[Free PDF] Download The Hate Vow By Nicole French

in fiction •  5 years ago 

The Hate Vow By Nicole French PDF eBook Download and Read Online
Release Date: 2019-03-29
Genre: Fiction & Literature
Size: 771.52 KB
Read Online and Download : https://cair.pro/hatevow

Eric de Vries.
Looks like millions. Worth billions.
A body like the David with a mind to match.

Unfortunately for this wayward heir, to keep his money, he needs a wife.
And of all the women in the world, he chooses me.
Too bad I've hated him for five years, since he took all my tears and tossed me away.
The guy slept his way through half of New England and discarded women like hotel toiletries.
Been there. Done that.

Still...what would you do for twenty million dollars?
Would you wear the dress?
Fake a smile for the man who broke your heart?
Or would you run far, far away?

Yeah, that's what I thought.
I'll see you at the church.

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