RE: Rats In The Sewers - Part 3

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Rats In The Sewers - Part 3

in fiction •  7 years ago 

Congratulations on getting Curied!

A couple of things stood out, though. An impact hard enough to crack concrete wouldn't just break a rib or two. I'd expect severe internal injuries, bleeding, and widespread bone breaks.

Also, the pain of a broken rib is excruciating. It would make all movement on the affected side difficult, and fine motor movement next to impossible. The knife throwing scene can be justified by Dutch using his uninjured side (and by being that much of a hardcase), but you could consider emphasising his injury by having him pant for breath while speaking, grimace and favour his uninjured side.

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Thanks! I'm not sure how to feel about it but I'm certainly not complaining!

And well they are wearing scifi armor. I didn't make it that big of a deal because word count. It's not like a suit of actual metal armor, more of a field that dissipates impacts, so something like what happened would hurt, probably break a couple of bones, but it wouldn't pulp his organs like it would a regular person. I should probably get into how his chest cavity isn't caved in when I write the next story, but explaining scifi tech is always so boring to me. It just seems pedantic, but I can see it being a problem. If you have someone in your story basically get hit by a damn car and coming out just a little banged up, you kind of need to explain that somehow, even if it's just a line or two.