The 4th
They arrived back to Heather's house rather quickly it seemed. Cambridge wished it hadn't been so soon. She was really enjoying her time alone with Bronx. She knew, however, that the longer her and Bronx were left alone, the more likely things would have physically progressed between them, and she didn't want to take it there quite yet.
Cambridge went ahead to rejoin the party while Bronx stayed back to tie up the boat. The first person Cambridge ran into, of course, was Heather.
" was your time?" Heather asked her. Heather was giving Cambridge a look as if she already knew what happened out on the boat. Cambridge was still perturbed about how everything came about with Bronx and Heather's mischievous plan, but she had to be a little less upset given the outcome.
"Well, your plan worked!" Cambridge exclaimed. Heather burst out with a gasp and a look of surprise, but it was obvious that she knew exactly what Cambridge was talking about.
"Why, what ever do you mean? Heather replied, over-dramatically batting her eyelashes. Cambridge rolled her eyes. it seemed that Heather was going to milk this for everything it's worth.
"You know exactly what I mean. and Bronx's plan to abduct me" Cambridge explained.
Heather tried to continue her act of oblivion, but was no longer able to hold a straight face. Plus, she was too pleased with herself to even want to hide it.
"Well, seeing as you had a smile on your face bigger than Jupiter when you got off that boat gives me the impression that you didn't really mind" Heather said.
Cambridge knew that in the end, she was glad that this whole boat scenario had happened. Heather knew Cambridge had always been carrying a torch for Bronx ever since the day she met her.
"Ya know, the two of you could have just told me what was up. If Bronx wanted to be with me, she could have just called or texted me. This elaborate scheme wasn't necessary" Cambridge said.
"Well, I don't think she really knew what she wanted until she saw you today" Heather assumed.
"Oh, well that makes me feel loads better!" Cambridge replied, sarcastically.
They had been walking this whole time, from the dock up to the back patio. Once there, Heather turned around to face Cambridge.
"Look, Came. I know Bronx a little bit better than you do. When she came and asked me for the keys to the boat, of course my initial reaction was 'hell no!' because you know I don't let anyone drive my boat. But, you didn't see the look in her eyes. I've never seen Bronx Matthews...thee 'Bronx Matthews' look so desperate in my life. Bronx doesn't get like that over girls because they've always come a dime a dozen for her."
Cambridge's heart felt as if it had skipped a beat.
"You mean a lot more to her than you realize" Heather finished.
There was a small moment of silence.
Cambridge was feeling all sorts of emotions. This day had been quite the mind trip. She had a time trying to gather all the events that had happened that day, but her conclusion wasn't much of a surprise. She was undeniably elated. She finally got the girl!
Speaking of "the girl," where was Bronx anyway? It doesn't take long to tie up a boat.
Cambridge turned to look down from the patio to the docks to see what might be taking so long.
"What the fuck!" Cambridge exclaimed; the volume of her voice nearing to a scream.
"What?" Heather asked. She looked over at what Cambridge had spotted. She was just as surprised and outraged as Cambridge appeared to be.
There on the docks was Bronx, of course, but she wasn't alone. Standing next to her was someone Cambridge wished didn't exist. It was Renee!!
Cambridge swung back around in a fury.
"You invited Renee!" she asked Heather, angrily.
Heather, still shocked, answered "Of course not!"
Cambridge looked back over at the docks. Bronx and Renee looked to be in a conversation. Cambridge couldn't hear what they were talking about, so all she had to go off of was their mannerisms and gestures towards each other.
At first, she saw Bronx looking visibly outraged. But, as she stood there and watched them interact with each other, their conversation seemed to go from angry to.....soft! Bronx appeared to be acting empathetic towards Renee and even comforting.
What was Cambridge watching? A possible reconciliation between Renee and Bronx?? She felt that given what just happened between them on the boat a short time ago, it should have prompted Bronx to brush Renee off like dog hair on a black shirt. That is, if Bronx meant any of the things she had just said to Cambridge. Was she getting played by Bronx Matthews...again!?
"Came, I don't know what the hell she is doing here, but I got this" Heather said. She motioned to walk away. Cambridge knew she was planning on going down there and kicking Renee out (..or literally, kicking Renee).
"No" Cambridge said to her.
"Wait a second"
Cambridge didn't want Heather to go break up whatever was happening down on the dock. She wanted to see where this was going. She wanted to see Bronx refuse Renee so that she'd know she didn't have to worry about Bronx going back to her. She needed that security. She needed to see it. She kept watching for a second or so more before she saw Bronx take Renee's hands into hers. Cambridge felt as though her heart shattered.
