Food Fight Friday: British Edition

in fff •  5 years ago 

Here it is, another Food Fight Friday and I’m back in action. It’s been awhile since I’ve said “what’s up Steemit community” . I can only hope you don’t hold it against me. I know I’ve missed a lot and am looking forward to catching up.

Hi my Steemit Friends!!
Although I’ve been absent it doesn’t mean you’ve all slipped my mind. I’m always wishing my friends well and hoping y’all are having as many exciting adventures as @dandays and I are.

We have finally touched down in England and let me tell you, jet lag is NO joke. It took a good 4 days or so to feel normal again. I had no idea... We have made our way through New York, spelunked around London and are currently checking out the Northern Cities of England. Tomorrow we move into our month long Air B and B which will be nice since we haven’t had a home cooked meal since leaving Costa Rica (or should i say Cost-a-rich-no). I cant wait to get in that kitchen and whip up some yummy veggies 😋. I think it’s safe to say we’ve been living off of falafel for two weeks (good thing we like falafel).

So, with all of that moving about and exploring I’ve let my Steemit game slip a lil (insert tiniest space here). But I shan’t let another @foodfightfriday slip by without a contender from me, no sir-y. Today I present to you my latest Food Fight, British edition. Have a look for yourself...........


You can’t talk about “British edition” anything and not mention Fish and Chips and might I say, the fish and chips are definitely note worthy. What I like about these ol deep fried meals here, is that the Brits use the entire filet of fish, not bothering to cut it up for us lads. I appreciate that in a chippy (aka, fish and chips joint). Now, don’t confuse “chips” for French fries. French fries indicate you are getting a thin cut fry where as a “chip” is a thick cut crispy fried potato. See the difference? Neither do I but if you order fish and French fries you’re bound to catch a few funny looks 🥴 (like this emoji face here). Those things you dip in salsa are known as crisps by the way. I know, lots to learn here even when we all speak the same language, or is it the same language 🤔?

Anyway, we made a special trip to the nearest chippy on our 3rd day in London. Did I mention that jet lag yet? Day one we hung out at the hotel and went to bed early. Day two we walked around the corner from our hotel to get our phones operational. We weren’t going to try and navigate England without WiFi. I mean, who do you think we are, McGivers? After walking for awhile we realized that every single restaurant, business, and phone joint (which there were tons) were ran and operated by people who spoke Arabic. I had NO idea there was such a huge community of “Asians” in England. I’ve been taught my entire life, whether through the media or in school (United States and there stellar education institutions), that peoples from Pakistan, Lebanon, and India, are all “middle eastern”. I don’t think there could be a bigger misconception happening in the US. I suppose that’s the beauty of travel, the broadening of our truth. When we are only subject to one perspective that’s all we know to be true but when we take on many other perspectives the truths are revealed to expand our perceptions to be much closer to the “truth”. Little rant but i digress...

All of the walking and gawking got our appetites rumbling so we stopped into one of the many Lebanese restaurants nearby. I really wanted some veggie soup and a salad since literally only consuming falafel pitas in New York. The place we picked had the perfect menu for us. We both got a bowl of soup, and @dandays had a cucumber, tomato, parsley salad with fries. My stomach had been a little weird so I kept it light but perfect. When we finished our food we continued walking.

With one turn we ended up in a downtown type area. Lots of people, lots of coffee shops, and we even stopped in front of a game shop to enjoy the use of their free chess board. It was a perfect day to sip on a strong as shaaat mocha while workers swarmed the sidewalks and we played a game of chess. Yes, @dandays won and I got annoyed at that so one game was all it would be for the day.

We continued on, heading towards what we thought was the direction of our hotel and boom.... An outdoor cafe where people are smoking hookah, watching football (soccer for us weirdos in the US) and drinking tea. I was sold immediately. Being that the cafe was almost attached to our hotel we made a detour to our room to drop some things off and walked right back to the cafe where I hadn’t a clue what new obsession was about to wash over me.


