100 Articles on the Federal Reserve Curated Publications List

in federal •  6 years ago 

Central bank policies in the United States of America are created by the Federal Reserve System, which was created in 1913 in response to a financial crisis. It is the lender of last resort for US Banks. You can actually follow the Board of Governors on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/federalreserve.

You can see more about this institution at their website: https://www.federalreserve.gov/

Here are the hundred most cited publications with "Federal Reserve" in their title. It can be quite illuminating for cryptocurrency researchers.

  1. "What explains the stock market's reaction to Federal Reserve policy?". BS Bernanke, KN Kuttner. 2005. Wiley Online Library The Journal of finance. 1795 cites.
  2. "A history of the Federal Reserve". A Meltzer, CAE Goodhart. 2005. cambridge.org Macroeconomic Dynamics. 990 cites.
  3. "Federal Reserve information and the behavior of interest rates". CD Romer, DH Romer. 2000. aeaweb.org American Economic Review. 802 cites.
  4. "Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the Federal Reserve: Do They Work?". J Gagnon. 2010. books.google.com . 649 cites.
  5. "Federal Reserve interest rate targeting, rational expectations, and the term structure". GD Rudebusch. 1995. Elsevier Journal of monetary Economics. 630 cites.
  6. "Secrets of the temple: How the Federal Reserve runs the country". W Greider. 1989. books.google.com . 602 cites.
  7. "Bond yields and the Federal Reserve". M Piazzesi. 2005. journals.uchicago.edu Journal of Political Economy. 526 cites.
  8. "Monetary politics: The Federal Reserve and the politics of monetary policy". JT Woolley. 1985. books.google.com . 471 cites.
  9. "Macroeconomic effects of federal reserve forward guidance [with comments and discussion]". JR Campbell, CL Evans, JDM Fisher…. 2012. JSTOR Brookings Papers on …. 375 cites.
  10. "The signaling channel for Federal Reserve bond purchases". MD Bauer, GD Rudebusch. 2013. papers.ssrn.com . 329 cites.
  11. "Federal Reserve Board's semiannual monetary policy report to the Congress". A Greenspan. 2005. February. 286 cites.
  12. "The fed funds futures rate as a predictor of Federal Reserve policy". JT Krueger, KN Kuttner. 1996. Wiley Online Library Journal of Futures Markets: Futures …. 264 cites.
  13. "Should the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve be concerned about fiscal policy?". M Canzoneri, R Cumby, B Diba. 2002. kansascityfed.org Rethinking stabilization policy. 264 cites.
  14. "Crisis and responses: the Federal Reserve in the early stages of the financial crisis". SG Cecchetti. 2009. aeaweb.org Journal of Economic Perspectives. 246 cites.
  15. "The international origins of the Federal Reserve System". JL Broz. 1997. books.google.com . 224 cites.
  16. "The evolution of macro models at the Federal Reserve Board". F Brayton, A Levin, R Lyon, JC Williams. 1997. Elsevier Carnegie-Rochester Conference …. 223 cites.
  17. "Public Interpretation of Federal Reserve Discount Rate Changes: Evidence on the" Announcement Effect"". RN Waud. 1970. JSTOR Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society. 221 cites.
  18. "The adjustment of expectations to a change in regime: A study of the founding of the Federal Reserve". NG Mankiw, JA Miron, DN Weil. 1987. nber.org . 221 cites.
  19. "The Federal Reserve and the financial crisis". B Bernanke. 2013. books.google.com . 219 cites.
  20. "-Federal Reserve Monetary Policy, 1917-1933". ER Wicker. 1966. . 214 cites.
  21. "Central banking in the credit turmoil: An assessment of Federal Reserve practice". M Goodfriend. 2011. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 211 cites.
  22. "The Federal Reserve-MIT economic model". F De Leeuw, EM Gramlich. 1968. ideas.repec.org Federal Reserve Bulletin. 198 cites.
  23. "The policy preferences of the US Federal Reserve". R Dennis. 2006. Wiley Online Library Journal of Applied Econometrics. 193 cites.
