Feminism or Extremism?

in feminism •  7 years ago  (edited)

“Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal and social equality of sexes”, Wikipedia defines. Starting from 20th century, revolutionary amendments have been made in social, political and economic status of women all around the world by feminist movements which are absolutely laudable. In course of time, how feminists went on changing their agendas, forms, stands for good reasons shaped the modern definitions of gender equality and functioning of world politics. But now feminist movements are on the verge of being a joke to entire world community as these movements have been losing their credibility for decades.

Feminist movements now stand with absolutely awful, bizarre and sexist demands. It is an undeniable fact, if modern day feminism gets spread even in a single country that would be a fatal disease for the peace, harmony and gender equality of that nation. Feminism is a very clever disease against men. For my fellow feminist sisters, misogyny is evil, sin or even punishable to social banishment but when misandry comes in way, that is virtuous matter; glorifying the great concepts of dark feminism. On the grounds of feminism, anti-men sentiments are being nurtured real cleverly.

They tend to find flaws in every aspect of life and practices. Speaking of some examples, if a story writer portraits male protagonist in his play, they revolt. When a story is given title ‘A Man and a Woman ‘, they revolt for mentioning man before woman. Even protests were carried out against a word ‘History’ demanding its eviction from English dictionary just because they thought having ‘His’ before ‘story’ wouldn’t address the tales of women history. In September 2016 some women protested naked in streets of South America in order to promote tolerance, freedom and improve civic life. I wonder, how could civic lives be improved by having the freedom of walking naked around the streets. These were mere some examples about the dumbness of extreme feminists. What I’m trying to justify is that, it’s so funny how they come up with such perspective about life, society, politics and even over some pity English words in dictionary. Entire world with some brains is so tired with these baseless demands and drama in the name of extreme feminism. Only if I had power, I’d have kicked the word Feminist out of dictionary and replace with Extremist way early.

Earlier feminism brought backward standards of women to the front of power but now extremists are revolting for exaggerating that women power to the extreme point where social existence of another sex disappears. They have an extremely erroneous understanding that every male is rapist, every dad is patriarch, every brother is a molester who wouldn’t hesitate to molest his own sister. They cannot observe any male with optimistic intention. Modern day feminism has incepted such hatred to every state of mind of an extreme feminist. They no longer want the existence of men in their social and sexual life. They accuse a male of having pleasure during heterosexual sex just because they have that concept of heterosexual intercourse being violent, penetrative and humiliation to a woman. And I wonder how these extremists forget a woman also enjoys the sex equally!

As a matter of fact, if this scenario continues for few more decades, we can’t be sure if the day comes when men will have to learn ‘No-Touch-Sex’ or Tantric sex for making a child. We can imagine how funny would be the situation when a man would inseminate a woman with tantric powers!

Every country of this world (except some Islamic nations) has given more powers and authorities to women than men. Men are officially declared rapists and women officially victims. I agree, 80 out of 100 cases have same result. But have we ever thought about the rest 20% cases where a man becomes victim? Bus stations, metros, subways gather a lot of stories of harassment on daily basis. When a woman accidentally touches a man that is actually an accident but if the same man accidentally touches the same woman on a crowded bus then that’s a police case, 5000 Dollars fine, imprisonment and even more. These kinds of trust issues developed in between the sexes is merely the product of extreme feminism with a vague goal to take feminism entirely to a next level.

Now I leave the judgement to each and every responsible human out there,

What’s your choice, Gender harmony or Extremism ?

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You have done a good job highlighting some of the evils of feminism - EXTREME FEMINISM, more correctly. But then, therein lies the trouble: feminists are not necessarily extremists and vice versa. While some level of extremity sometimes finds its way into the sacred precincts of an enslaved soul (and who doesn't know that women have remained perpetual slaves to men from time immemorial), it must be tempered.

However, emancipation of the womenfolk is unnegotiable and perhaps, these oft attempts at negotiation are responsible for the kind of extremism you just painted.

In nepal Feminism is cancer😂

Yes, rightly said!