
in fiction •  7 years ago  (edited)

#119: Dragon Force Central


on Flint Island

Shelby drifted into DragonForceCentral with a plate full of donuts and a pot of coffee. “You guy’s haven’t been living up to your reputation. Cops are supposed to eat donutz. You’re behind on your quota”

The Dragon Lady grinned. She graciously accepted one. The Orc brothers, Marc and Captain, grinned too. They took more than one each.

“We’d better catch up then.” Marc said.

“How fortuitous.” The Dragon lady said, nibbling on her selection “We were just about to send for you.”

“Oh?” Shelby said “What’s up?”

“Eat a donut and sit back and watch” Marc told him “You might find this interesting.

“ I’ve been monitoring them for a few days now.” The dragon lady said, referring to the view on the common display. It showed small boat. There was a young man and a young lady in the open cockpit. They were looking directly into the picture. The butt of a rifle was visible beside the man’s chair. “Since the first Bottom Feeder noticed them. They’ve been drifting downstream. They’re almost to the Trestle now.“

“I think we might want to make contact. So far they seem reasonable. Notice the man? He’s got a weapon so he’s prepared...but he’s not spooked either.”

“Time for a little test.” Captain cackled. “ There’s a Kraken close to them.....this is going to be fun."


“Oooooh” Mary said. She elbowed Reggie in the ribs.

“Och” He said “ I see it...I see it.”

A large octopus crawled up onto the back of the catfish. It balanced itself on six tentacles then turned to face them.

“You wouldn’t happen to have a light would you?” it said, producing a cigar from nowhere. “I seem to have lost my lighter.”

Mary said ...there was just the tiniest bit of hysteria apparent in her voice.

“Huh” Reggie said. This was new. He looked around for a lighter. Best not to antagonize it.

“Here you go big boy,” he held up a small propane cigarette lighter in one hand .

A tentacle gently plucked it from his hand. "By Kraken that mollusk had a long reach". Reggie thought. He was grateful it didn’t want anything else. It carefully lit the cigar then returned Reggie ’s lighter to him.

“Thank you way, Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Cthulu?” it asked politely.

“Aaaaaahahahahahah!” something was laughing. Reggie and Mary turned to the sound and noticed a small pink dragon having a conniption fit. Where had it came from? It was perched on their windshield and looked to be in danger of falling.

“Pay no attention to Ze Kraken” it said “Ze more important question iz do you have any Grey Poupon? I’m fresh out.”

Mary and Reggie were boggled. They stared from one to the other of the odd apparitions in turn. Their mouth was hanging open.

“ Allen Funt?” Reggie asked...regaining his composure.

He took a puff on his cigar and blew smoke at the dragon. “Are we on candid camera?”

Of course everyone just laughed harder..

The Next Episode is
#120:They Pass…
The Previous Episode was
#118: Cthulu…
the First episode was
#1 : Prologue


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I wonder how many reading - - - "“ Allen Funt?” Reggie asked." - - - will get the reference to Candid Camera? I know there have been tons of knock-offs, but the original A number 1 funny at times.

sigh probably as many as who know what an 8Track is.

Geeze, and all I had was the quadraphonic 4 track player. A hand me down when my brother brought his 8 track player.

Gona Follow You For More Such Stuff Really Loved it Keep Steeming dude

wow that series is much more suspense gonna feel happy to read this!this is half how i will read the full series!i think i should follow you!

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