest word 'Blurb' is also unknown of me. But knowing this word I have found this theme selected bird of my photo gallery. Everyone has some bad photos and we can not keep them. But I consent same feelings with @nelinoeva, I do not delete some funny or blurry bird picture.
Victoria Crowned Pigeon is a beautiful bird which carries its crown on its head all the time. The shade of this bird is also very beautiful. I have noticed that many fashion designers use these amazing feather colors of nature as an inspiration to create their own designs. But when I was shot first photo of this bird, I was not caught clearly. So it is my blurry bird picture or my funniest bad bird photo in this contest. So have a nice day to enjoy with feathered friends with all.
Especially I would like to thanks all respectable team with shadows contest related such as @melinda010100, @annephilbrick, @apnigrich, @nelinoeva, @galenkp, @traciyork for their nice shadows contest and support to encourage me. And all other friends too.
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