Since neither of us knew what we were doing we asked for a recommendation from our waiter. He kindly suggested a smooth peach flavor accompanied by some Moroccan tea and we were off to the races. I don’t know why I haven’t indulged in this activity before? I loved every minute of it, feeling like Cleopatra and shizzzz. Haha. After puffing on peach bliss and sipping mint heaven we headed back to our room to get a good nights sleep..... Oh how wrong we were about to be.

After several failed attempts to get some shut eye, 2 Benadryl tablets later, and a few rotations of switching seats with Dandays (one person getting up to go sit in the chair, turning on the TV, turning off the TV, crawling back in bed with eyes closed, only to give up, getting out of bed to move to the chair again) we both submitted to the fact that we weren’t going to get any sleep so we might as well go get a coffee. I looked at my phone that read 3:30 am and searched 24hr coffee joints in London. Not as many as one would think 🤔. Train station it is then.....


After diddling around on my phone searching for an open cafe, washing our faces, getting dressed and heading down to the lobby, we made it outside around 4:20 am (the time is not lost on me my stoner comrades). To both our surprise it was light outside. Okay, not as light as that picture of the church above would have you believe but light nonetheless. It was neat, like a vampire was itching to make their way off the top of one of them old buildings any minute now. (The grammatical errors in the previous sentence are for effect in case you’re well on your way to judging me). Although I didn’t happen to get pictures of the massive gothic buildings and churches we walked by nor did I get a picture of the black cab we ended up hailing, I did get a picture of this gorgeous church later on that day. Please accept this in place of my failure :)

Would you believe it if I told you that this post is going in a direction I had no intention of going? I was really only going to show you my fish and chips, then something else, say hi to my fellow triple F buds and then sign off but here I am, writing you a damn novel 🤷🏼‍♀️ Haha...

We made it to coffee and it was indeed in the train station so there was no shortage of people watching. Dandays and I sat down where we met another traveler who we exchanged a chat with. What? I know I’m not British but I do prefer the way they say things... Anyway, there was lots of activity happening around us which was relaxing in a strange juxtaposed way.

After two large coffees, a vegan wrap and a vegan cinnamon muffin later, we had made a plan for the day. An ambitious plan, but a plan nonetheless. It was time for us to head back to our hotel so we could shower and be on with it. It was about 7-8 am in the morning now. We were literally walking zombies. I don’t think there was a coffee house that we didn’t hit up that morning. Before getting back to the pad we popped into one more Costa Coffee and snorted as much caffeine macchiato, espresso, double, triple, black, sledge fuel as we could manage. We were ready to rock like party stars!

Here’s a couple photos taken from my half dead, caffeine charged, delayed jet lagged, bus tour taking ass below.....





Dandays and I were fighting our eyelids natural tendency to close while the commentator told us all about what we were seeing. Being it was our last day in London, even though we hadn’t slept yet, we decided to rally and go find some proper fish and chips when the tour was over. This brings us to 2 o clock and back to my cover photo.

Skip ahead to that night, an over the counter sleeping pill, and a good nights rest and we are on the train to Leeds, England (aka, the North)..


My first train station, ever! I only had to ask 3 other people, some probably seemingly obvious questions before we felt confident locating our train....


Not a bad view. We ended up right where we wanted to be and although I haven’t contended with London’s fish and chips yet, I’ve definitely made my way through my share of shisha lounges and Lebanese restaurants since arriving...


Also, what do you know about baklava?


And tonight’s indulgences were falafel wraps, licorice shisha and Syrian baklawa treats (that’s how the restaurant spelled it but I’m still unconvinced it wasn’t a typo).


I don’t think I’m ever leaving Europe!! Happy Food Fight Friday my friends. Thanks for stopping by!

