in feminism •  6 years ago  (edited)


While Karl Marx was entrusted by the Illuminati freemasons to organize the workers in the newly developed urban areas into the working class, who were displaced from their land by the industrial revolution, his friend and masonic handler Friedrich Engels, who was a German philosopher, social scientist, journalist and businessman, was in charge of organizing the women into similar work force pegged against the men and with the intent of destroying family unit, very strong at a time, in favor of the nanny "Big Brother" state.

Feminism, contrary to the common believe, is against the nature, rights, and freedoms of women, with the sole purpose to make women a par with men working for the rich central bankers, and as citizens turned into the collateral assets. Word.

The question both sexes should be asking is why they are treated as collateral assets by their governments in bed with the private globalist central banking cartel, and unite in God given freedom and sovereignty against it and the divisive wedge rhetoric.

When citizens are shareholders of their nations and not private assets against whom the borrowing is done at interest rate with taxes to pay for it, then the finer nuances of sexes equity may be more in focus and meaningful as a society and adults who can manage their own private affairs without the nanny state involvement.

As professor Jordan Peterson I believe pointed out, women are of nature and nurture, while men are product of society, i.e. culture, science, and religion. Obviously both serve important roles and only in the externalized value placed on labour by the narrow minded agenda of private interests in the pursuit of profits and power when the sudden all out equallity becomes paramount, that is equallity for all sexes and genders to work for the rich and carry the debts as collateral assets while their money, health, freedoms, sovereignty, families, neighborhoods, cultures, nations, and nature are destroyed.

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