The cohesiveness of youth

in fhotography •  6 years ago 

Selamat sore steemit apa kabar kawan ku gimana kabar mu,semoga aja baik-baik saja amin,,di mana pun kalian berada jangan lupa membaca posting saya dan saya ada sedikit tentang kekompakan anak muda kampung atau anggota pemuda.
saya atau anggota pemuda di masyarakat cibrek baroh kota lhokseumawe.kami memasak kuah kambing sangat enak kata-kata orang.bagi-bagi kebahagiaan ke masyarakat ke lain-lain nya 😊
ini lah uang anak pemuda gampong cibrek baroh dan sekarang udah menjadi seekor kambing.
sekian dari saya mohon maaf.wasalam

English :
Good afternoon steemit how are you my friends how are you, hopefully aja okay amin ,, wherever you are, do not forget to read my post and i have little about the cohesiveness of youth or youth members.

me or a member of youth in cohbrek community baroh city lhokseumawe.kami cooking goat sauce is very nice words people.bagi-for happiness to society to others its 😊

this is the money of the youth child gampong cibrek baroh and now has become a goat.

so many of my apologies.wasalam

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nice post

Thaks 😊😊😊😊