Avocado Toast Is Pura-approved: Food Fight FridaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in fff •  6 years ago 

It’s Friday, it’s 7:42, here, in Costa Rica and I’m scrounging to put together a food fight Friday! I wasn’t going to be here this week but I just finished reading my talented and handsome husbands post and decided I can throw something together real quick before Blue Bloods starts (it’s the only English show on before bed in our air B and B).

This week has been filled with a lot of adventure, and not a lot of cooking… surprise, surprise. This is a collection of meals we’ve (I’ve) enjoyed over the last couple of weeks. Some are nothing special but others are much better than expected 😉


Why am I the last person on the planet to discover Avocado Toast? Seriously, do you know what I’m talking about? Crunchy toast and soft creamy avocado, sprinkled with sea salt and black pepper… dude, this one even had carmalized onions and chopped tomato 😋. So simple yet so frikken good.


Did y’all know that there were açai bowls in Costa Rica? Yeah, me neither but what a beautiful day it was to discover this little hidden gem. I mean, is there a person out there who doesn’t love these nutritious bowls of goodness? Didn’t think so 🙄.


(Clearing my throat) have I already discussed my budding addiction to avocado toast? It is probably a really good habit to keep me in tip top bikini wearing condition 🤦🏼‍♀️ C’mon, I mean look at that freshly peppered flaked creamy crunchy toast… it’s pretty beautiful just sitting there waiting to be devoured.


Did you know you could make falafel out of cauliflower? Well you can and I did, and it was delish. The cauliflower hummus I made on the other hand wasn’t that good but you win some you lose some I s’ppose.


I made @Dandays a Mexican breakfast pizza for when he got home from the gym. I know, he’s somewhat spoiled. Will you get a look at those toppings… it smelled so good coming out of the oven. Of course I had to stick to my 2 egg omelet and avocado but I could taste the pizza a little bit- through my nose of course.


This coffee was a special treat for me, not just because it’s enjoyed with that incredible view but because I quit my coffee about 6-8 months ago and really appreciate a good cup when I have it now. This was a strong, good cup. Costa Rica really does have some great coffee, just sayin 🤷🏼‍♀️


What we have here are some Pura-fied, Pura-approved nachos. These bad boys are made with baked zucchini chips and a bunch of other goodies. Pretty yummy if I do say so myself.


What? It’s my water to chase down all of that yummy food. Me posting this picture has nothing to do with the view.


I’m just walking into the weekend like this guy… slow and at my own pace- crab walking. I suppose this is a good place for a quote:


Surf Box was quite enlightened in that regard. I mean they did serve avocado toast and açai bowls after all 😎.

Thank you @Dandays for including me in your @foodfightfriday post. Without you I would have never put one together tonight. Thanks triple F peeps for checking me out. I’ll be making my rounds and salivating at all of your foodie posts.

Pura Vida ✌️


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I've doing avocado toast almost every week, with some bacon on the top.
I too quick coffee roughly at the same time, and went back at it a month ago, probably because of those hardcore hours I am doing.
I just cant help it! I had to choose between stop smoking weed and coffee, and come to think of it, they have the complete opposite effect.
So I said goodbye to weed (for now).

How was the trekking?

What?!! You said goodbye to weed over coffee? That’s just crazy dude. I actually just started drinking coffee again too. I just like it and if it’s the only vice I have then so be it. Mornings are just better with a hot cup of wake up.

Avocado toast is my new obsession. I frikken love the stuff. Last night I just made some keto fathead dough (which is bread or pizza crust made from mozzarella, cream cheese, a small amount of coconut or almond flour, baking powder, 1 egg, salt and spices) so I can pop a “bagel” in the toaster and add my avocado, tomato, and red pepper flakes without all of the starchy carbs that kill my gut. Hopefully, it tastes as good as I’m anticipating it to. Dandays won’t touch it because of the cheese but I’m totally opening up my diet (still no meat) to see what is going to heal me best. 🤞

