Wild parkour (part 8)

in fiction •  7 years ago 


Spike was jumping over a fallen tree and listening to his player, so at first he did not notice some fellows coming up to him. Spike stopped jumping, put his hands into the pockets and started waiting for the events to come.
"What is that in your ears? -the guy with a shaved head asked?
"Beer cans, -Spike barked.
"Take it off and dont try anything.
"You want problems?
"We just told ya its no joke. Take it off.
"You Fuck face, you think you ran into milk and honey? - Spike asked, ready for a fight, because now he saw clearly that those were not chavs. Those were real thugs.
"I see you have not taken a sh$t for awhile. –bald head said. Whack the sportsman!

Spike did not manage to pull the guys out of it. The pack charged, anticipating the fresh blood. Spike could not remember the last time he was defending himself, to say nothing about being beaten. And the same time, Spike knew exactly how that would end. But he could not run. He was too proud. So, knowing everything in advance, after the first punch he fell down and grouped. They were hitting him silly, just to get him, and somebody young was shouting –get him! Get him!
"We meet again, we bury you! -the bald head promised, after they were tired. Somebody took off the player and looked through his pockets.
Spike was not react -he waited for them to spit. They finally spat. “ Now it’s over,” -he thought calmly. When the steps faded away, Spike started slowly turning on his back, feeling himself. There was no sharp pain.
"“Oh my god! -Spike was terrified at his guess. I knew everything that they were going to do. And why? Because… Spike opened his eyes wide and looked at the clouds flowing through the trees. Am I just like them? “The fog that started to leave his head a couple of days ago, left completely. Spike saw himself from the side suddenly.
"AAAAA!!! - He shouted letting out the pain of his position. Then he got up, cleaned himself off the needles, and the dirt. Spike never wanted to swear at those thugs, even in his mind –he felt that they were too similar to him. To him as he was yesterday.
Today he was even glad. Nothing happens by accident! -he remembered some words.
"Well, -Spike started reasoning with himself – the most important thing now is to draw the right conclusion.

Spike was running home. He never wanted to hurry anywhere, his mood was fine he was rejoicing –fresh air, sun, a good run –all this improved his mood greatly. Even the fight seemed fun. A girl overtook him, she was running faster. She suddenly looked back at him, snickered, and ran on. That alarmed him. He decided not to catch up with a girl to ask her about it. His mind told him to examine himself once again. He found a decent foot print on his ass, a footprint that he had not noticed before. He tried to scratch it off, but it did not go. Nice picture! -he snickered himself at his own look. –let’s say it was the last goodbye to my previous life.

"You want some beer?
"No, -Spike said sternly
"Why the sad face? -Yogurt was surprised. – You want some vodka?
"I don’t want to drink anymore.
"You got problems with your health? -Yogurt asked and shared his own problem –I think I have hemorrhoids! I get blood, I get pain, only the painkillers keep me alive.
"You need to see the colorectal surgeon, -Spike advised, and not listening to Yogurt anymore, went home.
When at home, Spike suddenly became aware of the bad air in the flat. Spike opened a window, and unhappy with his new outlook, sat down on his bed. He felt uncomfortable. It was probably the forest walks. Spike decided to dust the furniture, then he decided that was not enough. He started washing up, cleaning the windows, the furniture, and called it a day long after midnight.
“I will deal with the balcony tomorrow”, -tired but happy with the decision to change his own life, Spike took a quick shower and went to bed. “The more you do, the more you accomplish”, -was his last idea before passing out.

Nikita was surprised, when father happily accepted his idea to try Forex trade. He opened the account for him, and deposited $200 for a start. On Monday afternoon, Nikita, having received the passwords and the account number, and the final arguments of his father, who could not understand the connection between Forex graphs and parkour, opened the training software, and selected the USD/CAD pair. Once again he examined the graphs of that pair through different periods of time. Meshkov closed his eyes and imagined himself running through the city. Catching his luck he looked at the graph again, and struck his first financial deal, making a prognosis.
"My heart is beating like when I’m running! -he was surprised with his condition. –I wonder how the traders feel, striking 1,000,000 dollar deals?
Having spent some time at the computer, and tired of the slow rate movement(it was basically stable, it would raise a couple of points and then fall a couple of points), Nikita turned the computer off and called his friends.

