this national Indonesian women's hero is courageous and resilient to defend the truth,Etymologically the word "hero" comes from Sanskrit "phala", which means result or fruit. According to Big Indonesian Dictionary, a hero means someone who has the courage and sacrifice in defending the truth for a nation, state and religion or a brave warrior
National Hero is the highest award in Indonesia. The posthumous title or title given to the deceased is given by the Government of Indonesia as a very meritorious and exemplary act for the community.
From the presidential decree, there are 159
Indonesian heroes and 12 of them are women
Cut Nyak Dhien is one of Indonesia's national heroes born on Tuesday, 0-1-1848 in Lampadang, Aceh. Cut Nyak Dhien comes from a religious noble family who is the direct descendant of the Sultan of Aceh, namely Teuku Nanta Seutia, an uleebalang VI Mukim.
At the age of 12, in 1862 he was married by his parents with Teuku Cek Ibrahim Lamnga, son of uleebalang Lamnga XIII and they had one son.
Martha Christina also plays the role of female warrior leader to accompany the men fighters in the mission of seizure of the Dutch territory in the village of Ouw, Ulath Saparua Island.Richemont, a leader of the Dutch role was killed by Martha Cristina's troops. With the death of the Dutch leadership, the invaders increasingly angry and continue to attack the people of Maluku so that the troops defeated Maluku,Consequently, Martha's father Christina was caught and sentenced to death,
they are a very brave and valiant struggle to defend the nation and state and to fight for its independence
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