Wild parkour (part 3)

in fiction •  7 years ago 


"We haven’t had any loot today. Any ideas where we can get some cash?
"Spike, you’re the smart ass. Think of something!
Spike, happy to receive some respect and attention, condescendingly smiled at them: he knew what to suggest, and he was always thinking about it, to surprise his comrades in such quiet moments, and save them from the lack of money with his quick wit.
"Who is wearing a running suit?
"They looked at each other. All of them were.
"All of us,- answered Yoghurt.
"We need flops.
"They looked at each other again. Only sneakers or boots.
"What about the sneakers? Will it do?
"No, - said Spike.
"I know where the flip flops are! - exclaimed Yogurt happily and rushed to the trash can.
Their eyes followed him silently. Everybody knew, that Yogurt liked to shuffle through trash, but they were reluctant to kick him out. Yogurt was eager to do minor errands, that nobody else wanted to do. The silence was broken by Nelubin, who looked away from Yogurt in disgust.
"As far as I remember, the trash cans in our childhood were the centers of juvenile leisure and art…
"And garages! Cheered Dummy up. The garages! Personally I got my most important experience while sitting on the garages.
"Specifically? – Spike was interested.
"The brightest example is that I found out that children were not found in cabbage, and it was then that I saw the “female body structure” drawing, carefully chalked for me on the wall of the garage. –Dummy laughed harshly, happy with the imagery, but as nobody supported him, he went silent.
"Yes you can remember a lot of things about your childhood – went Nelubin into memories. My memories also begin with going away with a girl, I don’t remember the name, behind the house, where we played hospital, you know lots of stuff, and how happy we were!
"Why are you silent? Was your childhood different?
"I was like everybody else! Kindergarten, school, juvenile delinquency department…
"And we used to make little bombs out of bolts…
"I can rightly remember,- joined them Yogurt, that came up quite silently, -the bomb exploded right next to me and a bolt went right near my ear.
Spike laughed at first and then said:
"Are you sure, that you are not in some mental disease noir movie? It’s like you’re telling us about that bolt, and really you’re just lying on the concrete face down with a bolt in your head, blood running, and all your life spent after that, is just your imaginary line that went through your eyes in a couple of seconds, life that you could have lived, but you will never do, because you have a bolt in your head?
Everybody went silent for a minute, trying to digest what they heard.
"Don’t play with my self conscience! – flushed Yogurt – It’s very delicate! Here’s the flip flops! What else do you want?
Spike looked at everybody quite critically and stopped at Yogurt.
"Take off your jacket, put on the flip flops, and go to that new house over there – he stopped here as was counting the floors up – 15th floor , the flat that looks our way. You see the lights? You’re gonna find the flat?
Yogurt looked at the building.
"Yea I guess so. What next?
Everyone was eagerly anticipating the following orders. Spike held a little pause.
"Then you knock on the door very politely. They open, and you, as polite as you can, you ask for the drill, to make a couple of holes in the wall…Yea, and tell them you’re their neighbor from above, and you need to drill them holes right now before your wife shows up. Clear?
"Clear. Will they give it?
"They will. Chill.
"So Im going?
"Go, we’ll wait here.
Yogurt went to the building.
"Great idea, Spike - said Nelubin when Yugurt left. – You got a House of Fucking Reps of a head! Im only thinking they won’t give him nothing.
"Why – said Dummy.
"Because he is unshaven, looks rough. Would you give him the drill?
Dummy shrugged his shoulders, although nobody asked him.
"I haven’t thought about it. – said Spike. But you know our people are easy. I think they’ll sooner give it to Yogurt than some sh$tface in a tie. So it is he who has the most chances. – concluded Spike.
"Why? – asked Dummy, not understanding.
"Because unlike us, Yogurrt can still ask for things politely.
"Ha-ha-ha! That’s true! – agreed Dummy. Quite unlike us.

"Just take a look! - happily clapped Dummy. Yogurt is coming with a drill!
"Yo Spike, you’re good!
Now we just have to drop that hot stuff somewhere.

