RE: What is the true fight for feminism: Rant!

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What is the true fight for feminism: Rant!

in feminism •  6 years ago 

You have great points especially this:

If we're not careful, sometimes in a bid to radically eliminate something, we only create the same thing or something worse in another form.

I say we've reached a truly equal society free of gender biases when the time comes that job applicants are measured based on skills alone, and companies would not need to worry about lawsuits on equal opportunity Coal mining for example, should women want a job in this area then they'd need to have the strength necessary for the job.

In the same manner that should a woman apply for a top-level executive position, she and the rest of the candidates will be assessed purely on skills. At this time, it still does exist that most institution has a preference for male leaders.

There wouldn't be any need for gender roles in the society as well. A man or a woman can take on the provider or the nurturing role without any stigma.

And maybe when that time comes, we no longer have a need for the term feminism, and replace it with humanism perhaps?

Sidenote: the maternity leave grant is more for medical purposes at the minimum, and for the child-rearing purpose for the extended one as the mother can provide milk. But I do get what you were trying to say here :)

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@dreamiely, well said. However, one quick look at our society today and we'll discover, the feminism "whitepaper" is different from what is being seen.

It's almost like a bitter divide is being politically (might I also add forcefully) created among the sexes with it seeming like a battle for superiority which shouldn't be.

And maybe when that time comes, we no longer have a need for the term feminism, and replace it with humanism perhaps?

IMHO, there is only need for humanity and not any further divide. Hoping humans one day embrace humanity negates your points so far about the "fair" fight. It further acknowledges a division being created like saying "which side are you on?"

should women want a job in this area then they'd need to have the strength necessary for the job.

This has been the argument when people talk about employment inequality. I point to the fact that there are some jobs women might not be able to take on, simply because biologically, men are better suited. Jobs such as coal mining and construction work. But, what is unfair is when people take an average from all jobs (including the ones that falls under the categories of jobs you admitted that isn't better suited for women) and say there is employment inequality.

Agree that it shouldn't be a battle of superiority. I guess this has really been a human nature tied with survival, are we inately designed to prove that we are the best? Not just in gender, but say nations, in sports etc. We seem to pick a side in whatever (in this case gender) and try to come on top.

I will ponder on these words...