Wild parkour (part 5)

in fiction •  7 years ago 


"Where are you going to take the money?
By this question Meshkov’s understood that he could not borrow from his friends.
"We forgot to ask how much the camera was, - Anton turned around. Olya was nowhere to be seen.
"Around 7000, -sighed Meshkov.
"How do you know?
"Olya told me, when we were getting down.
"O! -Bekagaev shook his head. – an expensive toy.
"Will your parents give that?
"I highly doubt that.
"Just like mine, -Anton laughed.
"All parents are the same .
"The worst thing is that you like her, - Bekagaev suddenly said.
Meshkov, who was looking at his sneakers, put his head up –
"Where did you get that?
"We’re not blind, -Anton said, supporting Bekagaev. –I thought that’s why you dropped it.
"I didn’t want to get acquainted like that! Why do you think so? -Meshkov rushed, remembering the girl’s words about the strange pick up attempt.
"We did not mean that, relax! You just really like the girl, and you just flipped out.
"It was the camera not me.
"Including the camera.
Anton and Bekagaev laughed. Meshkov gave a sour smile.
"What am I going to do now?
"Find money. How much time did she give you by the way?
"She never said anything. Show was ready to cry…
"We’ve noticed that. It means the sooner the better.
"That’s right.
"I see you have no advice for me.
"What else can you do except run and jump? What if parkour could bring money!
"Parkour is not about money!
"What about?
"For me parkour is a philosophy, a beautiful way of life –to run, to climb, to overcome obstacles…
"But what if you could make money with it? -Anton asked.
"How can you make money on that? Do you think tomorrow they will invite you to jump in the movie?
"Find some job.
"When can I work? I have parkour, school, climbing. What can I give up, considering that I will never give up parkour and climbing, and my parents will not allow me to give up school? And what kind of job after all?
"A promoter. You work four hours three times a week, mostly weekends, and then receive your money. The only thing you have to do is to walk around the shop, and cry -c'mon people, come buy my goods!
"I heard about those promoters, they work, work, then call their firm for weeks, and cannot get their money. And their firm is telling them – sorry, the event was not paid for, wait.
"But it’s not everywhere like that!
"Would you like to work as an asker?
"Someone offered me to work as an asker awhile ago. You need to go around the bookstores, and ask for a specific book.
"Do they pay for it?
"Not too much but still.
"And what’s the point of paying for that?
"Don’t be stupid! The point is simple –to support the interest for that book. They ask for it –it means that there is demand, if there is demand – it means that they must order it, and this way the sales of the book increase.
"Do they pay a lot?
"No but it’s enough to buy you beer. You need to work with friends here. Nobody is going to check us, when we can we go into the shop.
"No I don’t like this option. We need to find something more interesting!
"OK find it yourself. – His friends agreed.
"Igor! -Anton exclaimed suddenly. –haven’t you heard that Nikita finally broke the seal?
"The seal? -Meshkov surprised.
"Really! -Bekagaev said –we waited for this for a long time.
"What are you talking about? -Meshkov asked.
"We’re talking about your climbing! You went there all by yourself! You told nobody!
"That’s true! -Igor agreed. –will learned about that last year at the end, from our physical education teacher.
"That’s right, he was making an example of you! He used to say that only Meshkov could do 18 pushups. And why? Because “he doesn’t lag behind, and goes climbing”.
"I don’t rightly remember that.
"Because you went early with your folks to Egypt, and you left school earlier.
"Ah! - Meshkov scratched his head, -should I inform you guys about everything in my life?
"Yes, you should! Are we friends or not?
"We are.
"Are we the team or not?
"The team.
"That’s why you are awarded an official boo! And that comes from your friends!
"Anton and Igor pointed at Meshkov and said:

  • Boooooo!!!