"Hey guys! You are into parkour?
"Yeah, you too? -asked Bekagaev, happy with that kind of encounter, and looking at the guys. The were older and bigger.
"No, we’re not into parkour, we are the parkour, -the laughed. –what are you working on now? Doggy style?
"What’s that? -Anton asked, thinking about a new parkour element.
"It’s like when they Fuck you up your ass, -said one of the guys, who looked much stronger than his friends. He was laughing his ass off.
Anton and Igor frowned. It was no use to pick on them – they were much older and bolder. But they did not want to stand the pickings either. Should they leave? Looked like cowardice.
"Are you experts in it? -Igor thought he asked this question out loud. But it was only in his head. Igor and Anton were standing still. The guys shot a few remarks at them and left.
"Every son of the bitch wants to pick at us. I’m so sick and tired of them! -Igor was furious.
"Yeah, - Anton agreed. –Now chavs, then those… What was that? Doggy stylers.
"Maybe they aren’t traceurs at all? -Igor snickered.
"I think they are, I think I saw one of them jump over the railing someday.
"Why were they picking at us then?
" Fucking showoffs, that’s why!
"It’s good Meshkov was away.
"Why’s that?
"He would definitely charge at them.
"Yeah, and you never know what would happen.
"What would have happened? They’re not chavs…
"How are they different? The methods of the same, they’re just not asking for money.
"By the way, here is Nikita. Speak of the devil.
Nikita came up, greeted everybody happily, and started warming up. His happy attitude did not go well with his frowned friends.
"What’s wrong with you? - He asked
"Some guys came by, -said Anton indefinitely. –the laughed at us and went on.
" Fuck am, -Nikita said carelessly. –I know I know where I can get money!
"Wow! -Igor did not expect that, - I wonder where?
"On Forex.
"On Forex? -Anton surprised. – It’s a lottery!
"I have found the key, -Meshkov said confidently.
"The key? What key I wonder?
"I will tell you as soon as I double check it. By the way, I started trading today and bought 10,000 Canadian dollars.
"Hello! -Igor was interested – a little more detail from here.
"I’ll tell you later, -Meshkov interrupted and continued warming up.
"Anything new about Masha? -Anton asked Igor, when he realized he could not get anything more out of Meshkov.
"I’m staying at her place tonight! -Igor said meaningfully, and his friends sadly looked at each other.
"You’re lucky, - said Anton. –and I’m going to be alone for a couple of days –my folks are going to some tourist base… So if anyone wants –you’re highly welcome to join.

Nobody reacted – everybody hoped that he would have better things to do.
The silence was broken by a boy, who ran by and was out of breath.
"Are you into parkour? -he asked.
Igor and Anton laughed, remembering the previous traceurs who came by with the same question.
"Teach me! -the boys asked, disregarding the laugh.
"Jump! Let’s see how many times you can cross your legs in flight. –Meshkov said.
The boy jumped.
"Only once, - he said.
"I can see that…
"When you can cross three times, come back. We will take you into the team, -Meshkov assured the guy.
"Does your team have the name?
"It does, - Meshkov smiled and kneeled in front of the boy, -we were watching the clips from the parkour competitions. We compare that to what we do, and understood that their parkour is kind of nerdy, different from others.
"What kind do you do?

  • We? -Meshkov asked. –we do the wild one! Hence the name of the team –Wild Parkour.

"Hello Masha!
"Hello Oksana, hello! It is so nice you called, I already wanted to call you myself.
"Anything happened?
"Just missed you.
"What are you doing?
"I’m waiting for my Igor, he should come.
"Aren’t you afraid to let him into the house? So many bad people around. Somebody told me about a fellow with a new strategy –he offered a victim girl to buy a car. They went to the car dealers, picked a car that she would like, started paying, but the banks would be closed. They put a hold on the car till the next day, and then went to the restaurant. In the morning the girl woke up alone. Can you imagine that?
"Sounds complicated.
"But for sure. Your Igor was also weird when he introduced himself. I still cannot forget.
"Igor is different.
"How is it different?
"First of all, I see him more often than I see you. Second, he’s like a baby –homely, clumsy, totally unable to trick anybody. I even started thinking whether it would be interesting or not to spend the whole life with him? What do you think, Oksana?
"I would not be so sure. Like I said, Igor is not so simple, and I’m thinking, Masha, that he wants to have fun more than your love.
Masha could barely hold it.
You’re just envious! -she exclaimed irritated, and put down the receiver without saying goodbye.