It is always like that – when you’re waiting for something time is very slow, when you get a hobby it starts running very very fast like there is less of it, like there is not enough of it. Meshkov was not waiting. He was just living in his day – after school he went into the park to practice parkour, then he went climbing, then he was doing his homework and was getting ready for his exams. So Nikita didn’t notice one month of intensive training in parkour and climbing pass by. His climbing experience helped him with more and more new elements of parkour. Everything went fine, Nikita was happy, and it is widely known that happy people attract attention.

  • Nikita, have you started practicing parkour? - asked him Lanin after the lessons.
  • A-ha, said Meshkov packing his bag.
  • You can do something?
  • Yep.
  • Can we still do it? I mean train with you?
  • Yes sure, -said Nikita happily.- Are you coming?
  • Wuzzup! - came Bekegaev. – You remember me?
  • In 2 hours in Engels park.
  • What should we take?
  • Jumpsuit, because there’s nowhere to change. And you’d better run to the park to cut down the warm-up time.
  • Ok we’ll be there – nodded Lanin. – Just tell us why you got so mad about parkour? You saw it somewhere?
  • Yea, I’ve been watching those parkour clips for a month now. I downloaded them at my neighbour’s – he started – you know my net is still down…
  • Why is that?
  • I got a bill for 5000, my parents are pissed.
  • Wow, that was a surf! You downloaded a couple of movies?
    "Yes! - Meshkov agreed gladly just not to explain the real reason behind this major bill. Anyways, I watched enough clips to start understanding something in parkour. I’m in my second month of training now…
  • Looks so easy and beautiful from the outside! - snickered Lanin.
  • It’s not about easiness! I’m talking about the spirit! It just got me!
  • That’s better, otherwise you sound like you can do everything.
    "Don’t say that Anton, I’m just inspired, and I should use that! When I was watching the clips I felt with my entire being – it is mine! I have always been looking for that!
    Bekagaev and Lanin exchanged glances.
    "I had this too…
    "Me too!
    Meshkov shook his head.
    "You’re only laughs! Okay, I’ll meet you in the park. If you want it.
    Meshkov picked up his pack and went out.
    "Where are you going? – Vasiliev asked, when he heard the word “parkour”.
    "Engels park, do some parkour
    "I want it too!
    Come then.

When Meshkov was finishing his third lap around the park when Lanin, Vasiliev and Bekgaev caught up with him. And while Lanin and Vasiliev were holding on well, Bekgaev was not so good. He was sweating, his face was red, and he was breathing so heavily that people could hear him from far away and made way for the young sportsmen.
"That’s it, I can’t! - said Bekgaev. He stopped and kneeled beside the nearest tree.
"Really, Nikita! – Lanin pleaded. – It’s no good running, we’ll waste out energy!
Meshkov, seeing that his friends were pretty tired, waved them to go to the old steam loco that was standing there as a monument.
Meshkov finished doing the pushups, warming up the muscles of feet and back, and Igor, Anton and Sasha only came there.
"It kinda hard when you’re not used to that. – Bekagaev complained.
"You’re gonna laugh at your current self after a week of training – Meshkov assured.
"Are we going to train every day? – said Bekagaev.
"Personally I am ! – said Meshkov stretching his leg on the loco.
He was full of persistence.
"I feel that parkour is really mine! You see? That’s why I’m training daily! I even switched to the “parkour” plan on my mobile!
"I told you to get hooked up to Utel! Its local and it’s got all the stuff, and, like, digital TV! And you can get all services in the office straight away and cheaper if you get them all!
"Yea, yea, my neighbour also praised the net and TV. Okay, let’s move on. – Meshkov pulled out the parkour printout and started to study it supercarefully. His buddies surrounded him instantly.
"What shall we start with? - His friends asked.
"Like normal people, we’ll start with the easiest thing.
"What’s the easiest? Salto?
"What’s that? - asked Meshkov, scanning his paper surprised he had missed something.
"I dunno – smiled Igor.
"Ah, you’re all laughs.
Once again Nikita looked through his list.
"In my experience the easiest is Drop, a kind of a jump, high jump. The fall is cushioned by your legs if it’s not too high, or with your legs and hands if it’s high.
"So? How can I imagine that? Where’s the picture? How high is that “high” of yours? If I jump, say, from that loco railing over there, its not too high. From the roof – one’s gonna think twice you know. And if you do it from that funnel – wow that’s scary!
