🍊Mark Twain Warned Us
just now
Your homework for today was to choose where to start. What do we rebel against 1st? Some folks think Donald Trump had or has a plan to properly expose folks to the truth. And “the truth shall set you free.” Whether there is a plan or not; we should look at what Trump said when running in 2016 that caught my attention and aligned certain folks against him immediately. So whether you liked Trump or not, the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” was important to his election in 2016.
For me, personally, I watched Donald Trump interviewed that 1st week or so on the campaign trail and he told the stunned interviewer that one of the 1st things necessary to do when he got elected would be to “re-organize” the Federal Reserve.
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Try to find that interview with a search engine today. You cannot. For the advanced students, that is your homework before next time, for everyone else just try to fathom a reason why we cannot find it today? He compared himself to Andrew Jackson and may have thought that his 1st try at election might get stolen from him just like Jackson’s was. As it turned out many believe his second election was the one actually stolen. Jackson used the next 4 years to expose the swamp of his day and he won election the 2nd time and his main promise to eliminate the National Bank was accomplished. With a balanced budget too. This history lesson is why Trump compares himself to Jackson. DJT’s job is still not done. A second term gets it done.
Many an ox is going to be gored if DJT wins a second term. I pray for Trump’s safety. Whether he wins again or not is very important to either side of the Federal Reserve issue. This economic reset that is coming can be designed by the global elites in Europe and the London Bankers or by very smart folks led by Trump and or his MAGA movement. At CPAC the other day, Trump basically said that Energy, and the proper management of, will allow the USA to buy ourselves out of our debt issue. I believe him. In fact I have said the very same thing in the past. So ask yourself this question: What has been done to destroy our ability in the USA to maximize our energy advantage? The answer to this question outlines the CON and is the first thing we need to address with our “rebellion” imo.
Here is my partial list answering the above question: 1. Convince Americans that curtailing our “fossil fuel industry will save us all from climate catastrophe. [If you are old enough to remember the 70’s you will remember it was global cooling. But weather being fickle, the “Science” decided global warming was the deal but when that flung the other way, they got smarter and now it’s “Climate Change” so either answer is correct. Remember these scientist need Federal funding so they can make that house payment in the Hamptons so they will tow whatever line they are fed.]
Create world chaos in the oil sector so you can artificially jack prices up. Middle East terrorism anyone? [Trump’s Abraham Accords brought peace to the Middle East so they need another distraction like Ukraine or Syria or Iran.]
Politically extort the oil industry to follow orders by withholding permissions and leases. [Alaska oil restrictions, Keystone pipeline restrictions, oil transportation restrictions on fracking operations. Have you ever noticed that 6 months before a national election that oil leases are withheld until prices come down and then the price goes back up after the election? Trump removed many regulations setting the oil industry free for four years and prices went down, way down but the Biden put those regulations back in place. Why would anyone do that, except to wreck the economy? Explains Covid 19 hoax too since the deep state folks needed a work around to keep the economy down even with Trump’s innovations.]
There are many more I could list here, but remember what the CIA director under Bush told us all: “We will know that our disinformation program is a success when everything Americans believe is wrong.” We are there now; but Trump put a wrench into their plans. But ask yourself why they need us to be completely deceived by those in control over us? Remember the story Trump tells of the scorpion and his need to be ferried over the river by the turtle? I’ll add one more story and that is about how frogs won’t jump out of a boiling pot of water because it sneaks up on them as the heat builds up and it is too late to save themselves from some one else’s dinner.
We are dealing with absolute evil. Our media is fake too. It has to be in order for the deception to work. If our media is fake, what else is fake? The FBI? The Courts? Hollywood? Our food Production industry? The two party system? How many shills do you have to have in the ranks of the GOP to make the Democrats get their way? Can you say Mitt Romney or Mitch McConnell? How about Paul Ryan or John Boehner before him?
Trump challenged all of this evil. It is now time for all of us “Frogs” to jump out of the pot before it is too late. Beware of that scorpion fellow who wants to help us out though.
If we pay or “grow” ourselves out of the Federal Reserve Debt system we have today, we will not need the Fed, which by the way is not Federal, but actually an independent banking operation and dominated by London Banking interests. Success here, actually ends the Revolutionary war of 1776. Stuff you will never learn in school. Look up the original 13th Amendment and you will know why.
So until next time, do your homework, I would love to find a copy of that interview.
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