As soon as he came home, Nikita turned on the computer, connected to the Internet, opened the trading software, looked at his account, and exclaimed –yes!
$2.00 up! -Nikita was happy with his lucky forecast
–that price is moving just as I had expected!
Intrigued, Meshkov walked around the room, then sat back down, and started thinking. “I know that the price will be where a I think it will be, but I just need to secure the fact of a positive deal!” - Nikita turned round in his chair, pulled it to the computer, looked at the graphs, and closed the deal, fixing the income. Still thinking about the deal, Nikita didn’t realize that his hand was on the phone and dialed the number he had known so well.
Nikita nearly fell off the chair with surprise. Putting the receiver to his ear, still disbelieving his happiness, asked –
"Are you Olya? The one?
He sounded so desperate, that the girl could not help laughing.
"Yes, the one. Who is that?
“It is the person who calls you 10 times a day just to hear your voice!”
"This is Nikita… Meshkov…
"I don’t remember you, sorry.
"We met on the roof, I… Your camera…, -Nikita lost himself and did not know what to say. Damn it! I had so much time to prepare, and I still don’t know what to say!
"O, it’s you.
Nikita felt that the girls voice went dull.
"I have been trying to reach you for month now!
"And I went away as a group leader to the pioneer camp. I just came back. By the way, I thought you wouldn’t show up.
"Why? -Meshkov exclaimed offended –all this time I have been thinking about…, -Meshkov couldn’t say” about you”,
"-how to return your camera. I’m closing in on it. –Meshkov added quickly, looking at the trading software.
"Really? -Olya said in a derisive tone, as if she could see the $2.00 that Meshkov had made.
"I basically became the trader for you. And you may congratulate me with my first successful deal!
"I congratulate you, -the girl said.
"Can we meet? -Nikita offered, surprised his boldness and held his breath. The girl went silent, and Meshkov started losing air.
"OK, -she finally agreed, and Meshkov, happy to live again, breathed in. –somewhere downtown…
"Not downtown! Nikita exclaimed.
"Why? -Olya surprised.
"I will tell you there! -Meshkov promised. –let’s go to the disco, OK?
"To the disco? -the girl’s voice went up again. – Okay, disco it is!

When his father came back home, Nikita stepped out of his room and stood against the door.
"Why so happy? -father smiled. –what to tell me something?
"Not that big deal really, but you may congratulate me on my first successful deal!
"Well done, son! -father said. –let’s go, show me!
Father and son went into the room, and Nikita let his Dad to the computer.
"Nikita, well done! But you closed the deal too early. Look at the graph – it is growing.
"Dad! I’m more interested in the success of the deal than in the deal itself.
"I understand! -father said getting up from the chair. –well, godspeed!
"Dad , wait, -Nikita asked and hesitated. That stopped. – Dad, I’m meeting a girl today, could you lend me some money please?
Father looked attentively at his son.
"I’ll get it back to you! -Nikita assured.
His Dad covered the smile, made sure that mother wasn’t looking, took out a large note, and handed it to Nikita.
"Take it, son. Don’t let the family name down.
Thank you Dad, -Nikita said, never expecting such a sum. – I will not let you down!

The ring tone started pounding, and Nelubin, reluctantly picked it up, after waiting till the end of the music.
"Alex, it’s Dummy! Are you in position?
"In position, - Nelubin said dryly. –Are you calling from a john again?
"What the Fuck you talking about? -Dummy surprised.
"C'mon! -we have known that for a while. You call at the same time, you don’t know what to say…
" Fuck you! -Dummy laughed. – I’m actually almost there.
Nelubin turned his head –Dummy was really entering the yard.
"Anybody seen Spike? - He asked coming by. –I cannot reach him.
"Really! Spike is gone somewhere, haven’t seen him for a week or so…
"Maybe, he’s hanging out somewhere?
"Where can he be hanging out? Everybody’s here.
"Maybe some girl?
"If so, it’s been taking too long.
"Maybe, she’s too sweet?
Everybody laughed –nobody was too sweet.
"Maybe something happened to him?
"What could happen to him? -Nelubin waved his hand. – I have known him since childhood –we used to shoot pigeons from our cribs. Nothing can happen to him.
"Why is Yogurt so said?
"He has been like that since morning.
"I would even say yesterday’s morning.
"Well, -Dummy muttered, -to be on the safe side, I would give his whackiness a couple of weeks.
"Yogurt, Yogurt, - Nelubin started to shake him, - have you seen Spike?
"Yes, I have, -Yogurt ask wanly, -he passed me by the other day. I ask him – you want some vodka? And he says – no. And then I say – maybe, beer? He says –I don’t want to… There is something bad about him –he doesn’t drink vodka, he doesn’t drink beer… Yogurt put his head down and went silent.
"He’ll stop looting with us. Pity to the weak?
If he pities the weak, he’d better find a job.

