How To K!LL The Fed. By Gregory Mannarino

in fed •  5 years ago 


As long as the Fed. is allowed to, and called upon to issue more debt they will get exponentially stronger... the only way to win here is if we had a POTUS with guts and vision. He needs to forbid the Fed., right now, from issuing ANY MORE debt. The power of the Fed. exists in ONE THING! Their ability to issue more debt. You KILL The Fed. by disallowing them to issue a single more dollar of debt... GM

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We need a return to real money. Thanks mike

This crisis is being politicized, print free money, give tax free deductions, it's all acceptable as the ship has finally hit the iceberg, sinking to the bottom.

Posted via Steemleo

I totally agree. Maybe that's one of many reasons "they" released this Corona Virus, 2019-nCoV, COVID-19.

Wow, I can just say all those things FREELY HERE on steem because steem is not CENSORED. Take that facefart and gurgle.

Anyway, back to my point. The Corona Virus will let or allow the Fed to pump trillions of new debt into the system. From new million dollar airport screening facilities to free handouts for those put out of work. And the people will beg for it... No, they will DEMAND IT!

Part of me hopes this IS "The Great Clensing".
With all these people demanding shit for "my own safety", I fear for my life!

Maybe we should clean house a bit?