  24. "Origins of the Federal Reserve System: Money, class, and corporate capitalism, 1890-1913". J Livingston. 1989. books.google.com . 192 cites.
  25. "Have increases in Federal Reserve transparency improved private sector interest rate forecasts?". ET Swanson. 2006. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 185 cites.
  26. "Monetary intervention mitigated banking panics during the great depression: quasi-experimental evidence from a federal reserve district border, 1929–1933". G Richardson, W Troost. 2009. journals.uchicago.edu Journal of Political Economy. 178 cites.
  27. "A comparison of forecast performance between federal reserve staff forecasts, simple reduced‐form models, and a DSGE model". RM Edge, MT Kiley, JP Laforte. 2010. Wiley Online Library Journal of Applied …. 167 cites.
  28. "The Channels of Monetary Policy: A Further Report on the Federal Reserve—MIT Model". F De Leeuw, EM Gramlich. 1969. Wiley Online Library The Journal of Finance. 166 cites.
  29. "The transmission of Federal Reserve tapering news to emerging financial markets". J Aizenman, M Binici, MM Hutchison. 2014. nber.org . 162 cites.
  30. "A brief history of the 1987 stock market crash with a discussion of the federal reserve response". MA Carlson. 2007. papers.ssrn.com . 161 cites.
  31. "A friction model of daily Bundesbank and Federal Reserve intervention". GJ Almekinders, SCW Eijffinger. 1996. Elsevier Journal of Banking & Finance. 150 cites.
  32. "A model of Federal Reserve behavior". JH Wood. 1966. ideas.repec.org . 149 cites.
  33. "Federal Reserve System". WW Wiles. 2015. ftcpublic.commentworks.com System. 146 cites.
  34. "Presidential elections and Federal Reserve policy: An empirical test". KB Grier. 1987. JSTOR Southern Economic Journal. 144 cites.
  35. "The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston study on mortgage lending revisited". JH Carr, IF Megbolugbe. 1993. JSTOR Journal of Housing Research. 144 cites.
  36. "Market perceptions of Federal Reserve policy and the weekly monetary announcements". GA Hardouvelis. 1984. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 142 cites.
  37. "The Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, and the rise of the dollar as an international currency, 1914–1939". B Eichengreen, M Flandreau. 2012. Springer Open Economies Review. 142 cites.
  38. "Presidential Influence on the Federal Reserve in the 1970s". N Beck. 1982. JSTOR American Journal of Political Science. 142 cites.
  39. "federal reserve system, its origin and growth". PM Warburg. 1930. agris.fao.org . 138 cites.
  40. "The strategy and consistency of Federal Reserve monetary policy, 1924-1933". DC Wheelock. 2004. books.google.com . 137 cites.
  41. "… economies: proceedings and contributions from participants of a December 1978 conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis". JH Kareken, N Wallace. 1980. Federal reserve bank of Minneapolis . 136 cites.
  42. "Publicity of debate and the incentive to dissent: evidence from the US Federal Reserve". EE Meade, D Stasavage. 2008. Wiley Online Library The Economic Journal. 132 cites.
  43. "How effective were the Federal Reserve emergency liquidity facilities? Evidence from the asset‐backed commercial paper money market mutual fund liquidity facility". B Duygan‐Bump, P Parkinson…. 2013. Wiley Online Library The Journal of …. 132 cites.
  44. "The creature from Jekyll Island: a second look at the Federal Reserve". GE Griffin, M Bramhall. 1998. brianrwright.com . 131 cites.
  45. "Discount window borrowing, monetary policy, and the post-October 6, 1979 Federal Reserve operating procedure". M Goodfriend. 1983. richmondfed.org Journal of Monetary Economics. 131 cites.
  46. "and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis". LJ Christiano. 1980. minneapolisfed.org . 131 cites.
  47. "Monetary policy, loan liquidation, and industrial conflict: the Federal Reserve and the open market operations of 1932". G Epstein, T Ferguson. 1984. cambridge.org The Journal of Economic History. 131 cites.
  48. "Crisis and responses: the Federal Reserve and the financial crisis of 2007-2008". SG Cecchetti. 2008. nber.org . 128 cites.