"So, so. What can I eat? The Fucking fridge is empty! I hate it! “Cook for yourself, cook for yourself…” -Anton mocked his mother.

"And what can I cook, if you only left me the beer money. Of course, it is not for beer, but it can only buy you beer!
Anton, unhappy with the empty fridge, bashed it close, and sat down at the empty table. His ideas on the topic –how to cook potatoes –were interrupted with a telephone.
"Anton! You’re still expecting somebody? -Igor said.
"Why, you already went to see Masha? - Anton surprised.
"Tell me about it!
"I will tell you when I come.
"Tell me now! - Anton pleaded.
"OK, - Igor said, -I really have a lot to tell. Anyway, her Mom, having scanned me from top to bottom, takes her father, and they go to the movies. Me and her stay together alone… Suddenly she undresses, gets me on the bed, tears my shirt away, and starts unzipping me…
"So-o? -Anton almost whistled with anticipation.
"So what? I’ve been dreaming.
"Damn it! I thought that at least you got it finally! What happened really?
"Really we went into the kitchen, she makes herself some loose tea, and gives me the sachet. I’m drinking this sh$t, trying not to burn myself, and thinking about turning this stupid discussion about their dacha to…
"And neighbors help me with that by the way…
"How’s that?
"You know how well you can hear through the wall from another kitchen? You can hear anything.
"So what about the neighbors?
"The neighbour wife says – the tea is weak again. What a stupid manner – to take out a packet, when the water gets some color! The man replies –you’re told me! Why don’t you get an IUD?
"I rounded my eyes and looked at Masha. We couldn’t help laughing. You have funny neighbors –says I. Masha says –O, you can hear a lot of things just sitting here. –let’s go into the room, let’s not disturb them. She says – let’s go.
We sat down on the sofa in the room, turned on the telly. My heart was beating! Even worse than when you’re ready to jump from the roof! And I’m thinking -I either will need a tranquilizer or sex! Or my heart is going to collapse!
"Igor, I’m sick and tired of asking – and what next?
"Nothing! I put my hand on her knee, and she pushes it off nervously! I spring up and decide to get out on the balcony to get some fresh air, because another second, and I would grab her! And she snickers behind me –just don’t jump of my balcony! You see, Anton? The key word was “my balcony”! I could not hold it here, and said – to hell with you! -and jumped off. I got down quickly and lay down on the ground, silently. I was watching from the corner of my eye. I so Masha on the balcony, shoe looked down, and, oh boy she cried! -then she disappeared, and I left, too, not to draw any attention.
"What floor?
"Just third. I nearly simply jumped down.

"You taught her bad! Were you sorry?
"I was not then. Now I think im, if she took it seriously. Anyway, I haven’t decided yet. – Igor stopped for a second. –Anton, I’ll call you back – Masha is on the second line.

"Oksana, help me!
"What happened? -her friend asked coolly.
"Something happened to Igor!
"Wha-at? – Oksana asked slowly.
"Igor! He was… Down there…
"Tell me everything, thing by thing. –Oksana shouted.
"He came in, took off his shoes. I told him –let’s go have some tea. And he tells me –I have had too much tea at home, listening to my neighbors squander. Then he asks me –do you love me? I’m silent. Then he says –then close your eyes, not to see me jump off your balcony, so I can finish my life, my love, everything.
"So what? So what?! -Oksana was surprised with Igor.
"I thought he was showing off! I close my eyes, count to 10, and, ready to laugh at him, I see – and he’s not on the balcony! I turn around and then realized he could not have sneaked past me. Then I ran to the edge of the balcony and oh boy I cried!
"Oh my god… What did you see there?
"I saw my Igor lying in a strange position on the ground! I went out into the hallway to pick up the phone, to call the ambulance! And then I realized that I do not know about a dialup it from my mobile! I stood for some time, lost, and then ran out on the balcony, trying to call for help, looked down, and I saw that Igor was not there. Probably somebody picked him up to take to the hospital!
"Dear me! -Oksana whispered, horrified.
Masha burst into tears.
"I will not live! If I had only known, that you love me so much! If I had only known! Don’t you think I wouldn’t give?
"What is going to happen?
"O, I don’t know! I don’t know! -Masha whispered.
"Whom else have you called?
"You are the first, Oksana!
"Wait Masha! Let me think! -Oksana fell silent for a moment. –did you call Igor after he disappeared?
"Call him! And then we’ll decide what to do!
"Okay! -said Masha through heavy sobbing.