"People from the clip were jumping from the 4th floor! You saw that!
"Wow Nikita just listen to yourself!
Igor looked at the nearest tree and pictured how high the 4th floor would be. Anton followed his eye and supported him –
"Nikita, you can drop dead from there.
"I’ll give you the address of the clip – you’ll see for yourself. I also think it unreal now. But we’ll start easy, go up and we’ll see…
"And when we get to the really high ground, are we going to get some wire? – Vasiliev asked.
"How do you picture that? It could go around your neck! – Bekegaev suggested.
"It will not, - snickered Meshkov. – But Parkour and the safety wires are incompatible. You should have some safety in your head.
"My head is telling me it’s not good! – Vasiliev said.
"Go home then!
"No, I’m gonna watch you all jump and die, shoot it with my mobile, and post it onto YouTube. – with these words Vasiliev took out his mobile.
" Fuck you man! – Meshkov shouted.
"Ok, ok, just kidding you! You want me to go first? That bench for example. I’ll jump, seriously.
"You’re a loony clown.
"By the way, - Bekegaev said – where are we going to practice the drop?
"For starters we can try the bench – Meshkov agreed, - then over the bench, then the loco.
"This one? – Igor pointed.
"Sure! Why go elsewhere?
Meshkov suggested stretching to warm up. The guys were silently watching him do that.
"What are you looking at? Join!
Reluctantly looking around, the guys joined Nikita.
"I can clearly see you have nothing to do with sports. – Meshkov snickered.
"Why is that?
"You’re shy.
"We are shy? – Vasiliev said, jokingly.
"You, you! – said Meshkov, bending over, - The real sportsman, like any purposeful person, doesn’t give a damn about other people’s ideas about him. He just does his job. And those who have their doubts and start thinking things like – “what will they think”, don’t usually get any results.
"You’re getting kinda smartassy lately. – said infuriated Vasiliev
"You don’t have to be too smart to feel a smartass with you, Sasha – Meshkov went straight and looked Vasiliev in the eyes.
"You trying to put me down? – Sasha’s face changed.
"Had it been a rap, you would’ve been lying face down.
"You wanna fight?
"Who? You? – Meshkov surprised mockingly. - It wouldn’t be a fight, it would be a beating.
Vasiliev was standing puzzled whether to take it or develop the conflict. The next moment it happened. He never wanted a fight, but something clouded his judgment and he attacked Meshkov. Then there was a punch in the face. And then he was lying face up tasting his own salty blood on his lips.
"Get up, c'mon, it’s all peace now.
Meshkov’s head appeared in Vasiliev’s view.
" Fuck you! – ha said angrily, got up, spat blood, and left without goodbyes.
"What got into you?
"I don’t really know – Meshkov said – I should have turned it into a joke.
He looked at the blood on the concrete, and said:
"Shall we go on with the warm up?
"Not a bad warm up, - Igor laughed. – Who’s next?
"That was a good jump to the tree by the way! – said Anton. I wouldn’t think of it – get gold of the branch and hit him with your legs – bang!
Lanin tried to reach it but couldn’t do it.
"Yea, he said disappointed. – If I was jumping like that, I would have taken a beating.
"People can jump on the plane wing in case of emergency.
"What are you talking about?
"I read it! It is an old story –a pilot on the North Pole was fixing something, and heard somebody coming from behind. He looked back, and there was a bear. The pilot jumped on the wing.
"Parkour rules!
"There was no parkour then.
"Parkour has always been there it only never had a name.
"And if you look at it, what does the name mean – parkour – park our or something? Is it from park?
"David Belle, the famous French fireman’s son, was the founder of parkour…He trained a lot, he got the team of his buddies together, then he shot a few clips, showed them to the right people and there you go. And then Belle and Fuco…
"Stop telling me names! – Igor said
"They are proper people.
"So what?
"By telling names he is expecting to earn respect from us, the audience.
" Fuck you! – Meshkov said and turned his back.
"No really! Where are these guys? And you think that nobody was jumping before them and everybody lined up in an orderly fashion? No I am very grateful to these guys. They put it into system. But, eh, is that right that they split into parkour and free running?
