Wild parkour (part 4)

in fiction •  7 years ago 

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“I think I feel so bad!”
Nikita was lying on the concrete and was afraid to move. To stay a leader, Meshkov, apart from the general exercise with his friends, was training alone, working on new moves in advance. He just tried a very difficult trick, and having miscalculated the distance from one wall to another, fell on his back from a good height.
“Only the great lack of things to do can make you try this wild thing”, -he remembered his Mom’s words.
Nikita raised his head. They didn’t seem to be any pain.
Nikita got up very carefully and started shaking the dust off himself.
“That is my cruel fate getting back on me. We have decided we were the team! Why am I trying to stand out all the time?”
After sitting for some time on his knees and finally getting himself together, Meshkov trotted away home to take care of his wounds.

"People I have a problem, -Vitali said out loud in class. He thought he was the leader of the class, and always shared the news with everybody else, thinking that his life was interesting not only for himself.
"What’s up? What’s the problem? -people around started asking.
"Lera, my sister, took my father’s Honda, and drove away somewhere. And late at night she was seeing at Pionerski. The car was full of people, everybody was drunk. My mother is in shock, my father is all thunder and lightning. I don’t know what is going to happen.
"Nothing is going to happen! -Igor laughed.
"Nothing is going to happen in your life, -Vitali barked.
"She will show up. When she has had enough of it. – Panushev supported him.
"My father will kill her.
"I know a good way for Lera, -Panushev waited till everybody was looking at him. –imagine Lera coming home, holding the Honda wheel, and saying: Wow that was the night! And everybody’s laughing. And Lera is pardoned.
"I don’t understand what your problem is? -Meshkov asked.
"How these that’s not understandable? My Dad will not give me his car anymore.
"Vitali started this on purpose, to remind everybody that he was driving a car. Even if it was his father’s.
"It’s like you’re driving it all the time! -Lanin said.
"I took it when I needed it! You do understand that I need it to drive the girls, -said Vitali, hinting at Sveta.
"You mean that they don’t want you without the car. –Bekagaev flushed.
"They don’t want some people even with the car.
Bekagaev stood up from his chair, Meshkov and Lanin stood up behind him.
"What am I going to do without the car? -backed off Vitali. -sit on the bench? It’s boring. We used to drive here and there, to the country on a picnic. It was dirt cheap. And without the car, you need to take them to the café, movies, it easily goes up to 2000.
"Yeah, -Panushev sighed. –now we see that all relationships are based on comfort.
"How else? To date to suffer?
"And how these people dated before our times? There was no telly, no cars.
"There was nothing. And the relations were pure.
"Aren’t you afraid driving without a license?
"The windows are not tinted, we always have our seat belts on, we smile to the cops, and they never pull us over.
"Meshkov, Bekagaev and Lanin looked at each other and stepped out of classroom.
"What do you have with Sveta?
"Nothing, -Igor frowned, -when she learned that Ilia was leaving, she switched to that idiot Vitali.
" Fuck them all! -Anton tried to cheer his friend up. –you will find a new one, don’t worry!
"So we meet today in the park as usual?
"That is the most important thing!
"The team!

  • The team!

"What are we doing today?
"Today where working on sliding on the vertical ladder – ladder grid. We are going to hold the sides of the ladder with our legs and arms and slide down.
"I don’t remember a single vertical ladder. –Igor rolled his eyes up trying to remember any vertical ladders and the way they could look. I remember one on the central office of Utel, the one behind the post office.
"There are always a lot of people out there!
"Many old buildings have them!
"I don’t remember a single one!
"There are some! Downtown has lot of them. But the ladders are pretty high up. -Lanin supported Meshkov
"The more the merrier!
"You think so? - Anton surprised.
"Just imagine: we get up to the third floor without looking down, we grab a ladder with our hands and feet and we start sliding down.
"Sounds very scary! We should not start with a third floor…
"There is no point of starting lower. We don’t have anything to slide on.
"As far as I remember the ladders up quite wide, do you think we can slide down?
"We don’t have any choice. We’re going to start on the wide ones. At least we will try. I know one fire ladder not far from here. Let’s go.
The boys left the park and as a shortcut went to the house with a fire ladder through the back streets.