"Hello! Masha, hello!
"Igor! -Masha felt totally lost and went silent. –Igor, honey, are you alive? -she asked in a feeble voice.
"I’m alive, Masha, -Igor assured the girl.
"And… What was that? Are you hurt?
Igor s face went red.
"Masha, I’m OK, I will come up now!

"Hello, Oksana! You’re right! He is out somewhere in town! -now Masha had some metal notes in her voice.
"I told you, Masha! They only want to have fun!
"He will come now –I will show him! -said Masha, using the exact words that her Mom used for conflicts with Dad, shrieked and dropped the receiver. Igor got up on the balcony holding a bunch of flowers. Masha was awakened by the sound of Oksana’s voice, shouting something in the phone.
"I will call you back, - Masha said and turned off the phone.
"Masha! I went out to get some flowers, -Igor got down on his knee, held out the flowers.
"I have a serious conversation for you, Igor! I don’t think we should see each other again! Wait, do not interrupt me! You will always look for fun, not for love! -Masha said suddenly, looking at Igor, as if evaluating him.
"Why so? - Bekagaev was surprised.
"I do not think you should know that, -Masha tried to spark up the curiosity.
"Go on if you started.
"Please do not get offended! Try to analyze…
"C'mon! -Igor snickered bitterly, losing interest.
"I read somewhere, and Oksana told me –the time of conception forms the personality in the future. You by the way were born in September, which means you’re a Christmas child – you were conceived on Christmas…
"So what?
"It means, that the only thing you think about is fun and celebration. And I think that when it is Christmas, you totally lose yourself!
"Let us see! - Igor was interested. –it is really interesting!
"He started calculating his sisters, mothers, and fathers dates of birth.
"Ha-Ha! – he laughed. –look here, all the conceptions in our family were made on holidays.
Then he frowned suspiciously –
"What about yourself?
"I’m different! -Masha said sarcastically. –there are no holidays on my date of birth. Which means I was conceived in love!
Igor wanted to make her angry, just a little bit. He got up and came up to Masha.
"I would not be so sure! There are different holidays, family reunions! For example, graduation…
"What are you talking about! -Masha tried to hit him with her small hands.
"I was talking about the university.
"That’s it!
"No, why! The experiment should be pure. Look into family archives, maybe you will find something! If you can’t – ask the parents – what could they celebrate at this month of that year. They will hardly think you’re interested about your conception.
"Igor, you’re so dull!
"Hello! And you told me not to be angry, and you do not want to sort yourself out! Dig deeper –and you will find out that for your birth you should be obliged to some vase that your future father gave to your future mother!
You bastard! - Said the girl through the teeth! Igor dropped the flowers, held Masha, and started telling her something on the ear...