Traveling around is a dream. It’s not all glory and fun but it’s all an adventure and Dandays and I love to discover right now. Yesterday I got a little frustrated because I “felt” like a couple of the locals here were “unfriendly”. Then I felt like I was being judged and got irritated. Today, I woke up with the realization that we are (as well as many other North Americans) are in their home, and although I’m very smiley, polite, and what I think to be gracious, not everyone else is. Many come here and act pompous, or above than, throwing money around, throwing western attitudes and expectations around. Dandays and I really try and live humbly amongst the locals, with the interest of assimilating and getting to know the culture more. I don’t know how good we are at it for that would take quite a bit of knowledge and probably years of integration to have that specific introspection but we try to be very cognizant of the local culture in which we want to live in harmony with. I guess it’ll just take time to “feel” accepted or at the very least “not dispised”. It usually takes some time for people to figure out Dandays and I are the coolest people they know 🤷🏼‍♀️ Haha

Damn… I blew this comment up. Sorry !

One meal per day 😨😨😨😨😨 how can you live? I need to have 6 meals a day to be on foodfightfriday😂😂😉

Amazing @puravidaville ..the view, the food and especially that pizza 😍

Oh I eat more than one meal per day, the other meals just weren’t interesting. On a food fight Friday we search for the perfect meal to feature. You’re right, it can be a fight :). The view always makes the food taste better in my opinion. Thanks for hanging out @cicisaja 😉

Sometimes I just too forgetful to take pictures of foods.. but I don't want to miss a chance to participate on #fff..because it makes me happy and I don't have to eat anything .. but I'm full by reading the posts😉 it feeds my mind and soul😊

I like how that sounds “it feeds my mind and soul…” very cool Mrs. Saja!

I love the look of that bowl with oats, bananna, starwberry & chia seeds !
Great post as always !

Good luck with foodfightfriday

I always like the look of a good açai bowl. They all taste so delicious too, like dessert but good for you. Thanks for dropping a line @byebyehamburgers. You should jump in the ring sometime 😉

And I thought I was late to the avocado toast party! 😂 That is one meal I never get tired of. I try to rotate it out every now and then in favor of some different breakfast options, but dang there's just something about it that satisfies me to start out the day! Those zucchini nachos though--ooh man those look good!

I'm going out with girlfriends tonight to celebrate my birthday to a spot with lots of delicious veg on the menu. I might just be the annoying person who takes pictures of everything to share. Glad to see you made it this week! I quickly skimmed @dandays post and was a little sad that we might miss a puravida visit, so this is a pleasant surprise! I was going to try to jump in with some banging banana oats but I was wiped out after being the guest on the actifit radio show. It was a fun show, but this introvert needed a break. 😜

Glad to see all is still well down there! Great quote to end it all out on!

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Excuse me? “Quickly skimmed?!”

Oh, yeah? Well this is so quick I can’t even get the words out all the way... Happ Birthd. thbbb!

(Danget! I forgot to add my little winking emoji before I clicked the post button)

Haha, well at least you can tell I made it back around this morning for a more thorough perusal. 😝

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Hahaha… I still think you’re the funniest 😘

Hahaha… I still think you’re the funniest 😘

Dude, I totally get the introvert thing. I’ve been such a social butterfly my entire life but as I get older I need a lot of “recharge” time in between things. It’s so important to listen to our needs. Yeah, @dandays was going to cover me this week but after reading his post I decided to quickly throw one up. We’ve been so busy discovering things, and I’ve been on another type of journey, that sitting stationary to write post just isn’t appealing to me. I guess I should get my butt in gear though because I do like sharing our perspective and reading all of my friends stuff. I’m sorry I’ve been absent, and I’ve missed you on the radio show. You are such a rockstar here, @plantstoplanks- I’m sure you killed it.

Girl, I’ve been eating so restrictive for the past 6 months that when I took a bite of avocado toast my taste buds nearly melted. I think I’ve had it every day since last weekend. Haha… so gooood. It’s my new potato (did I just say that). I’m glad you’re still rockin with me. Happy birthday you goal crushing gangster. Show me all of the yummy bday foods you ate…

That's one of the coolest things I've found with the friends I have made on here--yeah people worry about you and miss you if you haven't been around, but everyone understands that sometimes you just don't have it in you to bang out posts all the time. We all have to be out there actually living life if we want anything interesting to share. I'm sure you've just been filling up the old writing tank to have plenty of good stories to share when you find the time is right. 😉

I had some avocado toast earlier today, so I'm totally with you. Especially on fresh-baked bread from the farmers market. I'm glad that tasty menu item seems to be agreeing with you on all fronts--taste and tummy-wise!

