Getting to grips with the idea of guilt.

in feelings •  4 years ago 


Guilt is such a wasted emotion. Not saying that I don't have it, experience it, and resist it. Seems to be part of the human condition for those of us who are not psychopaths; i.e., guiltless.

So, I guess I'd rather feel a bit of guilt from time to time, for past transgressions and mistakes, than to have an empty heart without any clue of remorse. Regrets can be lessons, but must then be learned from, tossed aside, and the same mistakes attempted not to be made again, even when we do.

We are each on a journey here. Must say, the challenges are greater today on our little planet than I have ever experienced before in my long years of life. Every human born, no matter status, or color, or race, or religion, or physical and mental acclivities, has to deal with how to make it in the world as a human being. Being a human being has never been an easy pass to the next dimension. In my life experiences, and I travelled around quite a lot in my youth, I never met a person that I got to know that didn't have difficulties and challenges in their life.

By saying that the challenges are greater today than during the time I was born, I am merely referencing this age of global dominance, of artificial intelligence, of almost total control of our legal institutions, our media, our government officials, which also apparently have almost now total control of our minds.

Don't forget the importance in this life and your own personal journey. Don't get lost in the fog of war, and remember that you came in here with a soul?

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