Meshkov knew that Olya was following him.
He noticed her by accident, when he was getting out of the tram. He got off at another stop, as he was too early for the date.
Olya! -he was happy to see the girl walking like the towards the disco. His first wish was to go to her, but then he changed his mind, and decided to use the situation to his own good. Acting as if he had not seen her, Nikita walked on in front of Olya, acting good –he picked up some chocolate wrap from the pavement and threw it into the trash bin, he gave a small note to an old lady, he crossed the empty street only at a green light. And only then, as if he needed to check his laces, Nikita turned round and saw Olya. Show was tanned, youthful, dressed in a bright close fitting tee shirt and low cut jeans. She drew attention and was the proper object for admiration.
"And I was thinking, was it you or not in front of me!
"And I was thinking, where does this sunny radiation come from? Hello, Olya! How was your trip?
"Hello, Nikita! I’m fine! I had a good rest –nature, air! But they came back to the city, and I realize that I became inadequate –I cannot perceive information, I do not understand people, I understand nothing, my head is spinning.
"Look, there was that Porsche Cayenne, you know, the cool one, the one that doesn’t care about the traffic rules, the one that always has some music pumping so loud that you sometimes wonder whether those guys are deaf. So, it is pumping as usual, and only after I walked a little distance, I realized that it was a nice old song… So I go on, and then I see the young man in front of me, who picks up somebody else’s trash and puts it into the trash can.
“She noticed!”
"Something changed in the city while I was away! - She smiled. –how do you spend that time? Are you still into parkour?
Meshkov even stopped from this question. Can you stop being into parkour?
"My steps are everywhere!
"All over the city?
"My steps collect no dust! -Olya blinked a couple of times with her long eyelashes –it was well said!
"First I was a traceur –I conquered the obstacles, -Meshkov continued, -after that, in time, I haven’t noticed how I became the traceur –the friend of the obstacles.
"How is that?
"When you run along the roofs, you see a different city, like a parallel world of the streets. What do we see when we walk the streets as usual? We walk through the maze of the city streets, programmed for a specific route. The traceur has a different degree of freedom. He has new horizons, he breathes lightly, the fog falls from his eyes. He is the first to greet the sun, and he’s the last to say goodbye to it, he’s the city’s equal. Traceur is no longer its part-they are brothers. I’d even think that the traceur is the elder brother, because the city cannot stop the traceur anymore.
Meshkov took a deep breath – it was as if he was just running, jumping from one roof to another. Olya looked like she was running with Nikita.
"I’m the child of the city, I have no boundaries here, running – gives me freedom, without borders, without fears, I love the height and the depth equally. I love jumping, because it gives me the feeling of the flight, and when I run, I’m ahead of time…
Olya was listening to Nikita attentively, and his stocks were increasing.

"Only now I understand how much I missed the roof!
"What’s the problem? Today the disco tomorrow the roof!
"Olya laughed –
"You’re so quick!

"Would you like something to eat? - Nikita asked, when they entered the disco. –I’m starving!
"Order some fruits, -Olya asked, sitting down at the table.
"Meshkov made a simple order to the waitress- fruits for Olya, some meat for himself.
"Beer? -Meshkov offered, playing with Olya.
"Juice is better.
There was awkward silence, which was happily broken by the waitress. After putting down the dishes and getting her payment, she went to other tables. Paying no attention to the fruits, Olya took a muffin from Meshkov, and dropped it.
"Five second rule applies, -Meshkov said.
While trying to pick up the muffin, Olya dropped it again.
"Better safe than sorry! - Meshkov laughed.
"Now it is all microbes! -Olya said disgustingly and put the muffin away.
"Dirty stuff is good for dirty girls!
Olya rounded eyes at eyes at Nikita, and he covered his mouth.
It is my favorite song! -he cried and, grabbing Meshkov, and dragged him to dance.

“My folks are so funny –they think I do not know where they start making love, -Anton was still thinking about sex, -they have regular behavioral patterns. The either go to the bathroom and turned the water on or the washing machine, or make the music louder, which doesn’t help. I would even say that the music symbolizes sex for them. I used to put on my headphones and listen to my own music. It doesn’t take too long anyway. I think it used to last longer before…”

By the end of the evening Anton felt absolutely crazy after all these ideas. He picked up the phone, dialed Bekagaev. He was not available. He dialed Meshkov. Not available. Then Anton opened another bottle of beer, picked up the remote and started looking through different TV programs. Seeing the chat news ticker, who sent the message without thinking. Then he talk to finish bottle into the hallway, was his ace, undressed and started preparing the bed, when the telephone rang, and he picked it up with a dumb expression.
“Some girl!”
"Did you leave a message?
"Yes I did.
"Are you handsome?
"Do you look like Chadov?
"Well the one from Devataya Rota and Zhara.
"Ah! No, I don’t.
"Who do you look like?
"There is a film. Very popular, but only with my family. It is called Week at the dacha.
"Yeah, right. Funny.
"What is your name?
"Let’s just see to your looks first.
"My looks are OK! I’m not a freak or something…
"Freak? -the girl exclaimed. –Have I misheard something?
Anton hesitated for a second.
"No, you have not! I am a prize freak –I have teeth stumps, I smell like hell, I have hair all around my body, I’m lame, blind, and deaf. Anyway, just like everybody else at my age.
"There was a long silence.
"Is it true? -the girl asked in a scared voice.
Anton replied at once.
"The terrible truth!
"I don’t give a sh$t about her! - He thought and wanted to hang up.
"I need to make sure, -the girl said, which shocked him. – Give me your address.
"Jesus Christ! -Anton sighed. Is that girl going to come now? I cannot believe it! To me and now!
Anton dictated the address quickly, never thinking that it was past midnight.

