After the Jewish (falsely named 'Russian')
Revolution, the 'Jew'.S.S.R Soviet commissars began
their reign of terror. Anyone they felt was a current,
or posed a future threat to their power was
systematically eliminated by firing squad, or
rounded up and placed in 'gulags'. Labor camps.
Slave labor camps. Totally innocent victims were
rounded up from all the Soviet occupied (falsely
named 'liberated') territories including Ukraine,
Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, and occupied
Germany (falsely named 'East' Germany).
U.S police have been training in Israel for over a
decade now. Training in Israel? For what? What sort
of police training couldn't be done on U.S soil?
Perhaps training in which the Police break every rule
in the book? Training which violates the U.S
constitution? Training which would be totally
inappropriate in 'The land of the free'. But training
which is totally appropriate for the Israli occupied
territoris of Palestine? Training appropriate to a
police state in which children are targetted,
bombed, shot, and imprisoned and held without
trial indefinitely? Watch my markus rehbach
Youtube channel videos for the brutal facts.
In 1984 (reality, not the novel which has proven
totally accurate) the first 'Jewish' Zionist owned
private, 'for profit' prison was officially opened.
Here I want to explain something few people
comprehend sufficiently for its impact to hit them
fully. Originally the U.S colonies granted limited
charters to business people to set up and operate a
business. The charter was granted only after serious
consideration of the costs and benefits of such a
business to the people of the colony. Unless the
operation of the business was not viewed as a net
benefit to the people of the colonies, it was not
granted. And then the granted charter was very
specific. Limited to a specific type of business
activity, location, and duration.
Today you hear people say 'The only objective of a
business is to make a profit for its shareholders'.
They repeat this over and over as their mantra. Their
dogma. But this was NEVER the intended objective
set out by those insightful and forsightful persons
who wrote the U.S constitution and its amendments.
In fact it is exactly the OPPOSITE from what they
How did this come about? Quite recently
corporations were granted the same legal rights as
'persons'. Like you and I. As if they were people, with
inalienable rights to pursue profit for its own sake.
The idea of applying for a 'charter', and having to
'justify your existence' to a group of people with the
public good in mind, was swept away.
So we went from object oriented corporations being
temporary organisations set up to pursue a specific,
limited purpose, such as the building of a railway
from a port to a town, or the building of a steel
plant to provide that railway with steel, to
corporations with all the same legal 'rights' as any
other 'person', with the only one object in mind, to
pursue profits for their owners. Whether or not the
products and services which would generate these
'greatest profits' was in the interests of the public or
This calls to mind one of the original 'interactions'
between Islam and 'Jews'. Mohammed and his
people were under siege by their enemies. The
'Jews' pursued the 'profit' motive, and sold goods to
the besiegers. And possibly information on
Mohammed's defences. This is a clear example of
the distinction between the intentions of the U.S
Colony leaders, as expressed in their limited
charters, and the later 'profit motive' corporations as
'persons' we have today.
Mohammed wasn't interested in the clever
arguments of the 'Jewish' lawyers. He wasn't going
to be corrupted by them into 'seeing things their
way'. He took decisive action to prevent a repeat of
such behaviors in his area of influence. Heads
literally 'rolled'.
Mohammed denied 'Jewish' Banksters the right to
operate within his sphere of influence. He banned
usury, the 'creation' of money from nothing, and
then lending of it for 'interest'. Mohammed stated
explicitly, in his last public gathering, that all men
are equal, not matter the color of their skin or
ethnicity. This riled the 'Jews', with their doctrine of
'Jewish' racial supremacy, and exceptionalism, at
least as much as the banning of their 'black magic'
a.k.a 'money lending' 'business. So every since this
the Zionist 'Jews' have been hell bent on the
destruction of Islam. The 'Jews' managed to connive
their ways into the 'Christian' world, to regain their
ability to practise 'finance' and 'law', and to literally
come to occupy enough of the most powerful
positions in government and business, media, law,
education, and 'finance', to gain effective control of
every 'Christian' nation they 'occupied'. This power is
today being directed at Islam, to fulfill the Zionist
ambitions began during the Biblical genocide, rape,
and enslavement of the Palestinians, and the
entirety of Islam.
Just like the Zionists did with Germany, from the
Franco-Prussian war onwards. Up until now the
demonisation of Germany, Germans, and Nazi's,
especially Hitler, were the Zionist priorities. Two
World Wars later, the Zionists have total control of
Germany, France, Britain, and North America. They
now have their sights on Islam. Islam is first to be
demonised by 'false flag' terrorist attacks
committed by CIA MOSSAD, such as '911', and the
more recent 'faked' chemical attacks in Syria. We all
remember the 'fake' WOMADs of Iraq. Some of us
know about the U.S.S Liberty attack, an earlier
precursor false flag collaboration between the U.S
President of the time, and the Zionist Israeli leaders.
