A Summer Day in Sherwood Forest

in festival •  7 years ago 


Yes that's me, next to my friend. We're standing under the archway at the Sherwood Forest Festival.

The Robin Hood hat and feather I wore, although really cheap Halloween costume prop, was actually the envy of many at the festival. Mainly because it was nicer than the cheap felt ones vendors were selling for children. My friend wore her Halloween costume too, a wench costume that doubles as a maiden gown.

These photos are from this past summer. I was saving them to post on a dark, cold, winter day much like today when there isn't much to look at outside.


A cut-out board for children to put their heads through for photos. Looks like Maid Marian spending quality time with an exotic bird.


This is the entrance to Main Marian's court.


Actors in period costume. Some of them leaning over the stocks. Back in the olde medieval tymes, criminals would get put in the stocks, and their head would be locked between two pieces of lumber. The stocks were a display in the town square for townsfolk to mock the criminals who committed crimes against them like thievery, violence, or worse. Generous people might even throw rotten fruit and vegetables at the criminal if they were feeling particularly merciful. My, how things have changed.


A unicorn and other tamed horses for the little ones to play on.


Tents for the local nobility to relax in under the scaling sun.


Ain't she a beaut?


Even a dragon for the local heroes to train with.


Cutting edge technology for only the richest knights to adorn.


At the center was this majestic tree. Looked like a giant sequoia to me.


Look at all the radiating branches.


Thanks for taking the time to review my post. Hope you enjoyed reliving these memories with me.

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i liked in your post because it s a interesting tree ....and your all post is great post sir

Thank you. Always appreciate your kind comments.

Beautiful redwood tree! Looks like a fun day, I always enjoy settings like that. Lets your imagination run wild.

You know it's a big tree when you can't fit it all inside the camera frame no matter where you stand.

Wow. Its really enjoying to see your photo in that beautiful place. Thanks for sharing with us.

Yes, I think this town is lucky to have such an enchanting green area to enjoy year round.

Yea.. i think so. :)

I think you enjoyed Sherwood Forest Festival.

I did. I just wish more of the visitors also chose to dress up. They were missing out on half the fun.

This looks like a helluva weekend. Just give me a costume some hotdogs and popcorn and I'll be right at home. Actually, give me barrel of beer and a friar suit. Seriously, it looks like a beautiful atmosphere. Thanks for sharing.