Breakfast - a Love Story

in fiction •  7 years ago  (edited)


Breakfast - a Love Story

I didn’t yet know that he didn’t spell his name with an “h” in that space that always seemed random to me, nor that his version of Jon wasn’t short for anything. I didn’t know that he thought I was absolutely, certifiably insane when he took the keys to Arrow––all steel frame, Vette engine––and drove it to South Bronx.

He ordered coffee, fingers skimming over the greasy outside of the menu.

I didn’t know that when he got to her place, the girl I was trying to save from bruises on her country-fed face, he was greeted by four pits and dog shit and a pissed off boyfriend. I didn’t know this man sitting across from me at Scotty’s on 38th at 4:12 in the morning.

I didn’t need to tell the man with the black mustache who served me–who always served everybody–what I wanted. Home fries, two sunny-side-ups, wheat toast.

Jon without the “h” drank his coffee, eyes on my hands, and then my face. “You know she’ll go back to him, don’t you?” His voice was low, pleasant.

I didn't. I shook my head. He smiled.

The man who called me Kakamaka refilled our coffee. I mashed my egg with the toast, soaking up the sun, chasing it with coffee - stale, burnt–always.

“They always go back…. You’ll get hurt, I think. People like you always do,” he said softly, eyes big, warm, brown, looking at me unblinking, but not in a way that made it uncomfortable. And then, for a flash, it was.

I turned away, eyes glancing at the scenes of European streets rendered in that annoying 3-D. A Prussian roach marched into the second story window of the one of Venice. Brown eyes fixed on the roach and we laughed. The roach left that window and moved on, one storey up, the window smudged charcoal.

I didn't yet know that she would go back. I didn't yet know what Jon without the "h" and I would become.

image credit via Pixabay

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I loved this. You took events intertwined in a space of time, and you took yourself who is so completely a universe within a universe and you placed the whole of you into the creation, interpretation, and the giving of this incredible masterpiece of work. You have a unique way of telling stories. It Is a way that draws the reader into that world,and makes them feel some sort of way about the characters. And the most beautiful and masterful thing to me about this piece that consumed my mind was the tempo and timing of the story. I could feel myself inside of a world that took it's time. It was not in a hurry. And when we take time to smell the roses, really connect with the person sitting across from us and we don't just listen when that person speaks, but we hear what they say deeply and we also hear what they don't say. This pace allowed me, made me want to sit back and get to know the characters and I discovered how she felt about John with no "h" and how he felt about her. And I could just go on...It captured my attention completely and my heart. Thank you so much @authorofthings, just discovered you and I will be following.

We all need more readers like @rensoul17! You are the reason we write - to find others who see and feel the way we do.
I can see writers lining up at your day, pleading, Read Me :-)

You have "two books coming out this month" and you're "editing 24/7"
Have you tried out Steemit's The Writers' Block - free feedback (even proofreading) -

Thanks, @carolkean I am such a raw freestyle type. I must follow the path that I feel is right for me. But I do thank you for the invite.

This is one of the nicest comments I'd ever gotten @rensoul17, and so very appreciated, especially on this post, one of the few personal things I'd fictionalized :-)

Enjoyed your work and gave you a follow @authorofthings. Us writers have to stick together. :)

Thank you kindly!

I don't know how to comment on this. I only know I must.
I love you.

I love you back, love. So much. <3

Wow. So beautiful. Everything you write is a pleasure. It reminds me of the first time I read In Cold Blood. How enjoyable the words were even when they were conveying ugly or unhappy things. Well done as always!

Never read In Cold Blood - but I'll take it as a compliment, @jrhughes. And I'm tickled pink you like my words :-) Even the sad ones.

Thanks for sharing your post on Pimp Your Post Thursday.

Thank you for having me.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I enjoyed this story so much. You have a way of writing that invites the reader in, to imagine and feel the details that are hinted at. Instead of delivering it all in some neatly tied package, you allow us to take part and be a part of it all, thinking how we might see that scenario and experience that drama. And it leaves us wondering and wanting more. ❤️

Aww shucks... Thank you @jayna. I try :-)

And it shows. Good writing like yours is such a pleasure to read.

Hmmm.. Liked it!!

It seems to me that she loved someone, but he had a significant other he had broken up with... But Jon (without h) tells her to not get her hopes high. "They always come back."

I also imagined the narrator/girl from another culture than Jon (without h) with the way she talk.

I agree with @jayna... your style in this story invites the reader to fill up the voids and imagine a story fit to them... I think it's one of the most relatable styles.

Wish she and Jon (with-- you know) become something "good" together~

They do, my friend, they do.

@authorofthings this post was presented at the most recent Pimp Your Post Thursday on the Steemit Ramble Discord. I have written a post to share your featured post. Just stopping back to let you know that you can see your name in lights right here. (Just kidding about the lights :)

Glad you mentioned this on Discord, my friend.



happy you found it! geee.....