Pura Vida ✌️


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hehe.....You have really beaten me with those foods you have in there. They look yummy and no living soul can resist it both in smell and taste.

i really enjoy every word in there and you images were awesome. Great post and keep the food fight up always

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 50
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck

"Here’s a couple photos taken from my half dead, caffeine charged, delayed jet lagged, bus tour taking ass below....." 🤣🤣🤣

I was curious about the jetlag. I never had it before. Also travel and the neuroplasticity i am learning go hand in hand, or brain and mind.

Not kissing ass but u 2 r dope. It All looks delicious 🤤 & you and your sweets 😅.

Haha… thanks @weirdheadaches! We appreciate the compliment.

Omg, I can’t control my sweets. I think traveling makes me reach for sweets as comfort or something. I don’t know but I need to get it together quick or buy new clothes. Haha. I actually bought some eggs to start eating a more modified keto again. At least just until I can fit into my pants, dear God 🤦🏼‍♀️

Jet lag is no joke. It’s the feeling when you’ve stayed up partying all night (but remained sober) and you walk outside in the morning out of the dark cave you’ve all been hanging out in to only be reminded that you HATE THE SUN”. Haha… Usually, I’d go to bed ASAP to only wake up around 5 that afternoon feeling all discombobulated. Jet lag lasts a few days though, it’s weird.

Goodluck w the clothes tehe. I haven't traveled for a min but growing up i always gained at least 10lbs while traveling, geezers. Unfortunately i totally get the analogy haha. We had a place called aftermath, a private owned club in a warehouse. We'd leave there around 10am and oh boy that was the worst (not the freaking sun). I think those nights lasted a few days as well haha. Luckily im a bit older now. Happy travels, looking forward to your future posts 😋🙏

So happy to see you guys landed safely! Looking forward to more of your adventures👍👍

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Thanks friend! It’s been nice to feel like a human again. Haha.... i had no clue jet lag was so intense. I chalk it up to the long travel from Costa Rica then the US and shortly after to London. It’s nice to hear from you. Hope you enjoy your weekend :)

@camillesteemer. Try being a little more productive and lot less of a maggot—go to hug a puppy or something.


Yikes, that baklava!!!!! One of my favorite desserts that I dare not make, lol So exciting to see you guys having a great time!! And fish-n-chips oh dear second favorite. Keep the pics coming...we've all been waiting!!! Watch out Europe!!!

The fish and chips are lethal but this baklava should be called big booty la va. Haha… thanks @birdsinparadise. It’s nice to see you and be back on the platform. I went to check you out last night and it seems you’re having too much fun on the road you’ve forgotten to post. I totally get it. Safe travels Bird family!

the food looks so good and the landscapes are really beautiful. I wish so much that you enjoy this trip

So far we love this trip @denissemata. My Dad was from here so I feel this pseudo sense of being home. I’m glad you stopped by my friend. Hope all is well with you xoxo

Oh My God😲 I love this zombie's novel like post... are you taking me in your bag again @puravidaville ? I love all the zombie photographer taken here 😊 Amazing!
What a falafel wraps? Is it better than croissant?

You can come in my bag anytime @cicisaja! Falafels are ground chickpeas mixed with herbs and spices then deep fried into crispy but soft centered little balls of delight. So good dipped in hummus. I’m not sure if you’d find them in Indonesia 🤔. You should look and let me know. They are delicious if you ever get a chance to try them. 😋. Good to see you my friend!

We've been talking about falafel before and I don't think I ever taste any.. except that I have enough money to try it in the middle east restaurants somewhere in central jakarta 😊... I never read anyone on steemit that talking about falafel anywhere they go except you and @dandays 😆

Haha… we are falafel freaks :)

I can see that... there's no way you both none having falafel anywhere you go😂

London adventure wow! It must of been quite a challenge with the jet lag, but it's fun to read that's for sure, lol. Poor you! By the way, speaking of falafel, I was living on those too, when I was in NY, lol. Anyway, I am glad that you like Europe so far, although don't forget the winter, lol. Wish you all the best and ending lots of hugs 💖😍💖

Falafel is great, isn’t it?!? We have been told about the winters and although we’d like to see it I don’t think we’ll be here that long but we’ll see. I don’t mind the sweater and jacket weather right now. Costa Rica was relentless humidity in the end. I’m glad you get a kick out of our adventures @lenasveganliving. It’s always nice to have you stop by :)

Maybe you just have to find a warm place t o go for the birds, lol. But what you mean sweater and jacket, isn't there hot summer right now?