"Hey, guys, come here quick!
The voice they heard was imperious and the appearance of people calling for them (caps, jumpsuits, and sunflower seeds in their hands) suggested that they met a class of people popularly known as "chavs". Such an encounter could result in whatsoever.
"Shall we run?
"Are we sissies? Maybe they just want to ask us about something.
"Yeah, they just wanna know what cash we carry on pocket and our cell phones’ worth.
"So, we were exercising in vain, weren't we? -whispered Meshkov quickly. – Trust me, we’ll be quick to escape.
The boys vividly imagined shocking tricks and crossing of obstacles, that made them feel absolute freedom, even though they did not fully realize that unconscious feeling.
"Well, just in case, if something happens, let's run to those garages, - Meshkov showed the direction with his nose.
"Ok, we'd better not drag this out.
"What's taking you so long? - the chav shouted. - Or maybe you want to duck out? Remember, if I catch you, all your money will be ours!
"Let’s run!
The boys darted away all at once and ran straight towards the nearest garages. Feeling their advantage over chavs, the boys inwardly mocked at them. Still, it turned out to be that they had taken the ball before the bound. When they had only a couple of meters to get to the garages one of the chavs got them. He got hold of Meshkov and Lanin, and stopped abruptly, so they nearly fell down. He would have taken Bekagaev too, but he had only two hands. So Bekagaev was able to run to the garages and get up on the roof.
"Gotcha! -said the chav.
Meshkov took out his telephone and through it to Bekagaev. Lanin did the same thing. It was so fast and so unexpected for the chav, but he wasn’t able to react. Bekagaev easily caught the telephones and he was watching the situation from up above. At that time the rest of the chavs came by.
"Did you see how they got rid of the telephones? -said the chav holding the guys by their hoods. – you live and learn.
"Good work Spike! You got them! And you buddy get down here –they said to Bekagaev. Bring us our mobiles.
Bekagaev stepped back but nobody was going to climb the garages after him.
"You hear me boy. Can’t run away from me. – the chav called Spike was telling Meshkov, -I know everybody who can catch me and everybody who can run away from me. But you’re not a track and field champion and you don’t live in Africa so c'mon, spare some change for the ex champions. C'mon, c'mon. He looked into their pockets and emptied them.
"And as we had a deal that if I catch you the monies are mine, I’m taking that as a prize.
The boys were watching the pockets being emptied.
"That’s it losers, no offense, remember that you have supported the Russian sports! -the chavs turned around and left counting their loot.
The boys went to the garages in silence, and quickly got on the roof, although there was no hurry now.
"So what did it tell you? - said Lanin to Meshkov.
"You should understand yourself it is no good running at the very first moment.
"And if you run in the last moment it’s too expensive.
"How did you think of throwing the telephone to Bekagaev?
"I’m still wondering myself! -Meshkov smiled. –it was clear that they would take it, so I did it automatically.
"And I saw your phone flying and I took out mine and threw it as well.
"I wish you were in my place! -Bekagaev laughed. –my heart was pumping, and a saw that bloke catching you, and Nikita threw his telephone at me, and then I saw your phone flying, I started catching them!
"That was a good catch!
"How much did they take?
"They took my hundred.
"And I had 80 rubles with change.
"Shall we go to the police?
"And then they’re going to question us, we will lose so much time because of 100 rubles!
"Do you know what our mistake was?
"What? -the friends asked.
"Our mistake was that we were running on a straight surface, hoping that we were faster. And we did not expect the chavs to be as fast as us.
"I would say they were even faster.
"So what are you suggesting?
"I suggest we take that into consideration.
"That what?
"For example try running only over the obstacles.
"If you know where you fall you can put something softer. The problem is you never know where you fall.
Meshkov snapped his fingers, and a broad smile appeared on his face.
"I know how we’re going to work on that.
"We’re going to come back here, the chavs will run after us once again, but now we’re going to run differently.
The boys were silent. It was clear that nobody wanted to relive that moment once again.
"And how else can we practice our elements? Eh?
"Why, the park is no longer popular?
"It is too easy in the park. It’s not interesting. I want some drive! Without the drive we cannot get on the next level. We will spend our whole life jumping off the loco. Dear people, look how only in 10 years we have learned how to jump off the loco nicely. And in 10 more years we will know how to jump over it!
"Let’s go train in the gym!
"The gym is just like the loco. It has the mats, dry floor…
"C'mon get a grip! -said Meshkov. –I’m telling you, seriously, it’s going to be more interesting than the park…
"You have already told us that we were going to run away!
"Now we know what they can do!
"Are you absolutely sure? Don’t you think they’re going to jump the obstacles as well?
"Even if they get to us, and I repeat “even”, -we are not going to have any money or phones!
"Then they’re going to take our shoes off! -Bekagaev sighed. –One of my friends was left without his hoody, his shoes, to say nothing of the watch, the phone and the money.
"Then do not dress up fancy! -said Meshkov.
"Listen! Why do you need those chavs? If we dress up badly, the are not going to pay any attention!
"They will! -Meshkov assured. –I’m telling you that the best results are achieved only with competition. Let’s get ourselves some competition!
"The friends looked at each other.
"OK, Nikita, we’ll do it. As long as we don’t take the money or the telephones, we can try that.
"Only I’m wearing my old sneakers! -Bekagaev warned.
"And don’t forget the old socks! -Lanin laughed.
"Its a deal! -Meshkov was happy as a baby.
"We are the team!

