Food Fight Friday meets Taco Tuesday

in fff •  7 years ago 

Having an almost three year old that thinks she's in charge, can prove a challenge at times.

After an action packed day at childcare, we need something quick and easy at dinner time so we can little Miss fed and and in bed as painlessly as possible.

Enter Taco Tuesday.....

We use the soft stand snd stuff taco shells so Miss Ivy can help create her own edible masterpiece.

We'll start off by frying off some beef mince with some taco seasoning


We add our choice of toppings, she likes to add baked beans, avocado, salsa, sour cream, avocado dip and of course plenty of cheese


Once they are parepared (and she will insist on helping Dad make his as well), it's time to dine....



All photos taken by me with my smart phone

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Oh God! How cuuuute!
God bless your child

Thankyou. I know I'm looking through a father's biased eyes, but I think she's pretty special

YES!! Stuff that face little one!! One-handed even.
She is bound for Food Fight Friday greatness.

Sometimes I think she has hollow legs. She really enjoys "helping" though which seems to make her more inclined to sit still and eat when she does

Shes even got the cool plate to go with it :p. Yum yum

And beware anyone that tries serving her on a different plate....

Now Miss Ivy looks like she knows how to eat some tacos. We like tacos on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursday’s, well any day of the week at my house. Great triple F entry @sparkesy43- I know it can’t be easy putting this together with a small tyrant running the show. Haha.

I hear you. Taco Tuesday can be any day of the week at our place too.


howdy sir sparkesy43! I wanna come over to your place on taco night! man that looks great, love the selection of toppings too and if Miss Ivy likes it then it has to be good! I could smell that meat from hear!

You think that's good? You should try baked potato night. Now that's something special.

sir sparkesy43! haha! ok I'll come over on baked potato night, when is that? lol.

Wow... Little Miss Ivy, the youngest #fff contender so far. Who her friend in the background? He looks jealous that he hasn't got a taco. Lol

She's no stranger to #fff having made an appearance for World Ice Cream day. As for that annoying noisy dancing robot thing...we have a love/hate relationship with it. She loves to play with it at the least opportune moments, which I hate...

Haha, yes I remember those day's. Lucky for us our kids have grown out of the noisy toy stage... well except for the music blaring out of their phones.

We do take extra care to make sure to get the grandkids some kind of noisy toy for birthdays and Christmas though 😁👍

Hey, @sparkesy43.

Your daughter is adorable and the fact she hasn't made a mess yet in these pictures is a definite plus. Our one year old granddaughter would be well on her way to wearing her food all over within the first few seconds of having much less food given her. It's been a while since I've had a near three year old at home, so apparently the desire to eat starts to outweigh the 'fun' of pushing or throwing stuff onto the floor.

Or, am I premature with my praise here? :)

The tacos look awesome. I've always wanted to try baked beans. Ours are usually boiled or refried. I like the tortillas in a bowl shape, too.

I have no doubt that one day you will learn how to make these all on your own without any need for your daughter to help. :) That will probably be a sad, day, too, so maybe not too soon, eh?

Thanks @glenalbrethsen. There's a reason she's wearing a smock. She certainly makes a mess at times.

Personally I've never been a fan of baked beans, but her highness seems to enjoy them so who am I to argue? She's teaching me how to make them, I'm just a slow learner.

Well, I figured she wasn't entirely passed the messes completely, but still, progress is progress. My daughter-in-law doesn't even bother covering up the granddaughter at this point. :)

Baked beans could go either way, I guess, but I'd still be interested in trying them just because I like them quite a bit on their own, or mixed with say ham or some other meat. So, it might be different if you like them. Maybe? I'll let you know when/if I try them. Probably be on my own for this experiment, though. :)