(In the front of the Boys Girls hostel, Lanre is seeing Kola off)
' Kola: .. Please Lanre; don’ t renege on 'our last discussion. I will like to collect it by weekend, just help me to write the story line and then the permission to stage it.
Lanre: I have told you not to bother yourself on it. It’s just that I’m not chanced, I would have promised to write it for you scene by scene. You should know that I am preparing for my project too. And please help me to inform Segun to come and collect the songs. They are ready.
Kola: Hmm! Lanre, I can’t deceive you, you’re a blessing to this generation; I just don’t know why you insist on studying medicine and not
dramatic arts. You have all it takes. You can sing, act and compose.
Lanre: Kola, truly I can do all those things butI don’t have time and besides, Daddy has diverted my interest to medical line. As i am now in the final year; it is too late to go back.
Kola: Well, it is well. Let me take my leave now
because of our group practice.
Lanre:(While Shaking hands with Kola) Action man, action ‘bobo’. We shall see.
(In the front of Dr. Jayeola's house, there are
Dr. and Mrs. Jayeola, Lanre's parents).
Dr. Jayeola: (Looking at Lanre from a far off) has your son told you of his coming home today?
Mrs. Jayeola: (Without looking up from the daily
newspaper she is reading) No. did he call you?
Dr. Jayeola: Can’t you see? I am surprised to see him coming.
Mrs. Jayeola: (Chanting appraisal) “Akanni ogo, to mu isu eni to go to fi gun yan je, Olalomi omo . abisu jooko ...........
Translation: Clever Akanni, who snatches a stupid man's yam to make pounded yam for himself; Olalomi who shares the same cognornen with yam.
Lanre: " (drops bag and postrates) Good day ma. daddy what is wrong?
Dr jayeola: nothing, nothing I am envisaging the matter that could have brought you home. I am sure its not connected with money.
lanre: da-ddy, I know you want to rope me.
Mrs. Jayeola:(Smiling) I know you can’t just come like that except on issues relating to money and you know that if you called, your father would not allow you to come home,
Dr. J ayeola: It’s okay; Lanre, I heard that you’re about to finish your exams. I hope you 'are doing well.
lanre: Daddy, can’t you trust? Even immediately after submission of each paper, I already knew my grades.
Dr. J ayeola:_-That is my boy, the doctor in embryo.
Lanre: Thank you, sir.
Dr. Jayeola: You’re just like me, you are not like
your mother. I was also brilliant when I was in the same university, the same department, some years back.
Mrs. Jayeola: I see, academician that is why you can’tgo beyond the first degree. And you know the series of qualifications i have in accounting.
lanre: (Laughing) It’s okay. Daddy, don’t mind her and her qualifications. i am very hungry Mum; can I get something to eat in your kitchen?
Mrs. J ayeola:You see, like father like son, all they know is food and they can themselves doxtor.(laugh). just go in and eat, FFO (for food only)
Dr jayeola:(in a light and low voice) are you abusing your husband?
Mrs jayeola : (looking away) after he has messed up his wife.
(In the lecture room Segun and Kola are talking before the lecturer comes)
kola: 0' Boy, Have you seen Lanre that asked
you to come?
segun: Kolly Bobza, my man, that guy is too much, When I got there he gave me a song I never thought of. In fact I am surprised that, that type of man can afford not to develop himself and I wonder what he is even doing in that science school. Though I heard that he is a genius in the department, but he would have been better in the Music Department; he will
be ever best.
kola: Look, this was what I told him when I
saw him last. But mind you, the boy is not even bad in that medical line.
Segun: Okay, let’s forget that; What about your preparation for the Theatre Day?
Kola : My instructor said that to get good grades
in my performance, I should present the
story that Lanre gave me.
segun: Kolly; I also will use the songs he gave me. Because they are just superb and I am very sure of good. grades
Kola: Will you come for our final practice the day after tomorrow.
Segun : If you promlse to Come to attend our tomorrow night.
Kola: No stress then (the lecturer Comes in)
Lecturer: (Enters and stays in the front of the (Whole class). Good day class, I hope this is a combined class of music and drama, i am here to tell you the form your final performance is going to "take before i proceed. Does any of you have anything to say? Or does anyone have any questions?
ACT ONE SCENE FOUR (In Prof. Chukwuma 's office Lanre enters after a knock at the door) (Without looking up, he responds to the knock at the door) Yes, come in, the door is not locked.
lanre : Good day sir, they said you sent for me.
(looks up quickly.) Oh! Sorry Lanre. I don’t know that it is you. I truly sent for you. It is about the protracted problem in your class in connection with the Medical students association. They said you are the peace maker. What’s the magic? How did you do it? Everything has been settled by you. Tell me my boy, how did you do it?