For the last 200 years Germany has been the victim
of a vicious, malicious, sustained, universal
propaganda attack. Today it is Islam that is the
target. 911 was blamed on Islam, just like WWI and
WWII was blamed on Germans, Prussianism, and
Nazism. A 'holocaust' fiction was invented to seal
the final nail in the coffin of German pride and
nationalism, and to justify all the war crimes the
Allies had employed in WWI and WWII to defeat
Germany. Germany was given sole responsibility
and guilt for WWI and WWII. They have accepted
this absurd 'ruling' of the Zionist controlled 'Jew-
diciary'. The 'Nurenburg show trials'. The faked
'evidence' and 'testimonies' and constant stream of
Zionist Hollywood propaganda films and television
series, books, print media articles, and 'official'
histories of WWI and WWII.
Today it is Islam that is coming in for the same
treatment. Even peaceful Iran. One of the very few
nations that has been peaceful for the last century.
Having merely repelled attacks from Iraq, using U.S
and E.C manufactured chemical weapons. There are
few nations with as peaceful and internationally
respectable a record as Iran. And yet the largest
terrorist nation in the world, the one that has broken
every international convention and law since it
became a nation, has the gall to propagandise
against Iran, defining it as some sort of 'threat' to
U.S and world security. To make the most grotesque
and absurd of lies about this peaceful, law-abiding
nation. And the world allows these lies. Like it allows
'The Holocaust' lies. Why? Because it is Zionist
'Jews' who control public opinion. Who control the
media. The 'Jew-diciary'. Who can literally print
money to buy off anyone whose 'vote' they need.
Anyone who has the influence they require is either
bought off, or blackmailed to comply with the
wishes of the Zionist 'Jews'.
Syria and Iran have always been on the Zionist
occupied neo-con 'hit list', as the last two of the '7
nations in 5 years plan'. So expect more 'false flags'
and a ramping up of demonisation and
propaganda. Just like the recent lies vomitted by
Trump in his official 'justification' of his war crimes
against Syria. His murder of Syrians in the name of
'national defence of the U.S'.
But back to you, at home in the U.S. And to our 'for
the profit of the Zionist 'Jews' prison system. Labor
camps. Slave labor camps. Exactly as the 'Jews'
describe in their Torah and Talmudic texts. Exactly
as they proudly document in their own history of
genocide, rape, and enslavement of the peoples of
Palestine / Canaan, as explicitly recorded in the
Torah / Old Testament for you to go and read right
The corporations who own and control the 'for
profit' element of the U.S prison system are the
same mass media corporations owned by the
Zionist 'Jews', and used as part of their full spectrum
propaganda war against anyone who dare resist the
'chosen peoples' ambitions to rule the world, and
enslave all non-'Jews'. You can verify this for
So today the Zionist 'Jews' complete the final stages
of their occupation. They now have the same system
of forced labor camps and 'gulags' they had in the
Solzhenitzyn bewailed that a few men could have
prevented what happened in Russia, under the
'Jews', if only they have simply resisted. The men
that came for them in the early hours of the
morning, to take them to the camps could have
been resisted by simple means. And yet no-one did.
Everyone went along with them. No-one suspected
te massive proporations the reign of terror would
finally take. And so the 'totalitarian tiptoe', as David
Icke expresses it so well, could move forward, baby
step at a time, one prisoner at a time, one victim at
a time, until the oppressors had total control. And
the people were left wondering how they could
have let such a small group of relatively powerless
men assume total control of every aspect of the lives
of the hundreds of millions of people in what
became the 'Jew.S.S.R'.
Today you can be picked up from your home, place
of work, or off the street, and taken away to one of
these secret 'for profit' labor camps. They already
exist and are fully operational. Many of the largest
and well known corporations in the U.S, such as
Microsoft and Dell, have taken advantage of slave
labor. Just like I.G Farben in Nazi Germany. Thanks
to the 'Patriot' act, the most un-patriotic act of all
time, anyone can be arrested with no warrant, no
trial, and no actual charges, and taken to such a
labor camp. Basically a concentration camp for
anyone who resists or opposes the new Zionist
occupation of North America.
Why haven't you heard of this before? The same
Zionist 'Jews' who own the labor camps also own
the mass media. And the policiticians. And the 'Jew'-
Ask yourself why the most prosperous land in the
world, with only 2% of the world's population, has
over 25% of the world's prison population.
Are these people in prison for violent crimes? No.
Most of the prisoners in the U.S prison system,
including the 'for profit' sector of it, the 'labor
camps', have been arrested for 'victimless crimes'
such as possession of marijuana, minor shoplifting,
or inabilbity to pay arbitrary fines imposed on them
by non-elected administrative bodies, such as
simple parking fines.
Already leaders of true 'patriot' groups, true
'constitionalists', true 'libertarians' are being
rounded up and imprisoned in the Zionists own
private prisons. The U.S tax-payer is unwittingly
subsidising these Zionist KZ's, these new 'Jewish'
Gulags. The U.S citizen is paying to have the people
who are fighting, by peaceful and legal means, to
protect THEIR rights and freedoms, locked up,
indefinitely, and forced to do slave labor for their
Zionist 'Jewish' masters.