  • We are the team!

When the boys got to the house they needed, and came to the fire ladder, they looked at it carefully and understood that they cannot work on the ladder grid here. The ladder was too wide.
"So what? -Bekagaev said looking at the ladder.
"As long as we are here, let’s try going up and down as fast as possible! -Meshkov suggested.
"Let’s do it! -Lanin exclaimed. –it will be 100 rubles easier for me.
"Are you kidding or angry?
"Just kidding. You lost your sense of humor?
"And for me is going to be two phones more difficult. – Bekagaev said.
"All right! Igor has the phones! - The guys took their phones back.
"OK. –Meshkov took the initiative. –we will do a time trial. First we go as high as the third floor and then get down. Then the fourth floor, then the fifth floor. Then we compare the results. I have a stopwatch in my phone. Agreed?
"Agreed. You start.
The boys were going up and down, and every time Meshkov won. Then they realized they were tired, and having decided to take a rest on the roof, they all got up, sat down, and looked at the city.
"It is so good up here! -Anton breathed out.
Suddenly they heard the steps. Everybody turned around – “who is that?” And their first surprise turned to a second one– “There was a girl on the roof!”
"That’s news! -Bekagaev exclaimed. –I never knew that girls lived on roofs!
The girl smiled. Just a little bit, with corners of the lips. It was clear that she was trying to understand what they were about.
"Hey girl don’t be afraid! -Igor tried to calm her down. –We’ll take a little rest and go on, and we will not disturb you.
"Go on where? -leaning towards Bekagaev Lanin said.
Bekagaev just shrugged his shoulders, as if saying, “See how beautiful she is?”
"I’m not afraid anymore, - the stranger girl came closer. – What are you doing here?
Meshkov was looking into her deep deep gray eyes, that were a wonderful combination with a color of the open skies, so he did not understand the question. Even more, he could not hear it, and his mind was far from that place, and rather in his dreams, and some deserted beach nose to nose (get rid of those noses, just near) that girl, listening to her breath and falling deep into her eyes.
"We told you we were taking a break! – Lanin answered. –what are you doing here? It is even more interesting.
"I am a roofer. And always on the roof.
Nobody understood a thing. The girl saw that.
"The roofer. I get up on roofs and take pictures of beautiful views. Haven’t you heard anything about the roofers?
"No we haven’t. –Bekagaev shrugged his shoulders. There are many different people today –some sit underground, others roam the roofs…
"You’re funny. –the girl sat down. –why are you here? What is your purpose?
Igor and Anton, seeing that Meshkov, who was staring at the girl, was still silent, never said a word as well.
"Do you have some kind of taboo society? No? -she looked directly into the eyes of the boys. The boys did not know the meaning of the word taboo, but had a feeling that it was bad for them.
"No, not the…, -Anton could not repeat the word, - not like that.
"Then let me join you with parkour.
"Having heard the word parkour, Meshkov woke up and passed the last sentence through his mind.
