RE: Feminism has been tainted, and so it has lost most of its power.

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Feminism has been tainted, and so it has lost most of its power.

in feminism •  9 years ago 

@heretickitten, love the post! As a male who isn't a feminist for the reasons you mentioned, I have some thoughts about it that you might find interesting.

  1. I prefer the word egalitarian because it implies equality without the gendered word. I know feminists beg to differ but lets face it: a gendered name doesn't imply equality.
  2. If feminists believe in equality, why don't they focus on men's issues (longer prison sentences for the same crime, higher prison population, more likely to be murdered, etc.) Also, I heard about a man who started a shelter for male victims of domestic abuse. Feminists bullied him into suicide. This is why feminism has been tainted.
  3. Feminists should prioritize women's rights in the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia, over stupid sh*t like mansplaning. All across the world, women are beaten, raped, and mutilated without consequence for the attacker. Where's the outrage?
  4. Feminists need to stop floating around debunked claims. The survey that concluded 1 in 4 women are raped in college never mentioned the word once. I know the wage gap seems plausible, but it doesn't account for the general pattern of time off from work. I am all for equal pay, but there isn't a wage gap.

You are definitely one of the more rational feminists and I applaud you for that. You should be the poster child of feminism instead of trigglypuff and trash can girl.

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This is EXACTLY the way I feel about it too! Well said bro!

Wait, I'm a feminist? I actually put myself into the "egalitarian" camp, just like you, to be honest.
But to be straight: I don't like labels. I like individual ideas.

Not to mention that Feminists vociferously oppose Intactivists, who are campaigning against all forms of genital mutilation, male, female, and intersex, on the grounds that only females are worthy of protection.