Anyway, I do love to follow your adventures my Sweet and funny Pura. Always a pleasure 💖😊💖

Fish and chips, love it. Hookahsmoking, would love to try it. I knew you had to be jet-lagged, good job pushing through. Baklava with pistachios, I'll have some PLEASE!

Baklava with pistachios, walnuts, or any other kind of nut and I’m in. How bad can a cup of honey be for you? Haha… thanks for dropping a line @farm-mom. Jet lag really kicked our butts.

Ah the first time I've discovered shisha in a small tea house in've just brought back those nice memories (I think I still have a hookah somewhere, I shoukd take it back out). Nice adventures you guys are having, the crossroad between staying or getting out of bed, the fish and chips (now I know they chips are not fries 😲), welcome back and continue havinga blast!

I was just telling @Dandays that I should get my own hookah. I’d share a smoke with you any time. Thanks for stopping by @pegarissimo. The fish and chips do not disappoint around here.

Wooo, what these food posts do to me! 🤦🏽‍♂
Damn that fish and chips.

Cool shots @puravidaville 👍🏼

Then why have you guys had to live off only falafel? And what dyou mean by your first train station ever? You've never bumped into yourself in a train station before? Or just in England?

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Because falafel is life!!! We LOVE falafel and really don’t mind living off of it. I just need to make up a few bowls of veggies in between :). No, it was our first station. Neither of us had ever been in a train station. In the United States airports are the mode of transport. I suppose people take trains too but they aren’t as popular. Probably because you can find a cheap plane ticket faster than a train ticket.

I'm curious about hookahs, what is smoked in those things?

Awesome for being in London! The place looks amazing!

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England is fantastic!! So far we are really loving it. It helps that the accents are nice too. Hookah and shisha are the same thing. Well, hookah is the apparatus and shisha is the smoke, I think 🤷🏼‍♀️ . The actual contents that we are smoking are chopped pieces of flavored tobacco, again, I think. Haha… I suppose we could be smoking rat turds and I wouldn’t know. Haha

No, really, I just read up on shisha and apparently the wet tobacco is burned slowly by the hot coals on top then filtered through cold water so it vaporizes into smoke and we inhale it through a long tube which ends up making it look similar to vaping but it’s not vaping. Haha, honestly we have no idea what we are doing but i found it to be a fun activity, since we don’t drink or smoke anything else.

Yay! Hookah lounge for the win 👏👏👏

England is fantastic!! So far we are really loving it. It helps that the accents are nice too. Hookah and shisha are the same thing. Well, hookah is the apparatus and shisha is the smoke, I think 🤷🏼‍♀️ . The actual contents that we are smoking are chopped pieces of flavored tobacco, again, I think. Haha… I suppose we could be smoking rat turds and I wouldn’t know. Haha

No, really, I just read up on shisha and apparently the wet tobacco is burned slowly by the hot coals on top then filtered through cold water so it vaporizes into smoke and we inhale it through a long tube which ends up making it look similar to vaping but it’s not vaping. Haha, honestly we have no idea what we are doing but i found it to be a fun activity, since we don’t drink or smoke anything else.

Yay! Hookah lounge for the win 👏👏👏

I've seen people use hookahs before and in restaurants as well. I seen some smoke ganja with it and I knew it wasn't quite made for that 😆 as it wasn't legal just yet, so I couldn't see it being that they were smoking in restaurants here in Canada, and then smoking tobacco didn't seem like it made sense with the laws of being smoke free in public places. So I got confused.