Meshkov had been sitting in the Internet for 4 hours now. His parents paid the debt, but forbade him to download any videos and turned off the pictures. So what! -he said happily and started surfing.
He had a puzzle in his head – where to get the money? Meshkov was going from link to link, from one document to another, until he stopped at one phrase.
The world has two genders. And you will not be a complete person, as long as you go along this life alone. The person needs to exchange energies. Only in that case do you have the chance to grow up, to develop. But that does not mean that you should go for something small. Find a girl that you like, please each other with those precious moments of your meetings. The world around you will become harmonious, and both of you will achieve all the things that you yearn for.
Meshkov went over this passage a couple of times.
“Is that so simple? How is it possible to find her? The one that you like? I like Olya… But what a setup! I broke her camera. Stupid idiot! It’s no use calling her before I find the money. What if she thinks that I’m not calling because I want to jilt her with a camera? At the same time, why call her for nothing, if I have not even started to think where to get the money.” Meshkov scratched his head. “I like Olya, but she does not like me, I think. But Jana likes me. But do I like her?”
Meshkov started thinking. “I guess not, but maybe it’s just because I haven’t considered her.” “And she’s really quite nice! I need to check it! “ -Meshkov finally decided, and dialed Jana.

"Hold it right there!
Suddenly the way was blocked by two policemen. The guys were running very fast and were barely able to stop in front of those cops.
"I said hold it! -cried the cop, touching the gun.
"What’s the problem?
The guys had no idea that when they got off the roof and ran across the park, the policeman started following them thinking that they were escaping the crime scene. But he hopelessly lost them, as a fat and sweaty passenger with heavy cases loses a speeding train. The cop contacted the patrol and the guys were held.
"Why is it taking you so long? -asked the sergeant somebody on the radio.
There was only some noise from the radio, and then the silhouette of another policeman showed up from behind the corner. When he finally came up, he couldn’t speak for little while. Then he finally caught his breath.
"I finally got you!
"What is the problem? -asked Bekagaev again.
"What were you doing on the roof?
"We’re traceurs.
"We do parkour. We run, jump over the obstacles, and that’s why we got on the roof.
"Could you take me for? Why were you running away from me?
"We didn’t even see you.
"We have several notices from people who live around here about their satellite dishes having been stolen.
"Satellite dishes? On these old buildings? - Meshkov wondered. –you can only find them on knew you high-rises!
"A-ha! -the lieutenant was happy. – I see you know a lot of stuff about that!
"Damn it! When will I start thinking!
"Come with us young men. We’ll sort it out at the office.
"What office? -Bekagaev asked. -don’t you see what we have written on our T shirts? Wild parkour. We are traceurs not thieves. Here, take a look.
Bekagaev decided to show the elements that only he could do. He ran to the wall, and pushing off it with his legs, made a loop.
"It is called a wall flip. You see? -he said condescendingly.
"I see. And this is called handcuffs, -the sergeant pointed, -you move again, you find yourself on the ground. This is what you’re going to call a ground flip. You see?
Bekagaev nodded, looking at the cuffs.
"Why do you call it wild? -asked the lieutenant suspiciously, surprised by Bekagaev jump.
"Because there is no domestic parkour!
"It is wild apriori –Igor said, his voice down almost to the bass. Again.
"I see. You have any kind of an ID?
"No. No. –Meshkov and Anton said.
"And I have a passport, - Bekagaev surprised his friends. – Here you go.
"Fine, -the lieutenant studied the passport, and gave it back to Bekagaev. – Now I’m letting you go. Now I know Mr. Bekagaev, so keep that in mind. Have a good day, -the policeman saluted, and the boys hurried away.
Only when in the park could the guys relax after such an unexpected encounter with the law.
"Today we continue working on the balance. –Meshkov got on the swing set, and started walking on top keeping the balance.
Igor and Anton got on the other swing sets, and were walking there till mothers with children hushed them away.
"What now?
It was clear that nobody wanted to go home.
"Let us play dare? -Anton suggested. The boys looked at each other, and just the moment Igor wanted to discuss the rules of the game, when Meshkov touched his shoulder, said dare and ran across to the loco. Bekagaev turned to Anton, but Anton ran around the little kids and was also making for the loco.
"I’ll show you! - Bekagaev ran after them.
"The cries “Out! Out! Dick! I said out!” -made Igor Bekagaev increase the speed. And it was not for nothing! A bulldog was going straight for him. Meshkov who by that time was already on the loco, seeing that the dog was making for Igor, shouted – “Pull up your ass! You’re losing speed!”
All the rest happened within a few moments. Already near the loco and feeling the dog breathing behind him, Igor realized –
"I’m not going to make it!,
And rushing to the nearest tree, he made a tree flip. The dog passed by, by its own momentum, and Bekagaev had time to run to the loco and climb up.
"Call off your dog! -Meshkov was shouting.
The dog was jumping by the loco, trying too climb it.
"Dick, out! Out! -the woman was trying to catch the leash. Anton and Nikita were almost swearing. Igor was lying and looking at the loco cabin ceiling, unblinking.
Finally the lady silenced her dog and led it out of the park.
"What was that? -Igor asked still lying.
"Dare! -Meshkov said, and they laughed.
"Igor you’re the greatest! That was such a good element! -Anton concluded. –we thought that’s it! The traceur is through with his running. We even were planning on going down to kick the dog.
"It was nothing, -Igor said, -it was an accident.
"How about going to get the chavs today? -Meshkov asked suddenly. –after such a training it’s high time we went there.
"Today? - asked Anton. What are you talking about! -he laughed. “The bulldog – is the best training!”
"Today, -Meshkov confirmed. –we don’t have telephones, and we barely have any money on us. We warmed up very nice, especially Igor, so now it’s the best time. What do you say Igor? Shall we pay them a visit?
Bekagaev, feeling his friends looking at him, turned his head from right to left, warming up his neck, and hit the air a couple of times.
Igor is ready. Then lets go, -the boys went out of the park and went into the back streets, where they encountered the chavs.

