How to be a girl boss in relationships

in feminism •  7 years ago  (edited)


You can have a massive empire, the most successful business in the world, complete economical independence, but if you are emotionally dependent to the point you lose your dignity for your partner, where does your girl boss attitude go? You have to apply your successful mindset to everything, even in romantic relationships. Here are five lessons you should apply in order to demonstrate that you are a confident and an emotional independent woman.

  1. Learn to let go- No matter how hard you try; it just doesn’t work out your way. Then what should you do in this situation? Let go. If he or she does not love you, you cannot make that happen. Not even with the law of attraction or magic, love does not work that way! Relax, do your thing, accomplish your goals and if with time they come back loving you, that’s alright! However, do not be at their feet at the moment.

  2. Do not be jealous without justification- Being constantly jealous in unjustified situations, just proves that you are insecure and dependent of them. This is completely detrimental to your image and how your partner acknowledges you. Of course, if they do something disrespectful, let them know, but act rational and objectively.

  3. Do not beg- Its okay that you want them to call you, visit you and give you attention, however do not demonstrate it too much! If they already told you they have been busy or genuinely tired, then why should you beg them to do it? This will definitely make them think they are responsible for your happiness, when it should just be you!

  4. Stop needing- Learn to want not to need. What do I mean by this? When you really need something it means that when you do not get it, you are consequently going to be affected by it, be it emotionally or psychically. A girl boss does not need anything that comes from someone, just themselves. If you want something, then go for it. If it did not went the way you desired, then apply lesson 1 and 3: Let go and don’t beg!

  5. Demonstrate your worth- If applied all of the lessons above, you will prove to yourself, your partner and everybody else you are self worthy. This because, you do not need attention from your partner in order to be satisfied with yourself; you do not beg if you want something and for instance, know when not to be irrationally jealous and when to let go.

Finally, I believe this is relevant if you’re striving to be successful or already are because emotional dependency can definitely affect you psychologically and in consequence, hold you back from accomplishing your goals. Demonstrate you have self worth, this way your partner will love you more and if not, then you are still a whole woman ready to build your empire and open (not dependent) for love!

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