Feminism’s War On Men Is Failing The Women’s Movement

in feminism •  6 years ago 

The Miriam Webster Dictionary defines Feminism:

1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
2 : organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests

By that definition, any good person would consider themselves a Feminist, but at some point, Feminism became synonymous with hating men. Don’t take my word for it. In “The Bad Feminist,” Roxane Gay wrote,

“I was called a feminist, and what I heard was, ‘You are an angry, sex-hating, man-hating victim lady person.’ This caricature is how feminists have been warped by the people who fear feminism most, the same people who have the most to lose when feminism succeeds.”

She’s correct that people associate Feminism with misandry, but I’ve never met a man who said he was afraid of women, Feminism, or equality. I have seen many Feminists, like Ursula K. Le Guin, say all women are inherently victims, and all men are inherently evil.

Every single day I see Tweets, essays, and memes written by women who are furious about how oppressive and hopeless men are. This isn’t breaking news or a conspiracy theory. Man-hating is totally in fashion right now.

Every feminist might not be a man-hater, but Feminists made man-hating go viral. If you’re one of the women jumping on the Feminist-led band wagon, screaming about men and the Patriarchy, you’re helping create more problems than you’re solving in the quest for equality.

Frankly, if your agenda includes negatively stereotyping a group of people and attacking them, then your goal isn’t equality, because bigotry isn’t part of the peace process. Hate can only beget hate. If that’s your strategy, you’re already on the wrong track and destined for failure.

Men do bad things sometimes, but spewing hatred at them isn’t going to fix anything. Men can change, but not for a mob carrying pitchforks and throwing stones.

The worst men in the world, the ones guilty of most of the crimes Feminists blame all men for, became toxic as a result of abuse and/or neglect. Hurting them more isn’t going to help them. The only possible outcome is breaking them further, perpetuating the cycle Feminists claim to be fighting against.

If Feminists could somehow succeed at replacing the Patriarchy with a Matriarchy, it would only change one thing: behind every rich woman, there would be a husband spending the money his wife exploited from the poor, instead of the other way around, like it is now.

Gynocentrism won’t solve anything because it’s fatally myopic. The Patriarchy isn’t a thing. The world’s problems aren’t the result of men winning the war against women, but rather the rich winning the war against the poor.

The force that oppresses women is the same that breaks men: economic exploitation. 99% of the population is underpaid and swamped with bills from predatory institutions. Living in perpetual fear and exhaustion is a recipe for all of society’s ills, especially domestic violence.

The longer you spend screaming at men on the internet and trying to take down the Patriarchy, the longer your boss will underpay you, your landlord will over charge you, and the government will whittle away everyone’s freedoms, rights, and privileges.

If you keep hating men, everything will only get worse, and eventually you’ll need to find an outlet for all your unresolved hatred. So you’ll need a safe target to take out your anger on.

The momentum of Feminism’s misandry has already created the Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) movement, which seeks to ban trans men from women’s safe spaces and prevent them from being recognized as women, or even calling themselves women.

When your movement reaches the point it’s picking on transvestites, you’re not a freedom fighter, you’re a bully. Not all Feminists are TERFs, but TERFs are the inevitable result of the militant circle jerk the Feminist movement has devolved into. Are you excited to find out what hate-based subculture will spin off of mainstream misandry next?

The world needs to change fast if humanity is going to survive all the problems created by our predatory economy. If transvestites are evil, we can put off hurting their feelings until after we save the world from environmental apocalypse. If men are ass holes, then stop expecting to change them by bitching at them. Go organize with women to pass legislation instead of posting derogatory memes on Facebook all day.

All I’m saying is, hate has never made the world a better place. Everyone is broken, and everyone is toxic. We’re all hurt, and we all need to heal, but we need each other’s love and respect for that to happen. If you’re hurting, get help. Don’t project your pain onto the rest of the world, because you’re shitting on a lot of good people, and humanity is going to go extinct waiting for you to get off the hate train.

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4

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