  49. "The monetary policy of the federal reserve: a history". RL Hetzel. 2008. books.google.com . 127 cites.
  50. "The efficiency of the Federal Reserve in providing check processing services". PW Bauer, D Hancock. 1993. Elsevier Journal of Banking & Finance. 124 cites.
  51. "Banking reform and the Federal Reserve, 1863-1923". RC West. 1977. Cornell Univ Pr . 119 cites.
  52. "The Federal Reserve Board MPS quarterly econometric model of the US economy". F Brayton, E Mauskopf. 1985. Elsevier Economic Modelling. 116 cites.
  53. "The value of interest rate smoothing: how the private sector helps the Federal Reserve". JD Amato, T Laubach. 1999. kansascityfed.org … -Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. 115 cites.
  54. "Inflationary bias of the Federal Reserve System: a bureaucratic perspective". M Toma. 1982. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 113 cites.
  55. "An evaluation of the predictions of the Federal Reserve". F Joutz, HO Stekler. 2000. Elsevier International Journal of Forecasting. 112 cites.
  56. "Monetary policy signaling from the administration to the Federal Reserve". T Havrilesky. 1993. Springer The Pressures on American Monetary Policy. 111 cites.
  57. "Choosing the Federal Reserve chair: lessons from history". CD Romer, DH Romer. 2004. pubs.aeaweb.org Journal of Economic Perspectives. 109 cites.
  58. "The Federal Reserve reaction function: A specification search". SS Khoury. 1990. books.google.com The political economy of American monetary policy. 102 cites.
  59. "Banks' reserve management, transaction costs, and the timing of Federal Reserve intervention". L Bartolini, G Bertola, A Prati. 2001. Elsevier Journal of banking & finance. 101 cites.
  60. "Why the Federal Reserve should adopt inflation targeting". FS Mishkin. 2004. Wiley Online Library International Finance. 99 cites.
  61. "The sensitivity of fiscal policy effects to assumptions about the behavior of the Federal Reserve". RC Fair. 1978. JSTOR Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society. 98 cites.
  62. "Transparency, disclosure and the Federal Reserve". M Ehrmann, M Fratzscher. 2005. papers.ssrn.com . 98 cites.
  63. "The Federal Reserve's attachment to the free reserve concept". K Brunner, AH Meltzer. 1964. Citeseer . 97 cites.
  64. "Scale economies, cost efficiencies, and technological change in federal reserve payments processing". PW Bauer, GD Ferrier. 1996. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 96 cites.
  65. "Interest rates, inflation, and Federal Reserve policy since 1980". PN Ireland. 2000. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 94 cites.
  66. "Greenspan's bubbles: The age of ignorance at the Federal Reserve". WA Fleckenstein, F Sheehan. 2008. McGraw-Hill New York . 90 cites.
  67. "… : a speech at the Annual Monetary/Macroeconomics Conference: The Past and Future of Monetary Policy, sponsored by Federal Reserve Bank of San …". BS Bernanke. 2013. econpapers.repec.org . 89 cites.
  68. "Why the Federal Reserve should not adopt inflation targeting". BM Friedman. 2004. Wiley Online Library International Finance. 89 cites.
  69. "Policy implications of the Federal Reserve study of credit risk models at major US banking institutions". JJ Mingo. 2000. Elsevier Journal of Banking & Finance. 89 cites.
  70. "Federal reserve policy and the housing bubble". LH White. 2009. HeinOnline Cato J.. 83 cites.
  71. "Price stability vs. output stability: tales of federal reserve administrations". U Ozlale. 2003. Elsevier Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 83 cites.
  72. "Bias in Federal Reserve inflation forecasts: Is the Federal Reserve irrational or just cautious?". C Capistrán. 2008. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 83 cites.
  73. "Policy advice and policymaking at the Federal Reserve". R Lombra, M Moran. 1980. Elsevier Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public …. 82 cites.
  74. "Payment system disruptions and the federal reserve following September 11, 2001". JM Lacker. 2004. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 82 cites.
  75. "From Gramm-Leach-Bliley to Dodd-Frank: The Unfulfilled Promise of Section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act". ST Omarova. 2010. HeinOnline NCL Rev.. 82 cites.
