It's a story about a grandmother and her granddaughter. It celebrates the inner strength of a Niger Delta Woman. The play begins with songs from the Niger Delta as Characters are seen dancing and walking in, as they sing and walk in just then the Narrator walks in watching the dancing characters. Then the Narrator starts to speak. Narrator: Welcome to the home of forty ethnic groups speaking two hundred and fifty languages a hard working people a people filled with the warmth and zest of life. The beauty of their environment dazzles the world from the mangrove swampy forest to the muddy hills that tingles black ebony they are blessed with many mineral resources I Mean solid minerals but the most envied of all is the black gold. (a song is raised by a character on stage the narrator continues) Welcome Great people of a great nation welcome for every gathering there is a reason and this season represent joy strength freedom reconciliation and celebration. (another song is raised again by another character the narrator smiles and looks at the characters they start to dance on stage again then the narrator continues by saying) The Niger Delta People Are Blessed nature loves them their Men are handsome and their women beautiful. Their waist like the fish. The secret of the fin is the secret of their waist our paddles strength of our fathers to face the unknown tides, Our masquerade beauty of our festivals the ignoring the jingle bells of the masquerade that gives pride in times of festivals.( The dancing characters dances out then the narrator continues finally) Our story tonight is celebration of the inner strength of a grandmother and her her granddaughter come with me as I take you the link of the rivers to tell our stories. (The Narrator dances out to the ovation of the crowd).
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