Lanre: (Bows his head silently) Thank you sir. But who. told you sir? At least I have warned all the students and those who were involved not to tell any body my contributions to the restoration of peace.
Prof: You know that there is nothing you will do in secret that will not be later announced at the top of the roof. You see my boy, we are so grateful for this peace that reigns even all the staff members have known about it.
Lanre: Ah! Sir, I, I, don’t really like this type of thing.
Prof: (Leaningforwardfrom his seat, resting his elbows on the table) Don’t be surprised Lanre, we are so proud of you. I also learnt that in your 200 level, you coordinated the whole school. The Student Union Government (SUG) President is been arrested and the students were protesting. There and then I’ve noticed that you have administrative skills, but I wonder why you are just hiding yourself.
Lanre: Sir, I just don’t like to be showing off. I want to face my studies squarely. It’s only when I notice that matters are getting out of hands that I always swing into action, to the rescue.
Prof: Lanre, don’t say that because we want people like you as a leader. If we have somebody like you at the helm of affairs, corruption and other social ills will be put on oblivion in our society.
Lanre: I will like to be going now, I’ve been keeping somebody waiting elsewhere. (Supporting his chin with his right palm and looking surprised as Lanre is taking his exit)
Prof: I’ve never seen a boy like this hiding
the treasures within him.
(In a large theatre hall. that is full to the brim, the Professors, Doctors, and other school staff even the VC are well seated on occasion of Annual music and drama performance. The event is now coming to an end and the moderator is calling out the performing group leaders for Awards)
Moderator: Let us give them a round of applause (the audience clap) Now as we are gradually moving to the end of the programme, you have all seen the wonderful performance of the final year students. They have performed well or what do you think?
Audience: Yes 0 o o !
Moderator: We now want to present the gifts to the leaders of the best group in each department. i willl like the leaders to come out in a single file from both Music and drama groups. (The leaders who are 12 (twelve ) in number are coming out).
(Give them a clapping ovation now. (the audience claps). l will also like to call the three pillars of our great school. The
Registrar, the Deputy V C and the honourable V.C (they all come out while the audience are clapping) Mrs. Registrar will help us call the names of the two winners while the V.C and his Deputy will present the awards to the winners.
Registrar: These are the names of the Winners.(raises the paper up) from the Dramatic Arts Department and Music Department. For this year’s Music and Drama Annual presentation, the names are as follows: from Music Department, F agbewesa Olusegun emerges as the winner. And Kolawole Ogunmola from Dramatic Arts is announced as the awardee (the audience shouts for joy and jubilates)
Moderator: Now I will like to call on the Deputy V.C to present the awards to the exemplary performers from the Music Department.
Deputy V.C:(Holding the golden caved status) 1n the name of school and on behalf of my V.C. I present this award to you.
Segun: (Kisses the plaque and raised it up for the audience to see)
Moderator: Our vice chancellor of this noble institution will present the award to the winner from the Dramatic Arts in person to Kolawole Ogunmola.
V.C: (Shaking Kola is hand) This is to commend ”your efforts and those of other members
of your group.
Kola: (Collects the award from the VC and raises it to the audience)
Moderator:Thanks to the school Authority for . providing an enabling environment for
this annual event, the organizers, the H.O.D and Dean of Theatre Arts Department and all of you who have graced the event, may Almighty God bless you all. We will round off this event by singing the National Anthem.
(Still seated are Kola, Segun and Lanre)
Kola: Lanre, we were looking for you after the presentation to thank and appreciate you for your indispensable contributions.
Lanre: It was immediately after the chanting of National Anthem that I left, I know that you would be looking for me and I didn’t want that.
Segun: Lan -n -re! That’s not good. you’re just hiding behind one finger. If at all anybody does not know; we know and I am sure you too will soon know the potentials in you. They are just there useless and there is no hope for them to spring out.
Lanre: But both of you know that I don’t have much time now; I’ve been so busy in my department because one needs to work very hard before attaining first class grade in order to secure a good job. Look here my friend, if this is the only thing in you that you will devote your time for, you can’t regret it. I think you know that high prestigious course you are doing does not determines yoursuccess in life,
and also there is an end to any profession gotten through education, but a profession generated within you and boosted by education is for life, even generations after you will gain from it.
Lanre: i know you will never agree with me and you can’t understand, so let us end that
issue and take on another one. I will be going home by Weekend to tell my parents about the convocation ceremony.
Segun : I am going tomorrow because of the long distance.
Kola :We Will like to take our leave now.
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