  76. "Federal reserve communications". B Bernanke. 2007. … .minhap.gob.es CUADERNO DE …. 81 cites.
  77. "The Federal Reserve and the Electoral Cycle: Note". SD Allen. 1986. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 81 cites.
  78. "Preliminary evidence on the use of inputs by the Federal Reserve System". WF Shughart, RD Tollison. 1986. Springer Central bankers, bureaucratic incentives, and …. 81 cites.
  79. "Federal Reserve policy decision making: Political and bureaucratic influences". GA Krause. 1994. JSTOR American Journal of Political Science. 81 cites.
  80. "Framing moves: interpretive politics at the Federal Reserve". MY Abolafia. 2004. academic.oup.com Journal of Public Administration Research and …. 81 cites.
  81. "Federal Reserve monetary policy, 1922-33: a reinterpretation". ER Wicker. 1965. journals.uchicago.edu Journal of Political Economy. 79 cites.
  82. "Do Federal Reserve policy surprises reveal superior information about the economy?". J Faust, ET Swanson, JH Wright. 2004. degruyter.com Contributions in Macroeconomics. 79 cites.
  83. "Federal Reserve Operations in the Money and Government Securities Markets". RV Roosa. 1956. Federal Reserve Bank of New York] . 77 cites.
  84. "Monetary aggregates and monetary policy at the federal reserve: A historical perspective". BS Bernanke. 2006. core.ac.uk remarks at the Fourth ECB Central Banking …. 76 cites.
  85. "Is the European Central Bank (and the United States Federal Reserve) predictable?". G Perez-Quiros, J Sicilia. 2002. papers.ssrn.com . 76 cites.
  86. "Federal Reserve operating procedures: A survey and evaluation of the historical record since October 1979". W Poole. 1982. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 75 cites.
  87. "Historical Beginnings... The Federal Reserve.". RT Johnson. 1978. ERIC . 75 cites.
  88. "The collateral frameworks of the Eurosystem, the Federal Reserve System and the Bank of England and the financial market turmoil". S Cheun, I von Köppen-Mertes, B Weller. 2009. econstor.eu . 75 cites.
  89. "Policy objectives of the Federal Reserve system". GT Potts, DG Luckett. 1978. JSTOR The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 74 cites.
  90. "Making news: financial market effects of Federal Reserve disclosure practices". AN Bomfim, VR Reinhart. 2000. papers.ssrn.com . 73 cites.
  91. "Twenty years of Federal Reserve policy". SE Harris. 1933. Harvard University Press . 72 cites.
  92. "The eurosystem, the US federal reserve, and the Bank of Japan: Similarities and differences". D Gerdesmeier, FP Mongelli…. 2007. Wiley Online Library Journal of Money, Credit …. 72 cites.
  93. "The regional representation of Federal Reserve Bank presidents". JA Gildea. 1992. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 71 cites.
  94. "Liquidity provision by the Federal Reserve". B Bernanke. 2008. Speech at the Risk Transfer Mechanisms and Financial …. 71 cites.
  95. "The promise and performance of the Federal Reserve as lender of last resort 1914-1933". MD Bordo, DC Wheelock. 2011. nber.org . 71 cites.
  96. "An evaluation of the forecasts of the Federal Reserve: a pooled approach". MP Clements, F Joutz…. 2007. Wiley Online Library Journal of Applied …. 70 cites.
  97. "The president versus the Senate: Appointments in the American system of separated powers and the Federal Reserve". KH Chang. 2001. academic.oup.com Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization. 70 cites.
  98. "Congress, the President, and the Federal Reserve: The politics of American monetary policy-making". IL Morris. 2002. books.google.com . 70 cites.
  99. "Federal reserve transparency and financial market forecasts of short-term interest rates". E Swanson. 2004. papers.ssrn.com . 69 cites.
  100. "Non-parametric, unconditional quantile estimation for efficiency analysis with an application to Federal Reserve check processing operations". DC Wheelock, PW Wilson. 2008. Elsevier Journal of Econometrics. 69 cites.


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