"I'm not staying around for this!" she said. She started walking away. Heather knew Cambridge was going to leave.
"Cambridge, wait!" she called out.
...but, it was too late. She was already through the house and out the front door. She tried hard to stop the tears that she could feel welling up in her eyes. She felt so stupid to think that Bronx would actually be with her. What was she thinking?
She opened her car door and got into the driver's seat. Putting the car in reverse and backing out of the driveway, she could see something coming at her in her peripheral vision. She stepped on the brakes and turned to see what it was.
It was Bronx. She was running towards
Cambridge's car. Cambridge wanted nothing to do with Bronx at that point. She was getting as far away from her as she could possibly get and she resumed her reversing out of Heather's driveway.
"Cambridge!" she could hear Bronx calling.
She ignored her.
"Cambridge!" Bronx said again more loudly.
Bronx could see that Cambridge was not going to stop so she decided to do the one thing she knew would make her stop. Bronx ran fast to catch up with Cambridge's car. Cambridge, who had been looking in her rearview mirror as she backed up, slammed on the brakes when she saw Bronx in the mirror. Bronx had made her way to the back of Cambridge's car, standing there, knowing Cambridge wasn't about to run her over (...or so she hoped).
'Is she insane!' Cambridge thought. She put the car in park. Bronx walked around to the driver's side. It was like deja vu from earlier that day.
"What are you doing?" Bronx asked, her voice sounding exhausted from all the running. Cambridge was so angry.
"I'm getting the hell away from you!" she yelled. Bronx could see that she was on the verge of tears.
"You can go ahead and run back to Renee like a little bitch and wait for the next time she leaves you!"
Though this was a serious moment and Cambridge was beyond upset, Bronx broke out into this laugh. It was so misplaced. Cambridge felt as though Bronx was mocking her.
"What's funny?" she asked Bronx.
Bronx took a moment to contain her laughter and put together what she was going to say.
"Just get out of the car, Cambridge, so we can talk"
Cambridge scoffed at that idea and couldn't believe that Bronx had the audacity to ask that of her.
"I have nothing to say to you, Brianna!"
Yes! Cambridge brought out her name again for effect.
"Well, I have a lot to say to you!" Bronx responded.
Cambridge knew she wasn't going to be able to go anywhere unless she wanted to commit vehicular manslaughter, as she knew Bronx would continually get in back or in front of her car to stop her from leaving. She shut her car off and got out of it.
"What could you possibly have to say to me?" Cambridge asked. "I saw you down there at the docks with Renee. You too looked pretty cozy!"
"Is that what you think you saw?" Bronx asked her.
"Oh no! that's what I KNOW I saw!" Cambridge indignantly replied.
This had all gotten way out of hand. Bronx needed to bring it down a notch. She took a step towards Cambridge, but Cambridge immediately took a step back; keeping them the same distance apart. This plan would have worked out better for Cambridge if she wasn't standing with her back directly towards her car. After just a few steps backwards, Cambridge realized her back was now up against her car and she had no way to back up any further. She tried to turn and go another direction, but she wasn't fast enough. Bronx had put her hands up against the car, one on each side of Cambridge literally caging her in that spot. If she weren't so pissed off at Bronx at that time, she might have found that a rather sexy move and a welcoming position. Their body's were so close together and she couldn't stop the flutter of butterflies that surged through her.
Cambridge could feel the heat of Bronx's eyes looking at her, trying to make eye contact, but she had turned her face away, refusing to look back.
"Cambridge, would you please look at me?" Bronx asked. Her voice was soft and soothing in it's tone. After all the loud, raised voices they had just thrown at one another, this tone was distinct and defined. As much as Cambridge wanted to resist, she was powerless when it came to Bronx's charm. She reluctantly found her eyes looking up and into Bronx's eyes. She was surprised. She could see such sincerity there. The look in Bronx's eyes was so deep and loving that it shot straight through Cambridge's heart like Cupid's arrow.
"What you saw was me saying 'goodbye' " Bronx said.
"I was telling Renee that we had some good times together, but that now those times are gone. I told her that fell for someone else and that I wanted to be with that person."
Cambridge knew that the someone Bronx was referring to was her. ...or at least it better have been.
"Well, actually when I told Renee that it was you, I had to physically stop her from slapping me" Bronx said with a small laugh.
"So, you missed that part." Bronx concluded.
