My Secret Story: Love Your Work

in feminism •  7 years ago 


My name Ramulah, originated from a remote district in Banda Aceh City.
From "Kabupaten Aceh Utara" I stepped into my dreams. I continued until I arrived at IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang.
In the Faculty of Adab and Humanities I established my ideals, the Department of Library Science now brings my soul to fly with dreams. This year I have reached the 5th semester, my dreams lead me to the diligence of learning and the belief that success is in my grasp. Universal of my passionate desire is "carve a proud smile" on my parents' faces. End of this semester I am very happy because the value of semesteran 4.00. This is thanks to Mr. Alphianto. A motivator who at that time served to encourage the students who were elected to be a "young diplomat" in the V diplomatic training held by my Faculty. From here the spirit candle began to be turned on. One unforgettable word "the power of the heart can overcome the power of the mind". Blazing our dreams right now, and this is my dream flame.
the end of semster 7 I managed to write a novel best seller and from the novel that I can now hold my own money, pocket money, buy clothes, buy books, until the semester money without having to whistle to parents. I'm happy, because I can show that I can be independent. There was a smile on my mother's face. By continuing to walk, I successfully completed the thesis with a value of 4.00 for 7.5 semesters with the best student predicate as IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang. At the IAIN 2014 graduation ceremony my name was mentioned and my parents were welcome to the podium and the rousing applause of the graduation participants accompanying the rector of IAIN Raden Fatah shook hands with me. After that I hugged my parents and I kissed their cheeks. The sweat that dripped from his forehead touched my lips, a sign that their hard work is reciprocated with his successful son completing his s1 education.
After 3 months passed I was trusted to work in a famous library in Indonesia. In developing the initial mission I keep writing and now my books in gandrungi community, in addition to writing novels I now write a book about the library of scientific work that alhamdulillah has now been widely used as a reference by students, lecturers, researchers who are engaged in the world of information literature. Unexpectedly my phone rang, telling me that I got a S2 scholarship to the Netherlands. Yeah ...... !!!!!!! Perhaps by way of somersault I did not express enough this pleasure. My parents supported me even though I had to live far away in the land of the windmill. While at Nederland University I felt such a terrible yearning for my parents and my brother joko. 2017 Alhamdulillah I graduated from Magister Education and returned to Indonesia to dedicate myself in library world.
Being a library science lecturer and a novelist is a profession of pride. Here I understand that love our work and God will be a blessing.

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