"I have a neighbor of a girl, and I had been thinking how to pick her up.
And then I felt so tired from being alone, went down to her apartment, knocked at her door, and talked the hell out of her, so that she invited me for tea. So I’m drinking tea, looking at her, and feeling my hands itch. Can you remember a single time when I was too shy to grab a chick by the boobs? And this time I just couldn’t do it like that. So I’m telling her –marry me. And she –to clean your socks? And me, stupefied by this, I say –maybe that! And can you imagine guys, she says –take them off! What do you mean? - Says I. It’s like this! -says she, -if I like cleaning them, I will marry you, if they are dirty, I’m not even going to clean them –you will walk barefoot. Look! Those dorks are here again! -Nelubin stopped his narration at the most interesting spot.
"I told you Alex, they’d get that once, they want to get that again. Get them over here. We will trash them for money, -the Dummy took out his lighter and used it to open the bottle of Patra.
"Why call them? They’re still going to pass us – they have nowhere to go.
"So what happened next?
"I’ll tell you later, let’s deal with the dorks first.
"Ooh, our old friends! Anything new? -with a happy smile, Nelubin greeted the traceurs.
"Everything is new, -Meshkov replied calmly, standing at a safe distance to be able to run away. Do you have anything old?
"Erm, -Nelubin didn’t have anything to say.
"Hey dorks why are you standing out there? Come here we need to talk. –Dummy waved his hand.
The traceurs didn’t move, only their internal springs, responsible for decision-making, became real tight.
"Hey brothers, spare any change?
"Why are you asking us? Ask the people in expensive cars! -Bekagaev advised.
"First of all today the price of the car is not relevant to the price of the owner, but rather to the size of his bank debt, second…, -Yogurt could not finish, because Dummy, who was outraged by the dorks, interrupted him.
"Do you see that thing on my finger? -said Dummy, showing a larg ring. –I could hit you right now.
Spike, who never said a word before that, pointed at something in the distance, and shaking his head, said –
"You just look at that! What is going on out there?
Everybody turned their heads instinctively, and Spike rushed from the bench to grab the traceurs. Had Spike done that a fraction of a second later, he would have got them. But in the corner of the eye first Anton, then Bekagaev and Meshkov noticed his movement, and he barely touched Anton by his tee shirt. Spike, when running after the three, stumbled at the obstacles, ran around them, and looked really helpless and clumsy compared to the accurate and precise movements of the traceurs.

