It's For Love # 50 (Bilingual)

in fiction •  7 years ago 

“Tidak tahu … aku tidak pernah memikirkannya,” sahut Afra perlahan. Pandangannya menyapu sekeliling. Pelaminan yang sangat megah. Rangkaian bunga hidup di berbagai tempat. Saung-saung makanan di tiap sisi gedung. Lalu lalang orang dengan model baju pesta terbaru. Sangat menyilaukan.

“Tapi … seperti ini rasanya terlalu berlebihan untukku.”

Afra melihat ke arah pelaminan lagi. Kedua orangtua mempelai menundukkan kepala. Mendoakan kebahagiaan anak-anak mereka. Dia menarik nafas panjang, menahan rasa rindu pada Ayahnya.

“Lihat Ra, teman-teman kita kumpul di sana?” ujar sahabatnya. Afra mengikuti arah telunjuk sahabatnya. “Kita ke sana yuk,” ajak Afra seraya berdiri.

“Nanti dulu,” Tangan Afra dipegang sahabatnya perlahan, “ … kita foto dulu dengan pengantin, setelah undangan VVIP … Hoshi sorry ya, kita nanti fotonya aku sama Afra aja.”

“Tenang aja,” Hoshi tersenyum. Dia membalas lambaian teman-teman SMA mereka di kejauhan. Syukurlah di tempat VVIP ini, dia bisa berada dekat Afra lebih lama lagi.

Afra melirik beberapa orang yang memiliki postur sebagai pejabat duduk di meja sebelahnya. Ayah sahabat mereka memang salah seorang pejabat teras di sebuah perusahaan BUMN. Para undangan VVIP dipanggil satu persatu, untuk memberikan ucapan selamat sekaligus berfoto bersama pengantin. Afra mendengar namanya dipanggil, bersama sahabat yang menjemputnya.

Dengan gembira Afra berjalan bergandengan dengan sahabatnya menuju pelaminan. Hoshi menemaninya sampai ke tangga pelaminan. Setelah foto resmi dengan pengantin dan keluarga mempelai, sahabatnya meminta izin suaminya untuk foto bertiga.

Diam-diam Hoshi mengambil foto Afra. Wajah Afra terlihat sangat bahagia.

“Kamu ternyata masih tergila-gila ya, sama Afra,” ujar seorang teman dekatnya saat SMA seraya menyikut tangannya.

Hoshi mengangkat alisnya sedikit. Dia tersenyum ketika beberapa orang mengajaknya berfoto. Setelah selesai dia kembali mendekati sobat kentalnya di masa SMA.

“Kalau serius, jangan kebanyakan mikir, tembak aja dulu … keduluan orang lain lho.” Melihat alis Hoshi naik tinggi, temannya yang berkecimpung di dunia entertainment berkata lagi, “Dia sudah jadi selebriti sekarang … tinggal tunggu waktu aja dia dideketin sama orang broadcasting.”

Afra menoleh ke arah sahabatnya, ketika lengannya disikut. “Ada apa?” “Dari tadi ngeliatin Hoshi terus.” Afra merasa wajahnya memerah. “Iya gitu?” Dia benar-benar tidak menyadarinya.

“Hoshi itu banyak banget fansnya Ra … cewek-cewek cantik lagi rata-rata … liat aja yang berebut foto sama dia, engga berhenti dari tadi … tapi Hoshi memang keren sih … kayak es krim tiramitsu ya.” Mereka berdua tertawa-tawa … mengingat kegilaan mereka bertiga pada es krim itu.

Afra mencari Hoshi dengan sapuan matanya. Dia menarik nafas panjang. Hoshi masih dikerumuni wanita-wanita cantik dan menarik. Entah kenapa. Ada sesuatu yang terasa menyakitkan di dada di sebelah kiri. Apakah dia punya gejala penyakit jantung sekarang?


"I don’t know ... I never thought about it," Afra said slowly. Her gaze swept around. A very magnificent aura. Live flower arrangements in various places. Food stall on each side of the building. Passing people with the latest party dress model. Very dazzling.

"But ... like this seems too much for me."

Afra looked at the stage again. Both bride and groom parents bowed their heads. Pray for the happiness of their children. She took a deep breath, holding back her longing for his father.

"See Ra, our friends gather there?" Said her best friend. Afra followed the direction of her best friend. "We'll go there," said Afra as she stood up.

"Later on," Afra's hand was held by her friend slowly, "... we first take a photo with the bride, after the invitation of VVIP ... Hoshi sorry, just three of us."

"Take it easy," Hoshi smiled. He waved back at their high school friends in the distance. Thank goodness in this VVIP place, he could be near Afra much longer.

Afra glanced at some people who had posture as an official sitting at the table next to her. The father of their friend is indeed one of the top officials in a state-owned company. The VVIP invitees are summoned one by one, to give congratulations as well as to take pictures with the bride. Afra heard her name called, along with a friend who picked her up.

Afra gladly took awalked hand in hand with her best friend to the aisle. Hoshi accompanied her to the ladder. After the official photo with the bride and groom's family, her best friend asked for her husband's permission to photograph the three.

Hoshi secretly took a photo of Afra. Afra's face looked very happy.
[Sumber]( "You're still madly in love with Afra," said a close friend at high school while nudging his hand.

Hoshi raised his eyebrows slightly. He smiled when some people took him to take picture. When he finished he came back close to his thick buddy in high school.

"If you are serious, don’t think most of the time, get her firstt or ... someone else's will." Seeing Hoshi's eyebrows rising high, his friend who was in the entertainment world said again, "She's a celebrity now ... just wait for a while people from broadcasting will approach her. "

Afra turned to her best friend, when her arms were elbowed. "What is wrong?" "You can’t take your eyes of Hoshi." Afra felt her face turn red. "Really?" She really didn’t realize it.

"Hoshi has a lot of fans Ra ... most of them are pretty girls ... look at these who try to take a photo with him nonstop ... but Hoshi is cool ... like ice cream oyster. .." They both laugh ... remembering the madness of the three of them on the ice cream.

Afra looks for Hoshi with her sweep of eyes. She took a deep breath. Hoshi is still surrounded by beautiful and attractive women. Somehow. Something was painful in the chest. Does she have symptoms of heart disease now?

[Sumber]( Warm Regards Cici SW
Terimakasih pada Kurator @mariska.lubis, @aiqabrago, dan @levycore, serta Komunitas Steemit Indonesia atas dukungannya.
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Cerpen yg bagus,
True beauty only can you feel, when you can enjoy it and be grateful.

I agree
Thankyou for visiting my blog

Wah tak terasa sudha episode ke 50lagi ya

hehehehe :)

Duh Afra cemburu nih....hehehe

Kasian Bang Tusroni, dia engga tahu kalau dia cemburu :)

Cemburu sama Afra...hehehhe

sudah sampai episode ke-50
kerennn teh @cicisw

Terimakasih Teh @ettydiallova

misami tetehku

Makin dag dig dug nih jantung....hahahaha

Saya nulis cerita panjang suka ngadat. Saluuut.

Ikut deg deg kan ya :)
Kalau mulai ngadat, tambahin konfliknya hehehe
Terimakasih @ayahkasih