Lending crisis?

in fed •  last year 



We have inflation and unstable bank balance sheets because of action by the Federal Reserve to monetize the Administration's spending above tax revenue. Inflation reduces the real value of all wealth denominated in fixed annuity payments--all bonds, rental and insurance contracts.


The Fed was created originally with the hope that it would prevent such financial market crises but they have merely exacerbated them. Moreover, they seem not to understand what they are up to.

They see their money creating accommodation of Federal deficit sending as part of their task of assuring an "orderly market in Treasury debt," but because that causes inflation it is a disorderly market. Congress has no incentive to correct this distress for citizens and banks because then they would have to pay for their spending excesses by raising taxes. So we have a comfort equilibrium of government interests that assures inflation.

Get used to it.

And get out of fixed annuity assets, in particular Treasuries into assets like homes that you can finance with fixed payments but will reflect price inflation.

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