Which Animal Am I? - Freewriting Friday Frenzy

in fff-challenge •  6 years ago 

The question this week is 'Which animal can characterize you best?' As I sit and think about it so many different animals cross my mind. The ones that come back to me are my own pets. Mainly my 'old man' Tabby.




I found him dumped off at where I worked when we lived in St. Louis. He was 4-6 months old at the time. I little bit feral, but noting that couldn't be over come. That was back in 2006. As you can see that at the time if this picture he was about 3 years old. He is still with me and as ornery as ever. He is the master, we are his servants.

The reason I chose him as what animal characterizes me is due to his personailty. For the first year we had him, he would come to us for affection on his terms. He slept on the bed when it was empty. When we went to bed. It took a move out of state and almost a year before he would even lay next to someone. For the longest time that is how I was. I kept my guard up. I wouldn't let anyone close to me for fear of being hurt, or worse.

As you can see from the look on his face... 'How dare you flash that thing in my face." Oddly this has been the only time he has craweled into a drawer like this. I'm sort of the same way, I don't like to have my picture taken. I do it for the sake of others.

Once he opened up he has been one of the best pets I have ever had. He sleeps with me most every night, except when it's hot. If I piss him off he nips at the back of my legs. He still loves to play. When new people come around he's on guard. He's part attack cat, someone knocks at the door he's been known to jump up and look out the window. He's defiant as in he does what he wants.

Whoever said animals are not family is nuts. I would say Tabby is ours, but actually we're his. He chose us. He chooses to stay. Our personailites are very similar. Untrusting at first. Once trust is gained, best friend for life. It doesn't mean if you piss me off I won't tell you. My claws come out sometimes. I want to be 'petted' when feel like it. I show affection when I want to. He's stood up to bullies (neighborhood cats and a couple of dogs) anyone encroaching on his territory and I'm the same way. I just wish could nap as much as he does. He's earned it though. He has my heart, he knows it. He is my spirit animal.

I know my time with him is limited, after all his 12 yrs old. I guess I'm at getting to that point too. I turn 50 in November. Yet none of us are guaranteed a tomorrow.


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Such a cute tabby! ❤️ Cats will always be cats and always just do what they want indeed. 😂

I sometimes think maybe cats are my spirit animals too. 😅

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I think that's what I love about them and him. Rebellious yet loyal. Even though we feed them and love them, they stay because they want to. He's a great example. We have a set of doggie doors that go from the house to the garage and then the garage to the back yard. He'll go out once in a while but usually chooses to stay inside. Nothing binds him, he truly is 'in control' of his life. Except when he gets evicted from a room, when we leave so the dogs to get into things. LOL.

He sounds like he could be my spirit animal too :) My cat nips at the back of my legs/heels when I tick him off too haha

Yet none of us are guaranteed a tomorrow.

That's exactly what hit me today (must be in the air) and I wrote about it too. You know though, 50 isn't old at all!! I'm 52 and see my old bod isn't 20 anymore, but I'd like to think we have a lot of life left in us. I heard this today on tv and think it's fitting here: "Youth! Too bad it's wasted on the young" lol

We do have a whole lot of life left in us. Could you imagine if we knew back then what we know now? I know I'd still be goofy and try to laugh as much as I can.

No kidding @tryskele!! I would still be the same, but I might have made a few different choices along the way 😎

Hello there "Tabby" you have changed your owner spirit. She actually has the "lioness" inside, but then she choose to be "tabby" a cat with 9 lifes😉 and she has unbeatable spirit😍

You're too sweet :) He knows he's the master LOL. I just keep him happy LOL

come on tabby you are the master
my friend @tryskele got a booster
make her happy is the better
you have nine life to share with her

Lovely Tabby 💕
we have tabbies, too. :) <3

I do have an update to share that I think is hilarious. When Mr. Tabs gets upset at the hubby he pees in his shoes. 3 pairs in the last 2 days LOL. So now my husband just looks at him and calls him asshole :P