“Sh$t she knows everything! I wonder how? “ -Meshkov thought.
"How do you know about parkour? -Bekagaev asked.
"Are you for real? -it was her turn to be surprised. –I have not been living in a wild forest! If you’re not the roofers, you’re traceurs. Whom else can you see on the roof today, despite the chimney cleaners, whom I by the way have never seen here. And really, who is not into parkour today?
"Many people aren’t…
"I’m talking about the golden youth, - the girl laughed.
The bright and light laughter of the girl made Meshkov’s heart beat faster.
"My name is Olya, -she said easily.
"Igor, -said Bekagaev his voice almost down to a bass.
"Anton, -said Lanin with a broad smile, and pushed Meshkov. Stop counting crows man!
"Meshkov. Nikita Meshkov, -he said, looking away.
"So can I do parkour with you?
"Will you handle it? It’s kinda difficult!
"I think so, -Olya laughed. – I did gymnastics for eight years, and they do different things there.
She stood up on the roof and rolled over her head. Then she sat down again.
"That was awesome!
The boys were shocked. Bekagaev was the first to get a grip.
"If you can do that why do you need us?
"It’s boring to do that alone. My friends do not share my hobbies… So will you take me in?
"Will you teach us do that? -Igor was intrigued.
"I don’t think you can do that. I mean I wanted to say that I was taught to do that when I was still in my first school year… And at that age you treat fears differently, you basically do not have them, that’s why you’re able to do such difficult exercises…
Show me some pictures, -Meshkov asked Olya suddenly.
"Here you go, - the girl turned on the camera, put it into play back mode, and handed it to Meshkov.
Either it was that Meshkov was tired of training, or was holding the camera the wrong way, or the guys pushed him a little bit, but in the end the camera slipped out of his hands, and bounced off the roof, eventually falling down.

  • Whoops! -said Igor.
    The girl’s eyes turned from gray into poison green and. Meshkov’s hands shook, which had never happened to him before.
  • Let’s go! Lets see maybe it fell on the grass and is intact! -Lanin rushed to the fire ladder.
  • You are coming with me, -Olya said to Meshkov coolly.
  • Where? -he could not understand.
  • Down, -she said and disappeared in the attic window.
    Lanin and Bekagaev were waiting for them in front of the building. Bekagaev was holding a broken camera.
  • That is all that’s left, -he said in a shaky voice, and handed the two halves to the girl.
    The girl started blinking, a good show of upcoming tears.
  • Olya am so sorry, -said Meshkov in a low voice, -gimme the model number, and your phone number…
  • If it is a weird way to get acquainted, you get over the top! Of course I’m going to give you my telephone number, and I will take yours, because the camera was not cheap and I’m not ready to give it to you just as that. – the girl flushed taking out the pen and writing down the phone numbers. –what kind of traceurs are you if you cannot hold things in your hands properly!
    The boys looked down red faced, like naughty schoolboys.
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