Felix token is a certification of a profit dividend for Felix DApp Platform. Total token cap is 10 Billion Felix token. You can earn your token by playing games.
Felix token is a certification that represents the authority over the platform and holders of Felix token will be distributed with EOS from Bonus pool in every 24 hours
The amount of Felix token that player earn by participation a game are depends on the betting amount. The chart is provided below.
Your FELIX Stake Ratio in Total Quantity of Staked FELIX.
(3% of accumulated dividends)
•Url Game : http://felixball.io
•Telegram : https://telegram.me/flxofficial1
•Twitter: https://twitter.com/flxeos_official?s=09
•Blogspot: http://felixeosdapp.blogspot.com
•whitepaper : https://felixball.io/whitepaper/en.pdf