Female gender symbol changed

in feminism •  7 years ago 

Success !!! New Female Symbol - the Global Feminist Central Committee (G-FCC) has determined that Feminism must be purged of Toxic White Females (TWF) and decolonized - to achieve this, and to honor the Empowerment of Women though Islam (EWI), the female gender symbol has been altered (see below), the fascist cross replaced with the libertarian crescent, and the color changed to a delicious brown. Deal with it.

In a different vein, why bother - as a bonmot among Bilderbergers hints, "both male and female genders will be forgotten by 2035" - leaving the marvellous human species, by then the only remaining life form of the galaxy, with less than 70 genders.dcolono.png

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What nonsense

It's satire (so far)