Astounding Steemit Stories Volume 9steemCreated with Sketch.

in fiction •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Astounding Steemit Stories

Volume 9

October 21st 2017

Pretty full week. Found several new Authors to introduce.


Here is @meesterboom I would like to thank @jcedwards for this: "For something totally different, you may want to look at @meesterboom - I absolutely love his "Thursdays With Uncle Boom" (hilarious!) ... also, he has just become a father again, so some really funny posts on the "Baby Boom", too. I know they're not "fiction stories" to be included in your Astounding Steemit Stories ... but just for personal reading, his posts really give a lift to my day!"

Well I went and read one of his "Thursdays With Uncle Boom", I would not recommend an out loud reading when the "kids" are present, but it is some very funny adult stuff. As for it not being "Fiction", well they are stories, if someone has an Autobiographical story they would like promoted I would add it, as you will see in a lower entry.

The incredible life

@lindahas, now she was found via @cizzo, who had a resteem of OCD 100th post, where she was featured. I read her Two Swords Two Vultures and an Elephant story, and it was very good.

Here is her short bio:
"Short sci-fi/fantasy stories, snippets of a larger universe full of stories. Everyday thoughts, the positives in life, the good, the bad and the balance in us."

This was my response to her before even looking at her front blog/post page, I just got totally wrapped in the story when I first started to read it, and did not want to alter the story flow by taking even the miniscule amount of time to look.

"When I first started your story and the woman warrior just standing, I thought of an Ancient Indian preparing to stand against whatever was coming. I did not visit your page til after reading the story and saw that you were from Latvia, on first read I thought you were maybe Native American. Your story of protection was what made me think that. I need to look a little more at the history of Latvia now to see the similarities. I think we are all more similar than different. Thank you for a fine read.

Her Response:
I am playing with the protector idea quite a lot, I do not know why, but I kind of like it. I do not think I have any roots connected to Native Americans, but one can never be sure. And yes, I agree, we are more similar than different, in fact, we are all human, so we are the same in a sense, borders and locations are not really changing who we are inside, only we can do that! :)

She is originally from Latvia, living in Germany


@svashta, I found his work through @playfulfoodie's ,Marvelous Tales Contest(the link goes to her 19thwinner/next contest). Now back to @svashta.

I don't know if @svashta won the contest or not, but his story "Down The Rabbit Hole" was a very fun read. @svashta accord to their bio is - Practicing the art of the written word - I would say that his story shows that he is very close if not already Mastered the Art. @svashta is from Slovenia. I have been far far too much American Author reader when it came to paperback and kindle book reading. On steemit, I have gotten to not only enjoy stories from genre that I normally would not have purchased, but steemit has also given me the opportunity to read stories from people all over, America, Canada, South Africa, Nigeria, England, Slovenia, latvia, and I am sure from a lot of other countries/nationalities.

Winston Alden

@winstonalden, as I mentioned earlier, "if someone has an Autobiographical story they would like promoted I would add it," Winston Alden, has several family letters from the civil war that he is sharing with us, and several turn of the century (1920's and before) photo's from family that he is also sharing. His short bio - Exploring the boundary between the bewildering and the commonplace. - He is from the New England area. As you can see by his bio he has a lot of differing likes along with sharing of the family historical letters, and Photo's. So drop by his place and see what you can find, I need to stop back and see/read about his walk. I really wish I could remember how I ran across his blog, but well, face it, we are all getting older.

Liz Flores

@deadgrlsuppastar from her bio - "Mom, Photographer, Artist, Writer.. Check out my tag #imkindaweird to find all of my stuff in one place!" -she resides in Florida, USA. I found her I am pretty sure because of a comment she left on one of the Authors I follow story post. I don't remember which one, but she not only writes, she reads also. She is currently posting one of her stories "Clouded by the Gods" Per her comment This story later on gets very adult-ish. You have been warned so let's not read it to loudly when kids are around.

Southern Va Patriot

@timmo3663,I can not remember how i found him, I think I just got lucky on one of my cruise by's of the "new" tab. At any rate he has the beginnings of a nice EOTWAWKI story EMP Survival Chronicles Here is his bio - "Creative Writer, Homesteader, Christian Patriot" from Virginia area. he certainly is a Creative Writer, I have enjoyed the first 5 parts of his story. Take a look thru his page/blogs you may find more of his topics that interest you.


@thinknzombie, found him/her through a @gmuxx's Art Prompt Writing Contest #3. @thinknzombie did not name their story so I will just call it Lakshmi
It was a well written descriptive piece of work. @thinknzombie's bio - A fantasy writing zombie? What could possibly go wrong? - Not a lot when it comes to their writing. Check out his Lakshmi story and some of the others and well I think you will see really not much can go wrong. Oh and they are in Tokyo, so another international Author for me. (O-kay you also)The list grows only a couple left to go.


@arthur.grafo, He is another that I found via a comment on another Author's story. (Yes I am nosy, I look quite regularly when someone leaves a real comment). @arthur.grafo has no bio posted yet, nor indication of where from, that really does not matter. He has started to post some of his stories. Here is a little information on the story he is currently posting :
As you know, if you are an adult, there are at least two sides to every story. From my side, I decided to write about a mutant baby girl who is born in another reality, and her gift is empathy. She can feel the emotions of everyone (their emoting) and learns to attach emotions of hers and send the parcel back, affecting the person she wants to help.

Here is the link to the LC_Satellite 001-Boxee (the alternate LC story)-Book 11 (Preface and post001) He has chosen a different way of posting his story by utilizing a Picture format of his text. he explains this in the above post.


