The Temple of the Feminine Arts

in feminism •  6 years ago 

The ancient temples of the Goddess and her Priestessess have mostly been destroyed or forgotten and much of their mystery has faded into the mists of time. However, in the akashic womb field of pure shakti potential all things are recorded and can be recalled. All around the world these ancient practices are beginning to be restored so that harmony, union and balance may be felt between the masculine and feminine once again. This class is opening a doorway to remember the ancient feminine mysteries and anchor them once again on Earth. Your energetic womb or hara is the ultimate mystery school. Your body is the most sacred of temples.

We can reclaim the body as a temple and when we do we unleash the most powerful and sacred energy in existence. This is the power of the wild holy feminine. Though she has been forgotten, misunderstood, persecuted, distorted and 'destroyed' her eternal essence is indestructible and unfathomably tender. This energy is found when the red and white rivers merge. The white river represents our devotion and purity while the red river represents our primal sensuality and 'lust'. These rivers are also depictions of actual physiological processes in the body. The white river represents the pouring down of the love that fills a mothers breasts and causes a man to release his seed. The red river represents the wild completely uncontrollable flow of menstruation.

It is interesting to note that women are more aroused by being on top when on their menstrual flow and more aroused by surrendering during ovulation. This connects with the story of Lilith refusing to lie underneath of a man. She represents the wisdom of menstrual blood which literally carries stem cells and codes of life that can heal and transform us rapidly.

I offer guidance in reclaiming the body temple and awakening the sacred rivers of the Womb. These rivers are sometimes also referred to as jewels and the Womb is also known as the throne center. You can visit my website to see more about my offerings. The book Womb Awakening is written by Azra M.D. and Seren Bertrand who I have been studying with for the past four years. It is a brilliant and well done book with over 400 references and does a remarkable job illustrating why we need to reclaim our body temple and gives some insight on how to do it!!


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