in feminism •  7 years ago  (edited)

I did not understand the concept until about a month ago, when I enrolled my little girl Solangelis at school. My little girl tells me in the most natural way, like every child, she tells me: "Mommy, I have a little friend who is a boy"; What? I was surprised, of course ... Coming from a small 6 year old, leaves a lot to think about.



After a few days, my girl continues talking about her little friend, to tell me that her little friend had "pee" ... I could not take it anymore and the next day I accompanied Solangelis to the classroom to talk to the teacher and meet the friend ... No they are going to believe, well, yes, my daughter's little friend is a child, not forgiveness, she's a trans…

What concept? I find myself as a migrant in a country where children have the right to be girls ... What confusion ... That would never have occurred to me in Venezuela, where "machismo" is the tradition.

These last two weeks have been enriching, getting used to this new culture, as an immigrant in Argentina ... These last two weeks have taught me: "there are girls born in men's bodies".

Leia, is the name of that beautiful girl friend of my daughter, is a "trans girl", that is, her body is man, but her soul is a woman; and it is true. The feelings, the charisma, the face and all Leia, is a woman.

"Being a trans girl is not an impediment to being happy," Leia told me sweetly. Femininity is courage and that courage changes the story. How my way of seeing the world has changed. With love and simplicity everything is possible, because the most valuable struggle of people is to reach and celebrate their right to be ..., simply BE.

"So you cut her hair, so you reinforce male thoughts, she will still be a woman ...". Leia's mom told me.

I want to transcribe is the message that is found in the entrance to the Trans Child Care Office, here in Argentina:

"Birds born in a cage believe that flying is a disease"

Alejandro Jodorowsky

Precisely, that happens to us, we were born in a culture where since we are in the womb of our mothers, we are bombarded with messages directed to submission for being a girl and machismo if the echo reveals that it is a male. How wrong I was…

Quote the conclusion made by Prof. Zonder Ramírez @amigoponc, at the end of his post Pink children vs Blue girls.:

"From childhood, gender differences are dogmatized, to the point of turning them into stereotypes."


Source: taken from Google Image.


One thing is biological identity, another is sexual identity and quite another is the identity of the soul.

This is the translation and adaptation of my post in Spanish that is here

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At 6 years old, he/she is not a man or a woman, he/she is a child. In the up to 12 years before he/she becomes an adult, many things may change.

I'm all for acceptance of everybody's gender / sexuality, whatever it may be, but it scares me that people think it's normal for a child to decide they are trans at such a young age.

With love and simplicity everything is possible, because the most valuable struggle of people is to reach and celebrate their right to be ..., simply BE.

If this child decides later that he is actually a man after all (which he may well do, if there is no pressure on him to continue to be trans) I hope the same sentiment will apply.

Hi, I'm really new to these teas, I was caught by surprise as I said for being an emigrant, experiencing a new culture. Argentina is like Europe, that's what they tell me, here everything is different from Venezuela since in Venezuela they handle a lot of taboo, here you notice much much the freedom of people to express themselves according to their convictions; I think that's fantastic.

I agree with you that having the freedom to express yourself, and to be fully accepted, is wonderful. Everybody is entitled to that, whether homosexual, heterosexual, hermaphrodite, bisexual, transgender, transvestite or something different.

I support equality for all, not one group favoured over another. I also support a person's right to explore different parts of their gender identity / sexuality at different times, and change their minds about how they identify. I've seen people attacked on Steemit, because they're not the "right" kind of transgender. That to me is very sad. (I know that's not what you're saying; I'm just explaining my position a little more clearly.)

These last three months have been wonderful, it's like going out for the first time, here everything is different to what I had lived in Venezuela, here things are differently outlined. The cultural change has been surprising and enriching.

YOu say you support it and yet you make sure to call her a him! So n you really do not support the rights of all. You only support them if they fit your box! Fact is that most grown up trans people will tell you that they knew from very early childhood that they were trans and they suffered horribly having people tell them they were not! And yes there are the occasional crazy parents that push an agenda but you have crazy people who push crazy religions on kinds and other stuff as well! This makes trans kids no more or no less real ! and yes you also have the occasional child who changes their mind but most do not, and yet so many of you people hang on the minority ignoring the vast majority as if your life depended on it! Puberty blockers are there to give a child time to make sure but it will not kill you or anyone else to allow a child to live in the gender they need to express it might however kill the child if you do not. So stop being a bigot ...

I typed quite a long reply to you, and then realised this is a discussion that needs to be had a bit more widely. So I'll turn what I wrote into a post and drop the link here in a day or two. But in short, calling each other names doesn't open up any kind of discussion or understanding. I have no interest in putting other people down. If I spend my time discussing something, I want it to be in an open minded way that increases communication. I hope we can do that, it will just be a little later.

I'm sorry, I'm new to these issues, I just wanted to comment on a recent experience that I consider enriching.

I think @tygertyger was replying to me not you, so is criticising my replies not your post, so no need for you to be sorry

Oh. My. Goodness!!! Your amazing! This article made me cry like a fountain!! I am just, humbled by your understanding and grace adapting to this obviously swervey cultural nuance! I love this!!! ;-) Much love to you and yours! I hope your day is nothing short of amazing!

The amazing thing is, it's a true story, it's been a fantastic experience to see the freedom you have here to express your feelings. At the beginning I felt fear, today I feel free as the wind to accept and understand that sometimes it is born with the wrong dress.

I hope more people realize that over time and stop treating people who are not there copy deferently.. everyone is unique in there own way why waste our life fighting or hating something when we can be happy if we just stop judging anything and everything we see... I love the way u wrote it..

I confess, that at first I felt very worried, imagine, emigrant recently arrived, a new culture, a new way of seeing things, escaping from oppression in my native land; and find me with a sutuación that put all my beliefs in judgment ... I comment it to my relatives in Venezuela and they do not believe it ... I opened myself, I spread my vision of the world ... Everyone, individually we are precious pearls, we are unique. .. Live and let live; share, experiment, tolerate ..., love. Thanks for your support.

Its perfectly fine. Initialy because we are humans we tend to get scared of unknown territory but what matter most is just because its new for us doesnt mean that its wrong.. we should get to know it without being judgemetal about it.. there is a saying here in maharashtra u can wake up someone who is sleeping but if that person is pretending to sleep u wont be able to wake them up. Just because we dont know something it doesnt means that something doesnt exists.

oh this is really of something are given such birth right it never matters of who they are...

Thanks friend, for having read me, for me it is a pleasure to have her here. Thank you for your support in Discord.

Hola @atreyuserver, upv0t3
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What an interesting experience you transmit to us today, dear Leiny. Undoubtedly we live inside our own bubbles, you decided to break it and it seems wonderful. My motto "let's live in peace", so I invite you to continue sharing your experiences.

Thans Prof.

It's just simply amazing !

But it's true, and I'm still surprised by the cultural change. It is interesting to know and accept ...

Hola @atreyuserver . Es muy interesante tu post, cada país tiene su propia cultura y es bueno, como inmigrante que eres, que conozcas y aceptes su cultura. Saludos!

Así es @samueldc. Me estoy acostumbrando. Antes estaba ciega,,,