"I think so.
"Anyway we need to become the authority ourselves. I heard a rumour about that. Look here - Shakespeare was very popular and received lots of letters. One of the letters said – Dear William, me, my friends and relations all are fascinated by your works. What need I do to become like you? And Shakespeare replied – I wanted to be God, and became Shakespeare. What are you gonna become if you try to be me?
"Ok enough smart talk, lets warm up. – Lanin said. – There, Meshkov has been bending for ages now.
Igor and Anton started repeating after Meshkov, who stepped aside just to let his friends go ahead with their parkour polemics.
"Ready? – Meshkov said, then climbed onto the loco and easily jumped down, cushioning with his legs only.
"Bingo! Now you go.
Lanin climbed the loco after Meshkov and jumped off just as easily. Bekagaev when there was no so quick.
"Wow it looks higher than you think it would look!
"Its because your height is added to the height of the loco! – Lanin said. – And when you were looking at the height you forgot your own height! You were not lying on the ground remember, but standing.
"Really? – Igor exclaimed, then he went to the edge and jumped. It was clumsy. He landed on the ground, and because he never tried to cushion with his legs, he was taken forward, he started using his legs trying to balance, but finally collapsed on the old leaves.
"You ok? – Meshkov cried.
"Hold it ! That’s it! Now I’m angry – Igor got up, and climbed on the loco again.
Bekagaev jumped again, and now it was even better than his friends’ jumps.
"I got it! – he exclaimed. – you need to get really angry and then it’s gonna work.
Meshkov patted his friend on the shoulder.
"Not angry but concentrated. That was it! And one more thing – don’t make too much noise when jumping.
And speaking to everybody he added: - We’ll jump this height a couple of times more and then we go onto the roof.
"It’s boring just to jump! Let’s try something else!
"Before you learn how to jump properly, we really shouldn’t go on. It’s dangerous! Let’s continue!
In two hours they felt that it was enough. They were red and hot.
"Shall we share it with somebody else? – said Igor lively.
"Lets invite Ilia Proshin! – Meshkov suggested.
"He’s going to Moscow with his folks.
"So what? Let him go – he used to hang out with us.
"No. if he goes let him go. He shouldn’t get distracted with parkour. He might want to stay. – Igor said.
"Let him stay then.
"Let him go if you ask me.
"Why? – the friends could not understand why Igor was against Ilia.
"He is trying to hit on Sveta.
"A-ha! Now we understand! – you mean it’s like “out of sight - out of mind”.
"What about the internet? What would keep them from communicating by net?
"I will.
"I’ll make sure she has no time for the net. I’ll be near.
"Yea right, when you leave, she’ll logon to check her mail, and she’ll have the message from Ilia like I love you, can’t live without you, so I’m sending you this photo of mine.
"Nu – Anton added
"Not nu – Nude, - Meshkov corrected.
Igor scratched his head.
"She’s still going to be mine, - he said stubbornly.
"You don’t have anything else to do? – Meshkov asker. – What about Parkour?
"Yea. I like parkour more and more. – Igor agreed.
"That’s it! While Ilia is here you should do parkour, and when he leaves, you’ll think whether you need Sveta or parkour more.
Igor mumbled something unhappily.
"Who then? Maybe Andrei? – said Meshkov coming back to the previous topic.
"Isn’t he too tall for that? – Lanin doubted.
"For what? For parkour? Height is not important for parkour. At least I think so.
"Well if there are no objections, lets call him. – Lanin took out his phone and dialed.
After five minutes of conversation it became clear that Andrei didn’t want to do parkour, though he didn’t refuse openly. Meshkov after listening to the conversation, which was clearly audible, showed Lanin to finish it. Lanin said goodbye hastily, and turned off the mobile.
"He is out.
"Then there’s the three of us.
"We’ll be a team.
"It is necessary for parkour to improve the team spirit, because it is the spirit that holds up the group. There’re no boundaries for us, there’s no NO for us. Only together, only YES!
"We are the team!
"We are the team!

-Nikita, go wash your hands and get down to table now.

  • Mom I’m not hungry.
  • Nobody’s asking for your opinion. You’re a young growing boy. You need vitamins. Go wash your hands and go to the table I said!