My bikini isn’t agreeing with me and all of the avocado toast though. Haha. You know who I miss, @jasmink. I haven’t seen her in ages and often wonder how she is doing. I do miss people who take breaks but we totally need to live life too. Not everything needs to be shared online. I do appreciate your friendship and a few others on here so I try to NOT miss any of your guys’s posts. Sometimes it’s inevitable though. We all cool though so it’s all good.

Aww, yeah I was thinking about her recently, too! There are a few of my pals who poke their heads in every now and then, but I miss interacting more regularly. And I totally agree with you about not everything needing to be shared. That's why I don't often look at Instagram stories. Some of that stuff is just too much, even if I'm friends with you. 🤣

Do a lot of people on Steemit have Instagram too? I pretty much keep my social media to Steemit so am out of the loop 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think that’s why I like Steemit though, people are here sharing content, quality content with something to say. Instagram and the others are so full of this self feeding narcissistic culture that it’s kind of glaring to look at. Anyway, I can feel a rant coming so I’ll zip it :)

I follow a few of my main homies like @lenasveganliving, @thekitchenfairy and a few others. I do like IG better than Facebook for sure, but you are right in that it can definitely be a black hole of self-absorption. That's probably why I mostly only follow food blogs. Though even that can make you feel inadequate if you don't have a million props and perfectly laid out food. I mostly started my account because it's a good way to promote my services or just keep my clients and friends inspired to eat well and workout. I will never have thousands of followers since I don't play the game, but that's alright with me. I don't even follow a lot of fitness pages because so much of that is focused on an unrealistic physical aesthetic and not actual health. Though I think my favorite use of the platform is being able to share what I've made with the local produce from the farmers market to help promote their hard work! A few of my main farmers will share my stuff on their feeds, so I figure it helps them out with having content to share, too.

🤣🤣🤣🤣 I feel sorry for you, for following me. My IG is just to spam the whole IG with my #promosteem postings 🤣


Well I am on both FB and IG. One of the reasons is my blog/veganism and other my family. I live by rule that everything has it's plus and minus and it's up to us what we make of it 😊

Right on. I wish I could do some of those vids that are on IG. The food looks so good and easy to make and is done tuned to a rad song= winner. Haha… if I could figure out how to do those videos I’d post some of our adventures here. Maybe we’ll get on it someday soon.

It seems @cicisaja beat me to another one, I’m just gonna have to settle for runner-up I s’pose.

Speaking of runner-up, I’m glad you entered the food fight, beautifullest, you’re a lot better at representing both of us for a @foodfightfriday than I am. It’s nice to see you get some reward on this one, too, now then... about today. Hmm... ‘what to do, what to do?’ 🤔

iheartu all the time, Pura Vida.

Hehhehe... you're somewhere else when she published the post and I set her on my ginabot 😉 ..she's a lot better than you on create a foodfightfriday post too @dandays😂😂😉...

Sorry for your wasted efforts in including each in yours. I really thought I was going to Sit this one out. I love you and we can do whatever you want. Dude, can we get falafel at that falafel bar before we leave? I’m seriously craving it… muah you handsome nomadic world traveling partner of mine, you.

Oh my goodness!!!!! You ate an acai bowl???? Wow, what a wonderful day, right? Looks like you are eating some seriously delicious food in the CR That pizza and Avo toast sent me right over the edge and I don't even have an egg to make fathead dough with tonight, ugh! Your views are simply amazing, I hope you guys are loving the life in paradise! Glad to see you here with #fff. I mean come on...you got me addicted to this awesome weekly gathering :) Blessings to you and @dandays :)

Yay!!! I ate an açai bowl, I ate an açai bowl… it was seriously like flavored heaven passing through my lips. The body tastes everything intensely when you haven’t had sugar for 6 months. This was the best weekend I’ve had since we’ve been here. I think dropping the diet restrictions and just living has a lot to do with it. I still haven’t made the fathead dough because we are moving out of here tomorrow. When we get to our new pad though, it’s on. God bless you and all of your bright shiny positive energy you just toss over here like it’s nothing. P.s. have you ever had avocado toast? I mean, c’mon… I’m seriously in food tasting heaven right now. Haha… if you were my neighbor I never would have made it 6 months 🤦🏼‍♀️

You're the greatest! I am soooooooooo happy you are able to lift your food restrictions!!!! Are you excited about your next destination? Such a brave soul you are! I bet that acai bowl did taste like heaven, and being the angel you are you deserved it! I can't see your next place! Cooking up a pura vida storm! Blessings to you both, safe travels @puravidaville! ;) Oh, and yes....I have to do the avocado toast thing...you have convinced me with your pics and description that it needs to be added to my breakfast routine...any special advice?