Cambridge found that she was inadvertently smirking. She couldn't help but to get some satisfaction in Renee finding out that Bronx didn't want her anymore and wanted her instead. She had spent so much time trying to figure out what Renee had that she didn't. She ultimately now knew the answer to that question. It was nothing! .....absolutely nothing! In fact, she knew she offered Bronx so much more than Renee ever could, and she felt appeased now knowing that Bronx finally could see that.
Cambridge's smirk sort of faded when she realized she had been wrong about this whole situation. She suddenly felt very foolish that she thought Bronx was dropping her and going back to Renee.
"Ya' know, if we're gonna do this, you have to have a little more faith in me" Bronx said as she tucked a piece of Cambridge's hair behind her ear.
"I guess I'm just not used to feeling like I'm anything significant to you" Cambridge admitted. Bronx felt sad that Cambridge would feel like that. However, she honestly couldn't blame her for feeling that way. She'd pretty much written her off to make Renee happy, so she understood why she'd feel so dejected. Bronx knew she had a lot of making up to do.
"Baby, I never meant to make you feel like that" Bronx said.
"...and I don't really have any explanation for that except to say that I was just plain stupid. But, I don't want to be that stupid ever again."
Bronx could see in Cambridge's eyes that she was taking to heart the things she was saying, and she was happy for that. Bronx really wanted to do things right with her this time.
Cambridge was feeling all too much at once and felt overwhelmed. She was so unfamiliar with this version of Bronx. This was the Bronx she'd always wanted yet never thought she'd have.
Just then, something occurred to her. How exactly "did" she have Bronx? She realized they never really put a title on whatever this was that was now happening between them. Bronx saw the quizzical expression on Cambridge's face.
"What?" Bronx asked.
"What exactly 'is' this?" Cambridge gestured her index finger back and forth between Bronx and herself for clarification.
Bronx wasn't exactly sure how to answer her. She knew she wanted to be with Cambridge and it was something more than friends or hookup partners. But was "girlfriend" too strong of a title for Bronx?
A girlfriend meant commitment. It meant fidelity. These weren't necessarily unfamiliar things to Bronx. After all, she met and moved in with Renee like it was nothing. Renee had some sort of spell over her though. Before they met, Bronx hopped from girl to girl. She'd have a steady girlfriend every now and then, but nothing that would last more than a month or two. She was sort of a player. She knew she could typically have any girl she wanted and she took benefit of that all the time. But, for Bronx, Cambridge was different. She didn't have a spell over her like Renee did. She never tried to trick her into falling for some other personality that was not her own. That was Renee. Cambridge was as real as they came and Bronx knew that. She wasn't going to let that go. In fact, she couldn't let that go.
Cambridge thought Bronx was taking too long to respond. It must have meant that Bronx was unsure of an answer which disappointed her greatly. Her heart sank in her chest. Maybe things hadn't changed at all? Maybe Bronx wanted to be more than just friends, but not on the level that Cambridge had hoped for? Maybe all along making Bronx 'truly' hers was still something that was out of her reach?
"It''s ok" she hesitantly said.
"You don't have to say anything. I don't want to pressure you into anything. I guess I just thought__"
She never got to finish that sentence. Mid sentence, Cambridge found Bronx's lips on hers. Bronx kissed her with a passionate force. It was such a powerful kiss that she swore she was in one of those cheesy soap operas. All she needed was the accompanying cheesy music to follow. But, the difference was that there was no acting in this kiss. This kiss was exactly what it was meant to be and what it felt to be and that was true emotional desire.
Cambridge could feel Bronx slowly pulling away, gently taking Cambridge's bottom lip with her along the way. Cambridge had fallen so deep into this kiss that even when it seemed to cease, she still held her eyes closed, drinking in every last drop of that feeling.
"Cambridge?" Bronx said. The sound of her voice prompted Cambridge's eyes open. It became clear that Bronx had something to say and from the looks of it, it seemed very important.
"Now, I'm not gonna ask you to be my girlfriend because it would feel like high school to me and that's not my style"
Cambridge looked deep into Bronx's eyes, curious as to where she was going with this.
"Instead, I'm just going to tell you this" Bronx said. She took a small step back and took Cambridge's hands in hers.
"Cambridge Monroe, starting right now and until an indefinite period of time, I want to be with you. I want to be yours and I want you to be mine. I promise that you would be my one and my only. I will talk to you every day not because I have to, but because I want to. You would be my queen and I would treat you as such. All I ask from you is the same. So, I'll let you interpret that into any title you'd like as long as the only girl who has your me."