"I need to go home! -Olya said sadly, and put her hand over Meshkov’s. Nikita looked at the watch. Time flies!
"Come, Olya! -the stood up from the table, that was immediately taken. Holding hands, they started going through the crowd of dancing young people. Nikita was looking back all the time, and meeting Olya eyes eyes, gave a wide smile. It was so wonderful! We had such a great time! We had a wonderful conversation, danced… The barely got out, away from the sound and the lights, and Olya pulled Nikita to the mirror. Having examined herself top to bottom, and checking her hair, she smiled to herself and they went to the exit. Nikita rushed after her. Opening the door for the girl, Nikita followed her and breezed in fresh summer air. So good! -somebody said in his head. Meshkov took Olya by the hand, and they headed for the taxi parking.
In a couple of seconds, Meshkov heard a swear word, characterizing Olya’s lifestyle. Olya tightened the grip and started walking faster.
But all the events in his life, connected with dangerous and extreme parkour, the chase and the setups, the days of desperate waiting for Olya, their beautiful evening together, and his father’s words –don’t let the family name down! -could not allow Meshkov to leave, without standing up for his girlfriend.
Nikita turned around, hoping that the word was meant for somebody else. No. No mistake. A drunk guy was looking at Olya with a dirty smirk, evidently looking for a victim. Meshkov quickly evaluated his physique, and doubted that he could win the fight –the guy was bigger and stronger. But there was nowhere to go – Meshkov could not leave it this way.
"What are you looking at me dude? Do you like me too? C'mon, don’t be afraid!
"Meshkov boiled inside, and he got a very interesting idea.
"Olya, listen, -Meshkov whispered, - I’m going to go towards that guy…
"Please, do not go! -the girl whispered.
"We’ll do not interrupt me! So. I’m going to head to that guy, and when I put my hand behind my back and snap my fingers, you will start shouting, with all you have, shout something like –Young man, run! Run! He will kill you! -
"Shout to who? -Olya did not understand.
"That freak, who else?
The girl was shivering and Meshkov was not quite sure about her. You only live once! -with an expression of cool confidence, and his eyes half shut, Nikita slowly went to his opponent. The guy put down the bottle, belched, showing his confidence, and looking at the young guy who seems to be heading for the trouble. Meshkov put his right hand behind his back and snapped his fingers. Nothing. He snapped again, sweating and the idea that’s the freak got him so easily. And then they came the shouting.
"Young man, run! He has a nice! Nikita, sweetie, please, do not kill them! What got into you! They will put you in again, they will give you more this time! -the girl shrieked.
The thug, not expecting such things to come, became frightened. Meshkov, his hand behind his back, continued walking towards the thug, who was paralyzed, not knowing what to do. Olya ran to Meshkov, and holding his left hand, kissing him on the cheek, started dragging him away.

"Nikita, sweetie! Don’t get your hands dirty! He’s drunk he doesn’t know what he’s talking about!
"I get nothing to lose! - Meshkov barked.
"What about me? -the girl surprised.
"Do you know what we used to do with the likes of you? - Meshkov continued to shout, letting Olya drag him away. The guy was at a loss, looking around, trying to find support with other people, but nobody wanted to get involved.
When Olya and Nikita were behind the corner, and nobody could see them, Meshkov relaxed, and Olya, still pulling him, lost to balance, and they fell on the grass. Meshkov was laughing quietly.
"We got him, didn’t we? - He exclaimed. –it is right to say, that a good battle cry is better than battle.
"The girl rounded her eyes again, and put her hand against Meshkov mouth. Nikita turned around and ducked instinctively –two men with bats ran from around the corner.
"Where are they?
"They probably went around the house!
"Let’s run and get this son of the bitch!
"And his broad too!
Getting to the road through some bushes, Meshkov flagged down a car, and sitting down next to Olya, sighed with relief.

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