Diberitakan Pak Dokter menjadi wali harta kekayaannya, sampai setahun setelah Ayahnya wafat. Artikel itu menggiring para pembaca dengan lembut, memojokkan keluarga Dokter Andri. Mulut Laila sangat berbisa. Seandainya tidak mengalami sendiri, dia pasti tidak akan percaya ada orang seculas itu.
“Berita-berita tentangmu sangat mengerikan,” suara Mama Hoshi memecah keheningan dalam mobil
“Kalau sekarang ramai, nanti pasti sepi …” Afra memaksakan senyum di bibirnya, “… bagaimana kabar Bapak, Bu?”
“Baik … Bapak bolak balik menanyakanmu … bisakah kita bicara sebentar?”
“Siap Bu.”
Mama Hoshi tertawa kecil. “Yang jadi atasanmu suamiku, bukan aku … karena kau sahabat Hoshi, bolehkah aku memanggilmu Afra?”
“Tentu saja, boleh Bu”
“Ke rumah kamu saja ya Hosh… tempat lain sepertinya kurang nyaman, ” ujar Mama Hoshi.
“Iya, Ma.” Hoshi memutar mobilnya, kembali ke arah rumahnya.
Afra menunggu beberapa saat. Tangannya menggeser layar ponsel Hoshi. Mengecek berita terbaru. Tepat seperti dugaannya, foto dirinya memasuki mobil Hoshi langsung beredar di internet. Dia menghela nafas panjang. Sepertinya, memang ada orang yang sengaja membuntutinya. Apa maksud mereka?
Afra tenggelam membaca artikel-artikel tentang dirinya dan kehidupannya. Sesekali dahinya mengernyit, membaca imajinasi dan deskripsi penulis artikel. Dia sangat terkejut, ketika tiba-tiba Hoshi membuka pintu mobil.
“Kita sudah sampai,” Senyum lebar tersungging di bibir Hoshi, melihat Afra menatapnya dengan pandangan bingung. “Kita sudah sampai di rumahku,” Ulangnya lembut.
“Oh ya. Tentu saja,” Afra bergegas keluar dari mobil. Entah kenapa, belakangan ini saat dekat dengan Hoshi, dia sering kali kehilangan konsentrasi. Afra mencatat dalam memorinya, agar memarahi dirinya sendiri, saat sudah berada di rumah. Sendirian.
Interior ruang tamu Hoshi yang mewah sangat kental dengan nuansa maskulin. Didominasi dengan bahan-bahan kayu yang elegan. Permainan warna pilihan perabot memberi kesan metropolis. Afra tertegun melihat teras belakang.
“Ini adalah bagian rumah favorit Ibu di rumah Hoshi,” ujar Mama Hoshi ketika melihat Afra tercengang, melihat pohon-pohon buah bercabang pendek melengkung, menanggung beban buah yang sangat lebat.
“Buahnya sangat lebat, bukan? Manis- manis lho rasanya… apalagi langsung dimakan setelah dipetik.”
“Ibu,” Afra menoleh ke arah Mama Hoshi, “Bolehkan saya melihat ruang kerja Hoshi?”
Mama Hoshi tersenyum. “Tentu saja.”
Perlahan Afra memasuki ruang kerja Hoshi. Dengan cepat meneliti ruangan itu. Matanya memandang buku-buku yang tersusun rapi di rak. Langkahnya terhenti di depan sebuah gambar hasil print, yang dibingkai cantik.
“Setelah 3 tahun, akhirnya aku bisa bersama denganmu lagi,” kata Hoshi perlahan di sebelah Afra.
Afra tidak mengalihkan pandangan dari gambar dalam bingkai itu. “Kamu tahu itu hasil karyaku?”
Hoshi tersenyum simpul. “Aku bisa mengenalinya dengan mudah.”
Mendengar nada suara Hoshi, Afra menoleh dengan alis terangkat sedikit. “Itu sebabnya kau selalu memberikan naskah novelmu sebelum naik ke percetakan?”
Mata Afra kembali menyapu perpustakaan yang sekaligus merangkap sebagai ruang kerja Hoshi.
Hoshi menaikkan bahunya sekilas. “Aku ingin kau orang pertama yang membaca setiap novel baruku ….”
Alis Afra bertaut dalam. “Hoshi, apa yang telah kau lakukan?”
The news reported that Doctor Andri became guardian of her wealth, up to a year after her father died. The article gently leads the readers to discredit the family of Doctor Andri. Laila's mouth is very poisonous. If Afra had not experienced herself, she would not have believed anybody.
"The news about you is terrible," Hoshi's mother voice broke the silence in the car
"If it's crowded now, it'll be quiet ...." Afra forced a smile on her lips, "How abaout your husband, ma’am?"
"Fine ... my husband ask you back and forth ... can we talk for a while?"
"Yes ma’am."
Hoshi’s mother chuckled. "Your boss is my husband, not me ... you are Hoshi’s best friend. May I call you Afra?"
"Of course."
"Go your house Hosh ... someplace else seems less comfortable," said the beautiful lady.
"OK, mom." Hoshi turned his car back toward his home.
Afra waited a while. Her hand shifted the screen of Hoshi's cell phone. Checking for the latest news. Just as she guessed, a picture of her entering Hoshi's car instantly circulated on the internet. She took a deep breath. Apparently, there are people who deliberately follow her. What do they mean?
Afra sank into reading articles about her and her life. Occasionally her brow furrowed, reading the imagination and description of the author of the article. She was very surprised, when suddenly Hoshi opened the car door.
"We're here," A big smile crossed Hoshi's lips, seeing Afra looking at him with a puzzled look. "We've arrived at my house," he repeated softly.
"Oh, yes. Of course," Afra hurried out of the car. Somehow, lately when close to Hoshi, she often loses concentration. Afra noted in her memory, to scold herself, when she was home. Alone.
Hoshi's luxurious living room interior is full with masculine feel. Dominated by elegant wood materials. The color game of furniture choices gives the impression of a metropolis. Afra was stunned when Mama Hoshi immediately took her to the back porch.
"This is my favorit part of the house at Hoshi’s house," said Hoshi’s mother in a glance Afra was amazed, seeing the fruit trees short branched curved, bear fruit very heavy burden.
"The fruit is very dense, is not it? It's sweet to taste ... let alone be eaten after picking. "
"Ma’am," Afra turned to Hoshi’s mother, "May I see Hoshi’s workspace?"
She smiled. "Of course."
Slowly Afra enters Hoshi's study room. Quickly examined the room. Her eyes looked at the books neatly arranged on the shelf. The step stops in front of a printed image, framed beautifully.
"After three years, I can finally be with you again," Hoshi said slowly next to Afra.
Afra did not take her eyes off the picture in the frame. "You know that's my work?"
Hoshi smiled. "I can recognize it easily."
Hearing the tone of Hoshi's voice, Afra turned with a slightly raised eyebrow. "That's why you always give your novel script before going up to the press?"
Afra's eyes swept through the library that doubles as Hoshi's workspace.
Hoshi raised his shoulders briefly. "I want you to be the first person to read my novel ..."
Afra eyebrows deep in. "Hoshi, what have you done?"
Bandung Barat, 20 Maret 2018
Warm Regards
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