"That was nice! -Anton was happy, when they jumped off the garages and went a good way from that backstreet. – did you see their faces, when they realized that they could not get us?
"And that Spike was standing down there absolutely hopeless. A bum!
"Maybe we shouldn’t have called them names after we ran away? -Igor doubted.
"Hell no! -Anton waved his hand. – let them know that they are not ever powerful.
"Running away is still not good, - said Bekagaev, -even if you do it the nice way…
"There is nothing wrong about it, -Anton disagreed, -they are older, and because they drink all the time they stop feeling the pain. What can we do about it? Such people get run over by cars and then get up and go on like nothing happened! They fall down from the top floors and nothing happens!
"And if you’re going with a girl? -Igor started thinking, -where are you going to run then?
"They will not touch you if you’re going with a girl, -Anton thought.
"What are you, stupid? -everybody said.
"They will touch you. –Igor said. –when they lift up her skirt, what are you going to do? Where are you going to jump?
"Why are you attacking me? -Anton exclaimed.
"We’re not attacking you were just discussing.
"After all, I don’t go out with girls anyway.
"Aren’t you going to? -Igor snickered.
"You wish, -Anton barked. –I meant I don’t go out into bad places.
"OK enough, - Meshkov said, -we are going away from our topic.
"Then we have to do not parkour, but karate. But actually I like parkour better.
"Me too, -Nikita supported Igor. –I just want to say that it is easy for a traceur to study any kind of martial arts, because parkour has a lot of elements that martial arts have.
"Me too, -Anton agreed.
"Okay, what are we doing standing here just like that? Shall we go home?
Okay! Home! What a day!

"They got me, those dorks. Fucking grasshoppers! But they have neither sports experience, nor practical wisdom. If they think that we drink beer every night here, and can not do anything else? They will pay!
"Oy, lads! -Spike was really decisive. -these dorks want a war. They say they are traceurs and we are trashers. Those bitches think I don’t know English! And if we come here to drink some beer and take some of them money from time to time, then we are…
"What does trasher mean?
"It means that we need to show them!
"No, how is it translated?
"You’d better not know, or you’re going to run looking for them all around the city – Spike laughed. –but we are up to the challenge!
" Fuck the challenge! -the Dummy said. –I can’t even run!
"You won’t have to! - Spike smiled. –if I remember correctly from our childhood, you could catapult well as a boy?
"That’s right!
"That’s it. Make a catapult, remember your childhood.
"Why don’t you like to live quietly, Spike?
"If we don’t get them, we won’t see any free booze not only from them, but from the others as well.
"Why the catapult? You can kill with it.
"We’re going to shoot them really tidy, right between the shoulders! I guess you remember how painful this is?
They laughed.
"Oh you stupid dorks! You got me interested! Now you hold onto your pants!
"I still do not understand how you’re going to get them?
"Very simple. They will absolutely show up once again, to complete their superiority. And we’re going to get ready.
"Are we going to learn jumping?
"Why do we need that? Have you seen home alone?
"So we’re going to follow the film.
"I don’t really understand.
"You will be an extra here.
"You’re going to help. Just help. I, as usual, will think about everything,
Spike smiled, looking forward to meeting the traceurs again. - “But they got me interested. They got me so interested!
You’re saying I’m a trasher. OK. But the trasher is going to beat the traceurs”.
"Alex! What was next? -Yogurt remembered Nelubin’s story.
"You about the neighbor girl? Nothing was next. What am I going to do to my little buddy? –I said, pointing at my proof of excitement. –It will pass. –she said sadly.
"So what? You just left?
"Had she said that angrily, I would not have left.

“Only the trasher is better than the traceur”. -Spike had only one idea on his mind. He looked at the courtyard. Then he tried to remember all the elements that the traceurs did. “At first sight it doesn’t seem so difficult”. -Spike decided, and started warming up. when he felt that he was warm enough, he ran across the yard, trying to repeat everything that the traceurs did.
He failed. He barely was able to stop in front of the first obstacle.
“How did they go over that railing? “ -Spiked closed his eyes trying to remember. “I think there was a jump first. Hands in front. Touched the railing. Then pulled up the legs and threw them in front. Right? Right. Can I do that? No. Erm. Let’s go on”.

  • What is he doing out there? - Yogurt ask, smiling.
  • Studying the route, -Nelubin laughed harshly. –he’s thinking how to get back to those dorks.
    "Why bother? They will smash their heads themselves, -Dummy said, finishing his beer. –and we will not have to do anything.
    "And still it’s going to be interesting. Spike is going to think of something. Seems like they’re really got him. He’s not drinking, he’s warming up, he’s counting something…
    Yeah, they got him interested, - Yogurt agreed. –they really shouldn’t have! They will pay.
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