
in fiction •  7 years ago 

Do you guys read bukowski? I have read my first one! It was pretty wild and funny. I laughed out loud a few times and was able to finish it within a few days because of my interest to see where it was going - there were so many unexpected twists! lol It had space aliens, liquor, crude humor, and everything else you would (or wouldn't) expect from the infamous Bukowski.


I was able to luck out and find two at a library book selling area for a combined $4! The next one is Ham & Rye but I heard from a friend Post Office was a good one.. hopefully I find it in a thrift store or library sale one day 🤞😎

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I had that very same book and I was going to read it but someone took it. Now I have to get it back before I can read it.

lol lies!!