Happy you guys are having a great time!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahahahahahahaha😂😂 this reply is funny as hell! I love hookahs as well, been doing it since 2014, I've never thought of how all these works, but I've always known it's tobacco. Sometimes I decide what is in it, you can make it weed if you want. The coldness of the smoke is the killer thing for me. Love. 😃

Posted using Partiko Android


cheers, both of you ;)
which flavors do you guys smoke ;)?

Whatever they pick for us. We like mint mixed in for sure :)

sounds good!!
try apple lol after you finish or maybe before you will have a headache couple of times if you never smoked it before and later on it will be something usual hehe

We like apple mixed with mint. Our new favorite is grape, lemon, mint mixed.

Apple mixed with mint? that's interesting
try double apple if you strong woman hehe, I told @dandays the same too

hey dear @puravidaville !! what to say? A M A Z I N G !! your post is beautiful, funny, ironic, full of beautiful photos and descriptions !! I'm glad you like Europe, but I hope you won't be alone in London, there are so many places to see in England !! Have a good trip and congratulations on the curie rating :-))

Hey, what a cool response. Thank you for taking the time to drop a line on my page. I travel with my travel partner in crime so we get to see this amazing country together. So far England has been a dream. Im really looking forward to getting in a few more train rides and some photogenic countryside viewing. Thanks for the support and feel free to stop by anytime :)

we are travelers therefore always support for other travelers !! if you are still in England do not forget to go to the beautiful Cornwall, with its beautiful cliffs and the contrast between the blue of the sky and the green of the earth! Enjoy :-))

I’ll look I to it. Thanks 👍🏾

Welcome baaaack! After seeing @dandays pop up, I was hoping you would't be far behind. A Friday treat indeed! I've never experienced jet lag to that level, but I can imagine it is definitely no joke! Glad you were able to plod around the city for a bit before heading out of London. I am definitely looking forward to your European adventures. Hopefully you feel much more at home than at your last locale!

It’s crazy but i feel like i am indeed at home, here, in England. I’m sure my dad being British has a lot to do with it but the locals and their welcoming smiles doesn’t hurt any. It’s good to hear from you @plantstoplanks. I see you’ve been keeping busy beating up your running shoes. You’re so good! I just downed an entire plate of baklava and Syrian almond cookies myself so my running shoes are calling my name. I can always count on you to drop the ass kicking inspiration i need to lace up. Thank you my friend! Glad to be back :)

Man, you already got me drooling on the picture of that baklava, but now I'm going for round two of dessert envy just thinking about it again! That's one of the good things about running--more room for good food. I hope you get to lace up and enjoy the sights of England on foot soon!

I shall get moving on Sunday when I wake up from our new spot. I have you to thank for that. Plus, this baklava isn’t going to work its self off. Haha.... good thing there is no shortage of baklava making restaurants around here 🤦‍♀️

Ill send some your way asap!!!

Hi puravidaville,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Thanks @curie! You make my weekend :)

I Love Fish n Chips. Love em, Love em, Love em. Especially real ems. You 2 r nuts lol.

They do not disappoint here either. 😋

Attention @camillesteemer you can wipe your ass with your downvote. Be more productive, and less of a turd.

Welcome to Europe!! I see that you're started to enjoy it already :) I have never had such a bad jet lag and I hope that you feel yourself soon enough :)

When are you heading to Switzerland? :)

Wow... I loved all those snaps in this, especially the smoking one, is it hookah...
And your introduction about jet lag and treaveling around London had given some spices required for this review.

Going.... Going... GONE!!! Good lookin out @curie. 👍🏿

I really love the way you explained Asians and Middle-Easterns. I’m sure you opened a lot of eyes and ears on that one. I know I was thoroughly confused the first umpteen times I heard a “Middle-Eastern” refer to their self as “Asian.”

There’s a wOrd for it—it’s a social experiment taught coast to coast, not worldwide, though, on only one of the seven continents and only raccoons can attend.

iheartu all the time beautifulest. Congratulations on the reward.