    Nikita mumbled something, but did as his mother told him.
    "Why the sad face?
    Nikita shrugged his shoulders.
    "I am your mother and I must know everything.
    "Mom don’t start please.
    “Why does my mother need to know about my fights and my extreme sports? I go to school and climbing and that should be enough. Otherwise she will be worrying about it, and will nag me to death with her advice. And I know everything myself.”
    It was as if his Mom could read his thoughts.
    “Are you picking again? “ She lit up like a match. “I will tell you father to teach you how to speak with your mother.”
    "I know how to speak to you. But you always start it. Can I eat in peace, if I am already at the table?
    Mother silently turned around and left the kitchen. His head down, Nikita ate, drank a glass of juice, and made an effort of washing up.
    Usually when his mother was in a good mood, he did not wash the dishes, spoons, and other forks. But in the periods when mother was not in the mood, even father who had always been the head of the house, started washing up and being a good boy.
    “I wish father was at home, he always stands up for me”., - thought Nikita unhappily, going back into his room.
    Thank you mom it was very tasty! – he shouted before closing the door behind him. But barely had he closed it, when the telephone rang and his mother shouted
    "Nikita it is for you! It is Jana!
    Meshkov shrugged his shoulders. His mother liked Jana very much, but he was not interested. Yes she was beautiful, yes she studied very well, but what could he do, if he never thought about her?
    Meshkov picked up the receiver from his mother and went back into his room.
    "Nicky hello! You recognize me?
    "Of course young of cause a recognize you! – said Meshkov in adult voice turning his computer on.
    "Were you doing?
    "I just came from the training, I’m sitting down to study my exams, Meshkov was playing with his mouse waiting for the computer to boot.
    "And I have already done that.
    "And I decided to call you know you know I remembered we haven’t seen each other for a while.
    “It’s been only two months”.
    "Would like to meet?
    "Jesus, why am I said that? And how can you say no,
    "So when?
    "Okay let me call you back, I just need to realize how much time it will take.
    Jana did not ask him what he meant by “it”.
    "Okay Nikita. I will be waiting for your call, she said sadly. So I’ll talk to you later then, bye?
    Feeling the changу in the tone of her voice, Meshkov wanted to drop everything and agree to an immediate date, but that “bye” that she said allowed him to end the conversation.
    "Goodbye Jana – Nikita said tenderly for her not to be so sad.
    “Hey, it did not work out so well” - he thought. “I should take her to the movie someday or something. But when shall I find time?”
    At that moment the computer booted, and Meshkov started watching parkour clips over and over again, forgetting about Jana.

"Okay we’re here! Meshkov started to organize everybody. – without the serious approach we’ll all get broken.
"Patronising again.
Meshkov did not react. The fight with Vasiliev was still fresh in his memory. Nobody wanted that fight. He was really sorry about that event, he wanted to make peace, but Vasiliev was not ready for contact, and ignored not only Meshkov but also everybody who had been at that meeting.
"First of all do not forget that we are a team! Right? Second, I have to tell you something and show you something, because you did not join me from the very beginning. So today we’re going to jump over the barriers. It is called spring jump. In short, it is a jump that you make after making a run for the barrier or over the barrier, and without touching the barrier itself. When you’re in flights you may make figures with your legs or something, and you can land on one leg or on two legs, depending on the situation. Is that clear?
"Not really. Show us.
"What can you not understand? - Meshkov was surprised. You just jump over something without touching it. We’ll try jumping from the spot at first, and then after taking a run. That’s basically the whole exercise.
Nikita came to the nearest bench, his legs together, his arms up, kneeled a little bit, and jumped like a grasshopper. It was nice. Meshkov jumped over the bench really high. Not really jumped but flew over.
"Is that clear?
So they went to the bench. The first one to dare it was Bekagaev. Playing like Meshkov, he waved his hands, kneeled a little bit, but could not jump at once, he was afraid. Only with the second time he succeeded, and not worse than Meshkov.
"You see! - Meshkov was happy for him. - You’ve even jumped higher than I did!
"It is always difficult for the first time! And when you try it is not so difficult!
"Now I will do that! - Lanin said, invigorated with his friends success. He came to the bench and did the jump straight away.