Remember that things started on a small scale in
Russia. Under the 'Jewish' 'Communist' Commissars.
The 'Jewish' run secret police. The 'Jewish' run gulag
system. The people didn't fight back when they had
the chance. And then soon an 'iron curtain' had
fallen on them. The full impact of their Zionist
'Jewish' occupation was then felt. But by then it was
too late.
It is still not too late to act. Using peaceful and legal
Anyone who seeks to manipulate you or your
organisation to take up violent means is either
dangerously ignorant and stupid, or working for the
Zionist 'Jews'. As FBI and CIA and MOSSAD agents.
The 'Jews' WANT nothing more than for you to
choose violent means. They can then use any
violence as an excuse to impose further restrictions,
step by step, incrementally, in baby-steps, until, like
the poor frog in the boiling pot (James Corbett
[Jimmy C]'s analogy), you suddenly realise that you
are living under effective martial law, in a military-
police, Fascist state. Just like the 'Jew'.S.S.R. Just like
Palestine today. This is the 'totalitarian tiptoe' David
Icke has been warning us about for decades,
geniuses like Solzhenitsyn sadly bewail not having
resisted when it was still possible to resist.
It is a propaganda war. We must win the info war.
Wake people up. They cannot round up the entire
population if it resists. They can only do it bit by bit.
Hoping to scare the masses into submission by
rounding up only the bravest and most obvious
In the past entire Zionist 'Jewish' populations have
been 'kicked out of' nations and states. The people
woke up in time. Today Germany is totally under the
control of the occupational Zionist 'Jewish' forces.
Like France. But there is a tiny chance that the U.S
citizen, with his and her personal weapons, and
history of resistance to tyranny, might succeed
where the rest of the world has failed. But the
window of opportunity is closing quickly. Soon it will
be shut down. Fixed. Locked down.
At that point any real resistance will face an
enormous cost in lives and property. It will be a
choice between civil war, true French Revolution
style revolt, and potentially endless slavery and
servitude to the Zionist 'Jew' masters. The
'occupational' forces of the self-declared 'chosen
FEMA camps are the new Gulag. They exist. They are
operating. Often in total secret, as part of the
private 'for profit' Zionist 'Jew' owned and operated
'prisons'. Sometimes out in the open. Just like in the
'Jew'. S.S.R, their scale of operations is relatively
small. The current facilities are 'model' operations
which are testing and blueprinting their systems,
until they are ready to be 'rolled out' on a massive
scale. Just like in the 'Jew'.S.S.R.
Please wake up. My books have been banned by
Amazon, Smashwords, Draft2Digital, Apple(?) and
Barnes and Noble(?). So please email me for 'free'
copies of my 'Welcome to the New World Order'
series. Or search the web for links to where you can
download them directly. Email me
[email protected]
And please please please keep your guns. Loaded.
But do not let anyone trick you into thinking violent
resistance, at this stage, can be effective. It is only a
last ditch method. When all else has failed. When
you have to decide between slavery and the high
chance of death as a freedom fighter. But until that
moment, do not trust the intelligence or good will
(intentions) of anyone who seeks to have you
commit acts of violence in the name of resistance.
They are most likely agents of the FBI, CIA, or
MOSSAD. They are trying to find an excuse to lock
you up in their forced labor camps. So do not even
TALK about employing violence. You will know when
the time for violence is upon you. As Ecclesiastes
reminds us, there is a time to fight, but that time is
not now. For once any real fighting begins, it will not
end until all liberty loving, peace loving, freedom
loving people have been disarmed, killed, or
imprisoned, or the Zionist 'Jewish' Occupation has
been kicked out. Possibly this time the people of the
world will have no more patience with the 'Jews',
and will not take the risk of them repeating history
ever again. I really hope it does not ever have to
come to that. But anyone who understands history,
and today's wars and crises, would surely
'understand' if the survivors of what is coming, calculate, without malice or prejudice, decide it necessary to go to that extreme.
The plans of the Zionist 'Jews' have never been secret. They proudly document their early unprovoked genocidal wars of agression, their mass enslavement of peaceful peoples, as sex slaves, and workers, in their most 'holy' and 'sacred' texts. They carried out 911, and all the Middle Eastern wars since. This is proven fact. They 'collectively' have the blood of hundreds of millions of innocent people on their hands. If they persist in defining themselves collectively as 'Jews', and thus glamorizing and praising their own past as a 'people', as a 'chosen people', with a destiny to enslave all of humanity, and insisting on their existence as a 'race', and this race's 'racial supremacy' and 'destiny', then the only solution is to root out this poison, this disease, at its source. To ban 'Judaism'. And if the racial supremacist ideaology and exceptionalism that defines the origin story and very basis of 'Judaism' proves impossible to extinguish and control, then the carrier of that virus, that plague, will need to be prevented from contaminating the general population. If that proves impossible, then the very carrier of that contagion will need to be destroyed, to ensure the freedom and liberty of all the people's on this planet who chose freedom and liberty for all. Justice for all. Truth. Peace. And prosperity for all. Who reject all forms of racism. All forms of exceptionalism.