RE: A hawk in the gardens

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A hawk in the gardens

in featherfriday •  6 years ago 

Right, the weekends are more important 😁
I think, my boss wouldn't mind, if there's no urgent work or so to do, because I have to work the lost hours on another day 🙃

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OK thts cool you sort of have a flexible work hour concept that can be so handy at times

That's true, and as long as my account of working hours is on the positive side, everything is good :)

Yes Indeed, withme I think the boss isnt to worried about the working hours, as long as I m Turing out the things he needs he is happy, Nd he has yet to realize how quick I can turn things out and hence how much free time can have if I need

Your boss knows, what you are worth ... and soon your free time will never end :)))

Well I will see when I met with him soon time will tell


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