It’s so simple, I just add a half of avocado to crunchy toast, add a 1/2 slice of tomato and shake pink salt, black pepper and red pepper flakes on top. So simple yet so delicious. I bet it would be great with a fried egg too 😉. You won’t regret it, promise.

I have lifted my restrictions. Ive admittedly gone a little over board so will reign it in tomorrow but for now I’ll enjoy fruit and the rest of Gods yummy creations. It’s the processed stuff I need to stay away from and sugar. I’m sure I can curb my sweet tooth with the abundance of fruit here though. Thank you for celebrating with me, it feels good. Plus, now I get to chip away at my long list of @birdsinparadise recipes recipes. :)

I miss avocados from Costa Rica !! Thanks for your post !❤️❤️❤️🍸

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Oh and anything with a Hunter S Thompson quote must be amazing ❤️😎

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The big ones last a lot longer than the small ones. Before living here I had no idea an avocado could grow that big :).

Hey, @puravidaville.

I'm glad you decided to do this. Seems like we've had a discussion where I was on the other side, not putting up a #fff post and you were the one saying I needed to come up with something. Or maybe I'm just making that up. :)

Anyway, not going to give you a hard time, because I know how much life can get in the way—especially in paradise. Eating paradise pie. Oh, wait. It's supposed to be humble pie.


I'm glad you showed the second view of the avocado toast because for a moment I thought you meant actual avocado bread that had been toasted and I was going to say, "Well, I haven't heard of it either, but where's it been all my life, and why didn't someone tell me before now?"

As it is, avocado spread on actual bread looks quite delicious, too.

Thanks for the glass of water pic. Needed that. :)

Actual avocado spread on toasted bread is a miracle food. Haha… seriously, so simple yet so delicious. No, you’re not making it up, thanks for the tune up. Moving around takes up a lot of my attention too and as we are right at the beach I’m way more distracted than I was when we were in the mountains. I still haven’t had a chance to check everyone out this week. I suppose that’s what I’ll do over dinner, water, and sunset tonight. Thanks for hanging out with me @glenalbrethsen. I’ll be over at your page in just a moment.

Drooling the whole way through w a touch of envy lol 🤤.

Falafels out of cauliflower?! Interesting (<- creepy accent)

Cool qoute 😎. I just read reference to two dudes who said similar. One was a 102 year old man and the interviewer asked him "whats the secret to long life?", answer " i never worry" :D. And the 2nd was one of the dudes from Alabama , the country rock group, who survived a struggle w some deep dark depression. They asked him how he survived and he said " i just quit worrying about everyone else's problems "

Great entry Mrs Crab lol, see ya next week chef 🙂

Thanks @weirdheadaches. The crab was too cute not include him. Cauliflower falafel was actually pretty good, swear. It just needed a better hummus or chili sauce. I like that “I never worry”. What’s the point anyway, you worry and it changes nothing. Everything is going to pan out how it pans out with or without your extra worry. I’m down with that letting go of everything to truly gain peace.

Ps i totally forgot about asparagus OMG. Not sure how that happened.

Asparagus is good but I ate too much and it’s gotten old. I’m on this whole veggie bake kick now. It includes broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, onions, zucchini, salt and pepper mixed in olive oil and butter. Yum.

So many goodies! Yum! Avocado toast or toast with avocado is my addiction too, lol. 🥑 But you have something I don't! The view!!! And such a cute crab 🌴😍🌴

Isn’t that crab cute. You can see his little face and as soon as I walked over to him he froze. Haha… I don’t see them that big that often. I think it had something to do with that big full moon we just had. Spring equinox 🤷🏼‍♀️

Oh wow, that's for sure!!! Moon rules the Cancer sign. Amazing isn't it 🌜😉