@tarazkp, Last one for this issue, His bio - prolific thinker | continual writer | personnel developer | photography enthusiast | father | husband, and he is from where we all like to go sometimes - Funland - I really need to keep better notes of when and how I find a new Author to read. I have no clue how i ran across his blog/post and stories. I have just started his Random Acts Of Violence Series, I have to warn you episode one is not gonna end how you initially think. His story An Empty Nest is a lot different than Random Acts. His blog/post page looks like he has a lot of different interest, so if philosophy is up your alley, he has that covered, or photography he also has that covered, along with a lot of Life. So drop by his place read a story or two, and enjoy yourself.
"photo credits on authors pages"

Storytellers and Authors from previous entries. They keep writing, and I keep reading.

@ezzy --------------- @macksby
@wgmartin ------- @everittdmickey
@richq11 ---------- @cecicastor
@wolfeblog ------- @lyxng
@greenrun ........ @aksounder
@pibara ............ @josephlwiess
@stevescoins ..... @cizzo

@giantbear ................ @johnjgeddes
@papa-pepper ........... @jedau
@alexbeyman ............ @alienbutt
@suesa ...................... @jcedwards ......... @bdmomuae
@dreemit .................. @mudcat36

Improvements and or suggestions, feel free to make them in the comments section; and a great big thank you to all the authors out there, for providing me with reading enjoyment.

Edited 10/23/2017 from a suggestion that @tarazkp made below. (thank you)

I also use the comment section to leave post of Authors I find, and the occasional writing contest, or when someone ask for help. And feel free to just leave a general I need to contact you kind of post if you want.

Also story Link's are not spam so feel free to drop a link you find, or your own when you have a new story out. Remember as an Author/Storyteller, you need to let people know you are out there.

Astounding Steemit Stories ...... Volume 1 ......... September 5th 2017

Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 2 ........ September 10th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 3 ........ September 17th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 4 ........ September 22nd 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 5 .........September 29th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 6 ...............October 6th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 7 ...............October 7th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 8 ...............October 15th 2017
All the links to past issues

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Thank you so much for the mention - and delighted you enjoyed @meesterboom's work! Warning - finish your drink and put the glass down before reading ... lol.

I'm also glad to see mention of @arthur.grafo here - I only came across his stories recently, but really enjoyed "Little Cherine". I'll be checking out more of his writing, for sure.

And thank you for all the great tips of new people, places and things to read - it's much appreciated. (Re-steemed)

I knew there had to be more readers than just me.LoL. Thank you for the stories you do, and for the recommends you have made.

Thank you for the mention in the article @bashadow.

I think these posts can be quite helpful, especially for new users to find decent content at Steemit. I also like that you have put some of your own thoughts in and that where possible, you have shown the 'chain of custody' as I think that it is good for people to see how beneficial organic discovery is.

From a personal layout perspective, I wouldn't mind seeing a small heading after each break to differentiate a bit further but good job over all mate.

Survived #thunderdome in my view.

Thank you for taking a look and making an improvement suggestion. Your suggestion does define the Author space a little bit better. And thank you for the upvote.

This is lovely. Keep up the good work.

Thank you, took a long time, ran out of steem towards the end, so I hope no one feels slighted. I wanted to get it done before heading to bed.

It looks good to me, just waking up now to check on steemit.

Opposite sides of the world, you wake I sleep, I sleep, you wake. You have a good day, Sundays are fun days, I think that was a Cindy Lauper line, but tired so may have the wrong day, i will have to listen to song tomorrow, because I can not remember now if it was sunday or monday.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I only know of one Cindy Lauper's song and it is called Time After Time

An amazing evergreen classic. It is a Sunday morning here, folks going/preparing to go to the church and that sort of thing.

Here is the one I was thinking of, and a piece of the Lyrics:

I wish it were Sunday
'Cause that's my fun day
My I don't have to run day

The Bangles

I've listened to this song before but just don't know what the singers are called. Now I know thanks to you. ✌️

Definitely an 80s song. Decade of evergreen classics 💯

I almost had to get back up after laying down last night because I remembered who it was. I was going to edit my post about Cyndi Lauper, but well the post was made, so let it stay, besides she has some nice songs too, just not the one I was thinking of.

"Manic Monday", by the Bangles - love that song! :)

I think it is a music Sunday. We can blame @mammasitta for that, she sort of started it yesterday, and her song selection and words put my brain into music drive. ;-} And Sunday is a Fun Day. {-;

It's just past noon here in Canada and I've been 'making the rounds' here ... now off to some writing on my story .... Tertia is calling me from "Beyond The Veil" ... tee hee.

Only hour difference, just after 11 here in Alaska. Enjoy writing, and I will enjoy reading it.

I think it is a music Sunday. We can blame @mammasitta for that, she sort of started it yesterday, and her song selection and words put my brain into music drive. ;-} And Sunday is a Fun Day. {-;

Upvoted and resteemed bash. Good stuff.

Thanks, Lots of people found last week. Some good reading.

@braveheart29 upvoted my mag. I went to her page she has a very endearing story of a rescue pet chihuahua named Chico give her story aread, I am sure you will agree it is a very nice story.

@adsactly short stories, found via an @greenrun resteem

A little heads up to the minnow (less than 10 MVEST) fiction authors above, ( @bashadow, let me know if you think this is spam) the croupierbot has accumulated another $5.- and is running round two of the Minnow Fiction Author Support Lottery .

Nope not spam at all, it is about Authors, Storytellers. All writing contest, or story link drops are welcomed. I don't worry to much about spam on the mag here.

What an awesome post! How unselfish of you. Well done and thank you for mentioning a lot of my friends here too!