The word 'touched' was an understatement as to how Cambridge felt. It were as if the gates of heaven had just opened up and little cherub angels descended from the sky playing beautiful music on their tiny harps. She was hearing words coming out of Bronx Matthew's mouth that she seriously never thought Bronx was even capable of verbalizing. She was so shocked and it must have prominently displayed on her face.
"You look surprised" Bronx said.
"Well,....I am, honestly. I feel like I should be looking around for Ashton Kutcher because I'm actually being Punk'd right now"
They both laughed at that.
"Baby, I swear to you you're not being Punk'd" Bronx said being serious, but still laughing in the process.
The laughter slowly died down and it was just the two of them standing their in silence.
"So.....?" Bronx asked, clearly seeking a response from Cambridge because she never really got one.
It took Cambridge a second or two to process what Bronx was getting at.
'Oh, god! How do I respond to that? I don't just want to say 'yeah, that sounds good' after Bronx just spit some Shakespearean-worthy poetry at me. I have to say something more clever than that' she thought. But, Cambridge had nothing.
"I think you know what I want, B. Are you really gonna make me say it?" She asked, knowing what Bronx's response would be, but trying to buy some time.
"Damn right, I am!" Bronx playfully replied.
"Alright, alright" Cambridge exclaimed, preparing herself for what she was about to say.
"So, even though you won't say it, I think it's pretty clear that what you are asking is for me to be your girlfriend. And, I know that you know what my answer to that is going to be. Now, I don't have any romance novel quality things to say to you like you just did to me, but I can tell you this"
Cambridge took Bronx's face into her hands and softly kissed her. She then looked deep into Bronx's eyes and said "You ARE the only girl who has my heart!"
Bronx broke out in the biggest smile. It was true that she knew Cambridge was essentially going to answer with a 'yes' but for some reason, hearing her confirm it felt so good. She wrapped her arms around Cambridge and hugged her tightly. Cambridge buried her head into Bronx's shoulder, taking in the seductive scent of her cologne once more.
"Now, you know there's one more thing we have to do, right?" Bronx said, releasing Cambridge from the hug. Cambridge did an internal eye roll. She was pretty sure Bronx was talking about sex. She decided to indulge her anyway.
"And, what is that?" she asked.
"We have GOT to get some food! We've been here for hours and I've been smelling Martin's signature barbecue spare ribs and if I don't get some soon, I'm gonna die!" Bronx said.
Cambridge busted out in laughter. She surely didn't see that one coming. Bronx had a point though. They'd been so caught up in each other the whole time they'd been at Heather's that they completely forgot that the main purpose of any barbecue was to eat. Cambridge hadn't realized how hungry she really was.
"Yeah, I'm starving too!" she said.
"Well....let's go" Bronx said with that sexy smile of hers. She held out her hand to Cambridge and Cambridge took it into hers accordingly, interlocking their fingers. Cambridge felt like she was on cloud 9 as she and Bronx walked together, holding hands making their way back to the patio.
The rest of the day was nothing short of wonderful. Bronx got her fill of spare ribs while Cambridge kind of overdid it on Heather's potato salad, but it was her favorite. There was more dancing and Bronx actually got Cambridge to dance with her. Cambridge was always shy about dancing in public, but today, she was so happy, she didn't care. Her girl wanted to dance with her and she wasn't going to disappoint. Cambridge couldn't help but notice Kessidy throwing her dirty looks ever since she and Bronx came back to the patio hand-in-hand. She guessed it was because Bronx was no longer "available" and Kessidy was mad about it. Maybe Kessidy had planned on going after Bronx at this barbecue. Cambridge couldn't help but to shamefully indulge in the fact that Kessidy was brooding over Bronx. Being with Bronx Matthews was typically something that every girl wanted, but they couldn't have her anymore. She was all Cambridge's and Cambridge was lovin' it. She was the queen bee now.
Cambridge and Bronx took several walks around the property when they wanted a moment to be alone. Those moments consisted mostly of kissing. They found it extremely hard to keep their hands off each other. Bronx even tried to get Heather to let her take out her boat again. She so badly wanted to get Cambridge alone again. Bronx knew that this time, nothing would be off limits and the temptation of that was great. However, Heather said no. She had bent her rules once in the name of love, but now that love had prevailed, she was back to her 'nobody drives my boat' rule.
Soon, the sun set and the darkness of night made it's way in. This year at Heather's 4th of July party, she and Martin decided to shoot off fireworks over the lake, and they went all out on buying the best ones. They were promising a spectacular presentation. Cambridge was looking forward to it.
