The REAL Federal Reserve

in federalreserve •  9 years ago  (edited)

What is the Federal Reserve? Why do people support the Fed? Why do some want to end the Fed? When was the Federal Reserve established? Why? Well, the first important fact to know about the Federal Reserve is that it is a private banking cartel, not a government agency, as the name would like to have you believe. There is nothing Federal about it and it has no reserves. So why do some believe that the Fed has gotten us out of debt? The truth is the Fed has never gotten us out of debt, they merely transferred our debt, meaning that they bought our debt, not paid it, meaning that debt gets paid to them, they buy up our debt, from themselves. It began in 1910 off the coast if Georgia on Jekyll Island where representatives from J.P. Morgan companies and the Rockefeller banking cartel gathered together and held a top secret meeting where they drafted an idea which would later be known as the “Federal Reserve Act”. Congress passed this act, which gave this private establishment the power to overlook Congress and gave them the power to not have to answer to anyone. This group was always envious of America’s ability to print money. The Federal Reserve has powers in violation of the U.S. Constitution. The frightening part about all of this is that the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was sold to the American public at the time as a bill to control banks when in reality it was drafted by the very banking interests it would control. It decided to be its own regulator while making it appear that Congress was regulating it. Refer to my video on YouTube on how the Bail-Ins are coming to America.

What happens is, money is created out of nothing and then loaned at an interest, meaning you owe more than what has been created. That’s debt slavery. Every dime borrowed from the Fed is guaranteed by the citizens without them really being told. They create the money, which exchanged for treasury bonds, promise to pay back and they literally buy the bonds from themselves afterward to create money for the sake of inflating the currency. They don’t buy our debt from anyone else. They issue all of our debt and sell it to the Japanese, British, Chinese etc. so that from there we owe it to them, not the Fed. But to keep the demand/value stable, they buy debt they already own from themselves too. Americans, we waste our money going to big fancy colleges and are completely brainwashed into believing delusional nonsense. The average American and most economics majors alike support the Federal Reserve because they think it has helped us get out of debt. But I ask, in what way has it helped us out of debt if our nation is in more then 17 trillion dollars of debt? So let me understand this, printing up debt based money helps us get out of debt? Also, anyone who believes that the Federal Reserve isn’t a private bank should read a phone book where the Federal Reserve is considered business section. Call me crazy, but tell me it’s not a private bank when it’s listed in the private sector of a phone book, its called a bank, and prints debt based money to get us out of debt? People who support the Federal Reserve seem to have a vested interest in it as if it cares about them. The only thing governmental about the Fed is the fact a chairman to the board of governor’s is nominated and appointed to oversee the Fed but the list is created by Wall Street interest. They create debt, there is no way around the fact they create debt regardless of who holds that debt. But that's none of my business though...

Now of course, there is nothing to fear, don’t worry, sleep tight, don’t worry about what is happening on main street America, everything is okay. Save your money, only use one credit card, you’ll be fine, but I ask you, how do you save money that loses its value? Don’t forget to run the credit cards up at an interest rate for the banks to make money...BLING!! Growing food, producing fuel, producing firewood for heat, woodwork and craft making, manufacturing, that’s real economics, being a producer, not shuffling around debt. What the Fed is doing where nothing is produced and debt is created in order to manage economies is not economics. I am not shocked that much of my generation supports the Fed. I was at this function for Colombia business school students in their final year and spoke all about this to them and they were blown away. They had been at Colombia business school and hadn’t even had a portion of one class mention monetary system.

America is no longer made up of producers; it is made up of debt. If you are able to produce most of your goods on your own, you are left with more ability to save and you are less likely to be in debt, but then again, if we had no debt, people wouldn’t have a job to take advantage of the debt based economy that their college professors have brainwashed them towards. Here's an idea, how about you allow people the right to opt out of all these social programs if they choose to manage “their own economy” rather then being forced onto a dead economy and perhaps we will see the market work exactly as it should. The market is a tool, its not there to have total control over people.

Now, solutions...

Solutions are what you create for yourself when “bleep” hits the fan. I personally do not have a date when things will hit, its anyone’s guess. But, it is good to have property, farming, supplies, firearms, ammunition, in case you need those things. The feds want the guns, but it all depends whether the people give them up or not. Let’s all get ourselves out of this system to the best of our ability so down the road we won’t need Federal Reserve notes to manage what we are doing. Take all of your Federal Reserve notes and use it as a means to create independence for yourself by establishing your own homestead. Lastly, any firearm you can get your hands on you need to hold onto.

So, as you can see, the Federal Reserve is a big scam where private banks like JP Morgan, Citibank and Goldman Sachs lend trillions of dollars to the U.S. Government and the IRS forces the taxpayer to make interest payments. With this system, we ALWAYS lose, they ALWAYS win. Rise and shine world.

Now, I ask you, who controls our central bank/Federal Reserve? Who controls EVERY central bank for that matter? They are in the Federal Reserve (Bernanke, Greenspan, Yellen...etc etc) and they dictate when the market is going to go up and when it is going to go down, where their going to set interest rates. They are given the authority of god on earth. They can play the market around this. When there's a boom they institute the bust by pulling the rug from beneath everyone by raising interest rates and then what do they do? They use their authority to just print money and then buy up everything and this is how they have purchased the world. The other way they have purchased the world is, whenever they loan money to us (which is every month for our monthly dealings and then we pay them back with our tax money) we have to give them something in return, they don't just hand us over the fake money, we have to do something for them. They loan us money, we pay them back with the tax money and all of a sudden we have a new bureaucratic agency that pops up and who is in charge?? Michael Chertoff. Just put the pieces together yourself. Connect the dots. The stock goes up, that is reality but at the end of the day it only serves the benefit of the bank who then once everything goes down when they raise interest rates they buy everything out. They own everything and at the same time we borrow everything from them. We are essentially always in debt and we are working off our debt at the same time we are paying it off and we can never get out of it. It is a trick and this is the reason why things are the way they are. It is not a coincidence that the generation that lived through the depression, saw the aftermath of it, knew what happened and was the same generation that knew what was going on in World War 2. THAT GENERATION IS NOW DEAD. It is not a coincidence that this is happening exactly the same way as soon as this generation is dead, this is not a coincidence. They keep trying to use the same tactic over and over and over again. This is so irresponsible of us. One day people will wake up and realize that we are living in an open air prison called planet earth run by these people and it will be a real sad day when people realize this that all they had to do was talk about it. Its going to be a sad day when people realize that "wow, we actually had the right to talk about it, we were too afraid to talk about it and all we had to do to prevent this situation was TALK ABOUT IT". That's going to be a real sad day. This is all of our business. We all live here and we are all going to merely exist if something does not get done. We could go on without the usury I think. Tomorrow if there was no more usury, we would be able to breath again. Why do we need debt? No other reason but to own us. This is an issue that I don't know how one cannot be passionate about.

We are in this fight together. We are ALL in this fight. Let's do this together.

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