The boy started jumping one after another, changing the distance from the bench. When they went through with jumping from the spot, they started running to the obstacle. They pretty some got tired of that, and they started looking for a new thing to train on.
"I suggest we put a TV box right behind the bench. It is not dangerous if anybody jumps right into it. Anton, go to the trash can, and bring in that box!
"Why me?
" Fuck! Said Meshkov and ran out in the box himself.
"Was is so difficult for you? Igor asked.
"Hell yeah! You do that once, and the next moment he’ll be dominating you. And you Igor, why didn’t you go?
"I wasn’t asked to.
"Do we have to ask you? Couldn’t you guess yourself?
"What do I have to do with it? It was about you, you were asked, you did not go, and Nikita went after it himself. Should I have run around him, holding the box in my mouth, and brought it to you, wagging my tail?
"Are you thinking about where to put it? - Meshkov said. Is that not too far away?
"We’ll jump and we will see.
"OK. Let’s begin then.
Meshkov has long ago worked on that, but revising the study material was still interesting. When Bekagaev did not manage to jump over the box that they had been moving further and further away, and destroyed it in the landing, it was clear that they had enough. So to call it a day, Meshkov decided to show what he could do by then.
"Now I’m going to show you the jump that I have always wanted to do.
"C'mon, we’ll see, - his friends were interested.
"Meshkov waved his hand for them to follow. The boys looked at each other and followed Nikita.
"Look here, - Meshkov started to explain when they were in position.
"The park is surrounded by a low fence. Behind the fence there are low trees, and the park itself is in low ground somewhere 2 m lower than the pavement. I’m going to spring jump all over the fence and into the park.
"Where are we going to watch it from? Bekagaev asked.
"You should look at it from the side for you to see the jump better.
"While Meshkov was going into the initial position, his friends found a good vantage point. Meshkov waved his hands and ran. He got into proper speed very sown, and washing away from the ground 2 m away from the fence, he rolled over it quite easily and landed in the park. The effect was good.
Lanin and Bekagaev looked at each other.
"Can we do that too?
"We can but it looks kind of scary to try that.
At that moment Meshkov came by.
"So how was that?
"It was cool! Lanin said. The roll was great. By the way we haven’t tried it yet.
"If you have already rested and you still have time we can start working on it right now. Do you have plans for the evening?
"Nothing really, Lanin said.
"And I wanted to go see Sveta. But if you’re going to start training on rolls, I will go see her later.
"Okay then, Meshkov said. While it is still not too dark we can start training. So!
Nikita made a pause, saw attention in his friends eyes and continued
"Then today we’re going to start training on one of the most important and and basic elements in parkour. These elements will save your life and keep your trauma to a minimum when you’re doing some difficult tricks or if you fail to do something, kinda when you did not do something and everything went wrong… Basically it is used to land when you’re falling with jumping from the big height. Also if it is used correctly it helps the traceur to keep going. Is that clear?
"Roll means rolling over your shoulder to decrease the strain.
“I saw how you did that right now, and before that I had seen it so many times in the clips, but how am I going to do that - that is the thing I don’t imagine”, -Bekagaev thought.

  • OK I understand the spring jump. But what’ll I do to jump from the second floor for example?
  • Pour to your fingers around your nose, close your eyes…
  • No serious! How can I jump on the concrete with a roll? There are different little stones!
    "You jump as usual. But when you touch the concrete your cushion the fall by rolling over your right shoulder.
    "Damn it, I wish I could see that!
    "Someday I will show it to you.
    "It’s a deal. But what are we going to start with now?
    "Now we’re going to try that from the standing position.
    Meshkov found a place and did the roll.
    "It did not work so well this time, he said when scratching the back of his head. Actually bases how we’re going to work on that roll, until we manage to do that from the standing position, than from the run, and only then we’re going to jump.
    The guys started training the roll.
    "O! It hurts so much!
    "My back!
    "Look at the way you do that! You should roll over your shoulder, and you’re just rolling on your side! Over the right shoulder! And keep your hands in front fingers spread, and not in the back with your fists clenched…
    Young mothers while walking their children in the park, looked at the rolling three with great interest, until it got dark, and they, having collected their children, went back home.
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