It was about that time. Cambridge had brought a blanket with her specifically for the fireworks show. Bronx helped her lay it out on a specific part of the back lawn where she figured they'd get the best view of the fireworks. Before long, it was finally dark enough to start the show. Cambridge sat on the blanket in front of Bronx. Bronx sat behind Cambridge so that she could wrap her arms around her while they watched. Cambridge felt so safe and secure in Bronx's arms. They both "ooh-ed" and "ahh-ed" at the varying colors and formations that the fireworks fashioned. Cambridge screamed a few times because of the loud bang that would sound when the fireworks launched because it would scare her. Bronx found this to be hilarious, but also really cute. The fireworks had been going on for sometime now and Bronx knew they would probably be ending soon.
"So, ....I'm sleeping at your place tonight, right?" Bronx said, smirking. Cambridge swiftly turned around to face Bronx.
"Now, who said we were even spending the night together?" Cambridge said. She tried not to smirk back, but couldn't. She knew full and well that she would love to spend the night with Bronx. However, Bronx just assuming that it was a said and done thing despite them even having a discussion about it wasn't going to go unnoticed.
"You know you want this!" Bronx said, ever her arrogant self. Cambridge shook her head.
'Oh God is she conceded!' she thought.
Cambridge couldn't fool herself though. She found Bronx's arrogance sexy as hell. It was a guilty pleasure that made Cambridge want her even more.
She tried to think of something to say to debate her, but she knew there was no point. Bronx would just come back with some other absurd thing to make herself sound like God's gift to women. It would have been quite amusing, but Cambridge opted for a different approach.
"No! We will NOT be spending the night together at my place actually!"
Bronx, at first, assumed Cambridge was kidding and just trying to pull her chain, so she laughed it off. However, the longer she looked at Cambridge, the more she got the notion that she really wasn't kidding.
"Wait! You're serious?!" Bronx asked. The look on her face was priceless! Bronx couldn't remember a time when any girl refused an invitation to spend the night with her. What was happening here?!
Cambridge kept a straight face. Bronx was waiting for it to break, but it didn't. After an awkward few seconds Cambridge said "We're actually staying at your place tonight because you have the bigger bed!"
Bronx's baffled expression quickly cleared from her face and became a smile when she realized that Cambridge had been indeed joking.
"Cute, Cambridge. ....real cute." Bronx said sarcastically, feeling like she had just got schooled. Cambridge really had her going there for a second. Cambridge laughed, finding herself unable to stop.
"You should have seen the look on your face" she said in-between her bouts of laughter. Eventually, Bronx couldn't help but to laugh herself.
"Ok, ok!" Bronx said, hoping she could stop this incessant cackling that had ensued between them. They both got a hold of themselves. It took Bronx a minute to remember what it was they were even talking about.
"So, you want to rock with the king size bed tonight, huh?" Bronx said, referring to the bed in her apartment.
"Well, I just think we'd fall off of my queen" Cambridge replied.
"Fall off? crazy are you planning to get tonight?" Bronx said. A queen size bed should be plenty of room for any two people having an erotic encounter. Bronx couldn't help but think to herself 'How much rolling around does she anticipate us doing?'
"Wouldn't you like to know!" Cambridge said.
Bronx had to admit that this side of Cambridge was hot! ....too hot! She wanted to take Cambridge right then and there not caring about who else was around. These fireworks were taking entirely too long.
Bronx simply answered with a sly grin. Cambridge sported that same grin and then turned back around to continue watching the fireworks.
Heather and Martin were now setting off the grand finales and the night sky was bursting with light. Bronx couldn't help but to notice how beautiful Cambridge looked in that light. It was stunning. She tilted her head down slightly and gave Cambridge a sweet kiss on her cheek.
"Happy 4th of July, baby" Bronx said. Cambridge turned back around to face Bronx again.
"Happy 4th" she replied sweetly.
They moved in for a kiss that felt just as explosive as the gleaming lights they watched shimmering above them. It was like something out of a movie.
When the kiss ended, Cambridge stayed there in that moment looking back up at Bronx. She loved the look she saw in her eyes. It was loving. It was passionate. Bronx's eyes were beaming with infinite adoration for Cambridge.
Cambridge couldn't believe that she would have missed out on these beautiful series of events that played out that day.
She was so, so happy she never left.
****Thanks for reading Part Three. I hope you've enjoyed this story! Please upvote this post if you did. It's greatly appreciated :)
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